If he isn't, he ought to be---because I am!
This guy has promised us the moon on a silver platter. So far all we've gotten is the smell of green cheese!
First he says he won't do something and ten minutes later it becomes law. I've never seen anybody so indecisive. He can't make up his mind whether to crap or go blind!
Either of which must be responsible for the stink emanating from the White House!
Now he's appointed "czars"!! Something which is not exactly what the Constitution had in mind!
But then, what's a little stretch of the "old Constitution"?
What do you mean, "he wants to take over GM"? I thought they were bankrupt. You mean he just did it because he wants them to build a special limo, just for him? No?
Then who the hell gave him the authority to take over a private business?
OH, I see! If congress says it's OK, then we can't complain!
Congress has been a joke ever since 2006, when the democrats became the majority and immediately began running up the national debt!
Now that Obama is fronting for them (and whoever else is holding his chain) they've succeeded in signing on to the ruination of the entire country. And in just nine short months!
What a record!
Well, the democrats are happy. And all the little democrat citizens are happy.
So I think I'll just continue this column from Australia, before I get stuck paying all of his taxes--you remember that place don't you? That's the one that told the Muslims to "shape up or ship out"!
What do you think the chances are of Obama doing the same thing?