Amazed! That's the word.
Shocked would also fit.
Congress has sunk so low in the eyes of the citizens, I don't believe there's any more use for it. I think we should sh_t can the whole thing and start over.
First thing to do is get rid of the 60+socialists in the congress. They're the main reason congress doesn't work. They will never agree to anything the republicans want. Unfortunately, the republicans haven't figured that out yet!
They keep trying the same old things expecting different results! It's like trying to burn down a steel door with a box of matches--one at a time!
Well, we made the door darker. Maybe the next match will burn through!
Umm, give it up, gang! The socialists not only know how to block what you're attempting, they know how to yank your chain while they're at it.
"We've come up with a perfectly good plan but, as usual, the repubs insist on blocking our increasing taxes on the rich!"
Duh! Increasing the taxes on the rich?
That's just an excuse to lay on the repubs! If the repubs suddenly said, "OK! Let's tax the crap out of the rich, the democrats would first soil their diapers, than quickly find a new excuse to blame on the repubs!
The point is, the democrats don't want spending "cut", or "limited", or any of those cool actions. They want to continue to spend, while they continue to lay the blame on the repubs!
You've noticed the debt continues to climb? Nothing has changed. And where's the president in all of this?
Campaigning, of course. He doesn't give a crap about the state of the "union"! I doubt he even knows there's a union. All he knows is there's an election next November and he "might" lose.
That would spoil his plans to become dictator and if that happened, congress could go home, because there'd be no further use for them--ever!