I occasionally post on a conservative board, which has—or did have--several liberals thereon.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed how many of the boards have shed liberals lately. Their excuse is always the same: "You guys always call us names!"
This is always said by people whose vocabulary consists mainly of "repigs", or "repugs" and one of my favorites, "re-tards", which apparently shows their special feelings toward those less fortunate than themselves—even though they fail to realize they are included in that category.
When I joined this particular board there was only one liberal on board -- a little lady I will call DOW.
Dow posted an occasional heart wrenching, or uplifting story of various and sundry themes that never failed to gain admiration and, yes, even love.
But when it came to politics, she was always direct and "to-the-point"! She didn't like republicans, or anybody else, who didn't idolize her hero and savior, Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Once she went so far as to post Obama's achievements--which turned out to be a litany of the empty promises that fraud had snowed democrats with during his campaign.
Finally, in a fit of pique at being mistreated by republicans and displaying a stubborn refusal to understand the basic concepts of how communism is evil for this country, Dow disappeared from sight.
She pops in occasionally to post a bland, non-political comment, which is certainly acceptable--but basically useless.
I understand how many people came to know and love people like Dow--but then, most liberals are capable of selling the general populace a mixture of snake and motor oil and making them believe it will cure what ails them.
So without Dow, the board drifted along without a liberal in sight and was exceedingly happy being able to discuss the rigors of the night and the politics of the day with intelligent friends.
Suddenly our head mistress, displaying her superior wisdom, rightly enticed a few more liberal socialists and radical commies to enter our midst to "Liven it up a little"—to add the possibility of debate to the board.
Only one has lasted past 2 weeks. The rigors of trying to defend an indefensible position have proven to be far beneath their abilities.
One poster named Hawk gave up almost immediately, after leaving behind the droppings of poison similar to the feculence of most rats.
How long, oh Lord, before we see the last of the commies in our government and our communities? How long before the uneducated socialists realize their ideas of government not only are unconstitutional but will, in actuality, not work?
I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me freedom from the little liberals and their petulant and petty perturbations.
Now don't just stand there! --Help me out here