Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

On the Supreme Court Decisions---

--that 17 year old juveniles should not be put to death.

What affect does the decision of the SCOTUS have on our country?
You remember--the one in which they decided, 5-4, that 17 year olds should not be put to death?

I fear the point has been completely lost in the worry over a few maniacal "juveniles" who, committing crimes at the tender age of 17 years and 364 days, are to be treated as juveniles, even though they're 18, when caught!
Well, I disagree, but that's not the point I wish to make here!

I believe the recent decision of the SC is of such importance, that we may one day, like most Monday morning QB's, point to that decision as the point at which our country began it's slide into a degenerate cesspool of rulings based purely on "what the majority" think.

I'd like to see a discussion on the main point--
The point of the article is (and, I believe, is the most important!) that the SC has found a way to circumvent the Constitution ENTIRELY!!

The subject of the USSC has become a hot potato recently, due to the latest decision and the process used to arrive at the decision!

The reason given for the revocation of the death penalty for minors is an illegal one, IMO!. In actuality, the demise of the death penalty would have been more easily accepted if the court had simply quoted the Constitution as the reason for deciding against “cruel and unusual punishment”, but NOOO! They had to cite “National and International Majority Opinion” as their reason for their reversal!
Their decision is wrong for a couple of reasons:
#1. They had no proof of "National" opinion!
#2. They considered "International" opinion, of which there is also no proof, taking into account all countrys!

Opinion is not something that should be taken into account when rendering decisions, since the "popular opinion", or the majority opinion of anything should not be the basis for law!

From the Federalist Patriot:


Top of the fold -- Judicial Supremacists and the Despotic Branch...

The U.S. Constitution suffered some serious setbacks this week. The future of liberty and the rule of law suffered likewise.

It's bad enough that Democrat obstructionists are once again denying President George Bush's federal-bench nominees their constitutionally prescribed up-or-down vote by the full Senate. In a fine example of why we need those nominees on the bench, Leftists on the Supreme Court are, again, "interpreting" the so-called "living Constitution" as a method of altering that venerable document by judicial diktat.

Worse yet, these Left-judiciary Supremacists -- Justice Anthony Kennedy and Court Jesters Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, David Souter and John Paul Stevens -- cited "national consensus" as a factor in Tuesday's Roper v. Simmons ruling. In other words, they disregarded the Constitution's prescription for federalism and republican government in the name of unmitigated democracy. Which is to say, while riding roughshod over the Ninth and Tenth Amendments as they overturned the laws of 19 states, the Supremes blithely pushed the nation one step closer toward what everyone since Plato has described as governance in its most degenerative form.

Writing for the majority, Kennedy claimed that Americans had reached a "national consensus" against capital punishment for "children," citing as evidence that only 20 states allow a 17-year-old to be sentenced to death. Of course, Kennedy's logic is utterly at odds with decisions such as Roe v. Wade. In that 1973 decision, the Supremes serendipitously discovered a right to privacy that allowed for the aborting of children, despite the fact that all 50 states had laws at the time either prohibiting or tightly regulating abortion. So we must ask you, Justice Kennedy -- what's all this rubbish about a "national consensus?"

You recall, of course, that in a recent case, the Supremacists discovered a clause in the Constitution specifically stating that a 14-year-old is mature enough to abort the life of her child without parental consent. Now, in Roper v. Simmons, they've found a contradictory clause, which avers that a 17-year-old is not mature enough to be held accountable for capital murder.

Adding grievous insult to this "national consensus" injury, Kennedy cited "international consensus" noting "the overwhelming weight of international opinion" as a factor in the Court's decision. Kennedy cited the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child when writing, "The United States is the only country in the world that continues to give official sanction to the juvenile death penalty." Here, his message was all too clear: The High Court is building a tradition of referring "to the laws of other countries and to international authorities as instructive for its interpretation" of the U.S. Constitution.
This fact, alone, should be reason enough for impeachment proceedings!

Sadly, such citing of international standards and conventions seems to be the latest fashion among the Supremacists.

In 2003, Justices Ginsburg and Breyer upheld an affirmative-action policy at the University of Michigan, noting an international treaty endorsing race-based advancement for minorities. Stevens, for his part, cited international law in overturning another capital case: "Within the world community, the...death penalty...is overwhelmingly disapproved." Furthermore, in Lawrence v. Texas, Kennedy wrote that the European Court of Human Rights has affirmed the "rights of homosexual adults to engage in intimate, consensual conduct."
Am I the only one who seems to be incensed by these illegal rulings?

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said recently, "I suspect that over time we will rely increasingly...on international and foreign courts in examining domestic issues." W'OT?

Justice Breyer added, "We see all the time, Justice O'Connor and I, and the others, how the world really -- it's trite but it's true -- is growing together. The challenge [will be] whether our Constitution...fits into the governing documents of other nations."

"How our Constitution fits?"
Justice Antonin Scalia, a dependable constitutional constructionist, protested on behalf of the dissenters that capital punishment should, rightly in accordance with constitutional federalism, be determined by individual states. "Because I do not believe that the meaning of our Eighth Amendment, any more than the meaning of other provisions of our Constitution, should be determined by the subjective views of five Members of this Court and like-minded foreigners, I dissent. ... To invoke alien law when it agrees with one's own thinking, and ignore it otherwise, is not reasoned decision-making, but sophistry." Just so.

Perhaps Justice Scalia recalls this admonition from Founder George Washington: "Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence...the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government."

A New Party---

--from the old!

After watching the shenanigans in Washington, D.C. over the past week, I've decided we need a new party--one that "cuts to the chase".

Instead of politicians who pat each other on the head and mouth platittudes, I want a party that demands and gets action.

I've decided to call it The Traditional Party, and those of you who read this, are priviledged to be privy to it's new beginnings.

The first priority is the establishment of a party platform. Second, recruitment of members who are willing to run for office based on this party platform.

This should, in all likelyhood, be called, "advance notice", since the platform is not set in concrete as yet. But you may assume if it's in the Constitution, this party will favor it. The converse is also true!

In my many years upon this planet and in this country, I've watched the slow growth of socialism in other governments and their slow decline in freedoms and rights of the citizens, offset by the sudden growth of taxes to support the top-heavy governments required to support socialist programs.

That's not my idea for America.

The present concept of "big brother" is not my idea of America, either! The fact that government intrudes in our daily lives is inexcusable. The fact that citizens allow government to intrude into their daily lives is even more inexcusable.

I've seen, disappointingly, a number of people who believe there is no changing government and that we're are inevitably doomed to slowly sink into a socialist abyss from which there is no recovery, other than by armed revolution.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you value your country, then you must realise the time has come to regain our independence and our freedoms.

Let's not WAIT until revolution is the only logical answer!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

How Not to Treat a Teenager---

I've just come from the Civilized Debate board, where a particularly nasty episode has been concluded with a 13 year old student deciding to leave the board, since a couple of people "didn't want him there"!

How did this come about on a board that is supposed to be "civilized"?

Well, you might ask!

Leo came to the board a few days ago and proclaimed his interest in posting on the "Shooting the Breeze" forum. (He said he didn't want to post on the Politics forum, because he didn't know enough about it!)
So Leo made the mistake of telling us about a friend of his who was 15 years old and gay--"but was a really nice bloke, who had never made a move on him!" He also said he had already told his friend that he liked girls and his friend was "cool" with that!
He then wanted to know why other guys at his school made fun of him and told him he "must be gay" if he hung out with a gay. He wondered if we had an explanation.

So, in a few short words, I told him that at his age, other students didn't have much tolerance of "different" people and, as a result, enjoyed picking on them.
I advised Leo to just ignore them. I also told him I couldn't see any harm in being friends with a gay person, as long as the gay wasn't "hitting" on him in any way.

So, of course, two of the other members proceeded to jump on poor Leo, making all kinds of horrible predictions about how sooner or later the gay would hit on him and he wouldn't be able to stop it, etc. They advised him to dump the gay friend and get as far away as possible.
In other words, they demonstrated their complete paranoia about gays to the world!

The result is, Leo has decided to drop off the board. He's emailed me a note, letting me know that he would like to stay in touch with me, because I seem to be, as his Cousin put it, "-a real gentleman".

I think Leo is a pretty good kid and, if possible, I'll continue to write to him just to see how he's making out.

It's too bad there are so many paranoids out there when it comes to the subject of gays! Leo was simply a young teenager looking for answers to some of the questions he didn't have answers for-
---and who else would you ask for those answers except adults?