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Thursday, June 05, 2008

What Does Obama's Victory Mean?

[quote]"I intend to proudly vote for Obama," said a caller to a National Public Radio show, "because I want to show the world what America is all about -- that a person of color can become president of the United States."[/quote]

Probably the world's worst reason for voting for a candidate!
Where this article goes on to list the achievements of blacks in this country, we still hear the old crap about how "racist" the white people are and how "put upon" the blacks still are!

I believe Cosby once said something to the affect that "...blacks must stop blaming 'whitey' for their problems and begin taking responsibility for their own mistakes!"
(I mean, besides learning his name is Barack Hussein Obama--and which not long ago he forbade people to call him "Hussein"!!)
As for an answer to the question "What does Obama's Victory Mean?

Well, if B. Hussein is elected president:

It means the communists will celebrate having achieved their biggest goal--taking control of one of the political parties in this country.

It means the closing of Gitmo, with the resultant re-shuffling of the terrorists into federal prisons--where they will immediately receive all the rights accorded citizens.

It means the end of the Missile Defense system we have worked so long to perfect, spending millions to protect this country from missile attacks---Obama will shut it down.

It will mean the disarmament of our nuclear forces--perhaps including the Trident submarines--because Obama believes nuclear weapons are no longer needed.

It means we will be open to nuclear attack by terrorists--because Obama will "talk" with Ahmadinnerjacket--who will continue his trip towards a nuclear weapon, thanking his lucky stars America is so stupid as to elect a socialist as president--one he can "con" into believing Iran "means us no harm", after stating several times they want to destroy us.

It means Obama will bring the troops home immediately---not to save money, but to spend the money now used to support the troops on five "pet" projects to help
Africa--which will include his cousin who is actively seeking the violent overthrow of a legitimate government.

It means taxes will immediately go up, because Obama, in his ignorance of all things economic, doesn't agree with the tax cuts of President Bush!

It means, for the first time in the history of the
United States, a candidate ran for the office of president was elected because of his race, rather than on the issues--of which Americans knew next to nothing because of their concentration on "race"!

It means, ultimately, we will become a socialist state and, as a result, a third world country--no longer the leader in freedom, but just another "France" struggling to keep and maintain our God-given rights.

It will prove we reap what we sow--in education, we've done a horrible job in educating children, failing to teach them about the greatness of this country and what it stands for.

It means we will no longer have the right to celebrate July 4th, because we will no longer be "independent".

It means for the first time in the history of the country, we will have a government that offers no guarantee they will not circumvent the laws to establish a dictatorship.

And the greatest tragedy of all, it means we have sacrificed the lives of men and women who have fought to maintain our freedoms, only to see a socialist party tear it down.

It means the next civil war may be just around the corner!