June 21st--The first day of summer!
I'd "whoopee" a couple of times if I had the energy to whoopee!
Unfortunately I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.
Why, you might ask?
Well, I'll tell you--whether you asked, or not!
On Tuesday last, I decided, after having seen evidence of millions of flying spiders attaching themselves to everything in sight, that I would have to declare war on the little critters!
Mind you, these are tiny, teeny little things that have just hatched, I guess, and they spin out long gossamer strings of web which, when long enough, pull the little critters into the air.
Off they go, hoping to land on some good looking blonde's boob, where they can feel right at home.
Of course it doesn't always work out the way they want. Most times, they land in my hair; drape around my neck, hang off my nose, or nestle in my ear.
Ever try to get rid of a teeny, tiny little critter than can scoot into your ear canal so fast it makes you jump?
No, that's not what kept me awake!
Wait, I'll tell you--
Seeing these little critters flying by, I thought "If I don't want hundreds of big, fat full-grown spiders scaring the bejabbers (yeah, I said 'bejabbers') out of my wife--and me--I'd better take action right now to eliminate as many as possible.
So I rounded up the insecticide--the outdoor kind you spray around the foundations of your house and across the threshold to prevent entrance of the little critters.
I proceeded to march all the way around the house spraying every inch of the foundation of the house and all the door sills.
"That'll l'arn 'em", I muttered.
Satisfied I'd taught the little varmints a good lesson, I put the spray away and went into the house for a glass of good Cabernet and a few minutes of relaxation. It's HOT, after all!
I had no sooner sat, than both legs began to itch.
??"WTF??" I whatted.
Inspecting my legs, I soon discovered I had at least 4 major bites on each shin!
"Spiders bite?" you might ask.
Nope. These weren't spidee bites--these were "no-seeum" bites. Nasty, bright red, lumpy looking bites which will stay with you for almost ten days, driving you crazy with itching!
I think the spiders had the last laugh. I'll swear they hired these damned meat-eaters just to get even.
So now you can see how I came to lose sleep over a period of what turned out to be two nights.
You can't sleep if you're sitting up scratching--and swearing!
Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)
Stick around and find out!
--I end up here. (Where's here?)
Stick around and find out!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Immigration--Is it Illegal, or not?
For many years now, the immigration problem of Mexicans and other South American citizens sneaking across our borders to find work in the U.S. hasn't annoyed American citizens as much as it has in recent weeks, when Mexican demonstrators marched in force in our downtown streets to protest policies of the federal government.
A bill by Congressman Sensennbrenner was passed into law, which states illegal aliens entering the country are to be considered felons and the businesses that hire them are now subject to fines for doing so.
Well, again demonstrating their superior education, leave it to the Mexicans to open their mouths and insert both feet!
Their answer to the new law was demonstrations, thus managing to tick off the entire country!
How dare they carry Mexican flags in our streets?
How dare they make loud claims against "whitey", then have the guts to call American citizens, "racist"?
Worse yet, they now lay claim to the entire southwestern states as their "homeland"!
The truth of the matter is, Texas was taken from them militarily. (After all, the Mexican army never saw a white flag they couldn't follow!)
The rest of the southwestern states were BOUGHT from Mexico, who was only too happy to obtain more money that could be used to pay off their corrupt politicians--who are the only people in Mexico who seem to live a "good life"!
Next we had el Presidente Fox (he of the "good life") spend four days in the U.S. making suggestions as to how WE should handle OUR problems with illegals!
Way to go, el Presidente! Now you've REALLY pissed us off!
If the illegal Mexicans had kept their mouths shut and stayed home, they wouldn't have called attention to their situation. As it is, most of the country is now behind the Minutemen, who are patrolling the border in an effort to stem the flow of illegals!
So far, nobody has been shot!
That may change very shortly unless the federal government and especially those congressmen who have voted in favor of amnesty and a "worker program" for the felonious illegals. don't change their spots rather abruptly!
Americans are getting mighty tired of representatives who have been sent to Washington to do the bidding of the people and who then do just the opposite of what the people want!
Elections have a nasty habit of raising up and biting arrogant congressmen in the ass! Well, all but Teddy "the swimmer" Kennedy, who gets automatically returned to office so that he may continue his bloviated bellicose bellowing of inebriated fumes into the congressional air!
Someday, minority speaker Nancy "the brains" Pelosi will be accused of DUI, after spending five minutes with Kennedy!
John "the traitor" Kerry, on the other hand, will never be accused of having brains! Still smarting over his slap-down by the Swift Boat Veterans, he's been trying to find a way of attacking them ever since the last election without much luck.
Good luck, John! I suspect you're wasting a lot of time and money! If I was a Massachusetts voter, I'd think twice about returning you as dogcatcher!
But I digest--, er, diffe--, no! "D-i-gress" (Yeah, that's it!)!
President Bush, who never saw another el presidente he didn't like, has come out in favor of amnesty for illegals. Of course, he tells us NOT to call it amnesty, because he says he favors a "worker's program" whereby those in country for more than five years may be offered a "path" to citizenship, thereby opening up a whole new world of illegal documents such as sales receipts and phony checks along with credit records demonstrating ALL of the illegals have been here for at least 10 years!
One question el presidente--with all the money being made by businesses who hire these people and all the businesses who forge documents for them and guides who bring them into the country, do you suppose it would be possible for me to simply hold up one little bank, whenever I run out of money?
You could pardon me by calling it a "worker's program" for the indigent!
Hey! Think of it like this: A great savings for police who don't have to chase me, for prosecutors who don't have to prosecute me, for judges who don't have to sentence me and jailors that don't have to hold and feed me!
A definite "win-win", baby!
A bill by Congressman Sensennbrenner was passed into law, which states illegal aliens entering the country are to be considered felons and the businesses that hire them are now subject to fines for doing so.
Well, again demonstrating their superior education, leave it to the Mexicans to open their mouths and insert both feet!
Their answer to the new law was demonstrations, thus managing to tick off the entire country!
How dare they carry Mexican flags in our streets?
How dare they make loud claims against "whitey", then have the guts to call American citizens, "racist"?
Worse yet, they now lay claim to the entire southwestern states as their "homeland"!
The truth of the matter is, Texas was taken from them militarily. (After all, the Mexican army never saw a white flag they couldn't follow!)
The rest of the southwestern states were BOUGHT from Mexico, who was only too happy to obtain more money that could be used to pay off their corrupt politicians--who are the only people in Mexico who seem to live a "good life"!
Next we had el Presidente Fox (he of the "good life") spend four days in the U.S. making suggestions as to how WE should handle OUR problems with illegals!
Way to go, el Presidente! Now you've REALLY pissed us off!
If the illegal Mexicans had kept their mouths shut and stayed home, they wouldn't have called attention to their situation. As it is, most of the country is now behind the Minutemen, who are patrolling the border in an effort to stem the flow of illegals!
So far, nobody has been shot!
That may change very shortly unless the federal government and especially those congressmen who have voted in favor of amnesty and a "worker program" for the felonious illegals. don't change their spots rather abruptly!
Americans are getting mighty tired of representatives who have been sent to Washington to do the bidding of the people and who then do just the opposite of what the people want!
Elections have a nasty habit of raising up and biting arrogant congressmen in the ass! Well, all but Teddy "the swimmer" Kennedy, who gets automatically returned to office so that he may continue his bloviated bellicose bellowing of inebriated fumes into the congressional air!
Someday, minority speaker Nancy "the brains" Pelosi will be accused of DUI, after spending five minutes with Kennedy!
John "the traitor" Kerry, on the other hand, will never be accused of having brains! Still smarting over his slap-down by the Swift Boat Veterans, he's been trying to find a way of attacking them ever since the last election without much luck.
Good luck, John! I suspect you're wasting a lot of time and money! If I was a Massachusetts voter, I'd think twice about returning you as dogcatcher!
But I digest--, er, diffe--, no! "D-i-gress" (Yeah, that's it!)!
President Bush, who never saw another el presidente he didn't like, has come out in favor of amnesty for illegals. Of course, he tells us NOT to call it amnesty, because he says he favors a "worker's program" whereby those in country for more than five years may be offered a "path" to citizenship, thereby opening up a whole new world of illegal documents such as sales receipts and phony checks along with credit records demonstrating ALL of the illegals have been here for at least 10 years!
One question el presidente--with all the money being made by businesses who hire these people and all the businesses who forge documents for them and guides who bring them into the country, do you suppose it would be possible for me to simply hold up one little bank, whenever I run out of money?
You could pardon me by calling it a "worker's program" for the indigent!
Hey! Think of it like this: A great savings for police who don't have to chase me, for prosecutors who don't have to prosecute me, for judges who don't have to sentence me and jailors that don't have to hold and feed me!
A definite "win-win", baby!
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