Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

No Matter What Obama Says, Terrorism is Still Here

That's right--terrorism hasn't left us and neither has Al Qaeda.  Obama would like to have us think he's damaged those terrorists so badly, they are of no concern any more.
Not true!

Boston was an abrupt reminder that we are still vulnerable.  It's unfortunate so many had to be killed and injured to prove what a liar Obama is.

I'm quite certain we haven't seen the end of this kind of thing.  Muslim radicals are still roaming the country--many with the blessings of Obama.  And he continues to send F-16 fighters to Egypt--a country ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood--a brotherhood of murderers and rapists, who have no concerns for the rights of Christians--or the rights of their own women.
But Obama still favors them!

Does that make sense to you?

For every 10 illegals who enter our country, there may be one who is a terrorist.  And, at last count, we have over 11 million illegals in the country.  Divide that by 10 and imagine the scheming going on!
These people, posing as workers, become buried in our society and amnestied by our socialist government.  Now ask yourself if our government has shown proof they really give a damn about American citizens?

Stay alert, my friends, because despite our government's best efforts, these terrorists are still trying their best to kill us.

Knock, Knock!

Excuse me.  Anybody home?  Mind if I come in for a minute?
Thanks, this won't take long.

I keep seeing and hearing the same, tired old phrase, "When are the republicans going to run anybody but a RINO?"
Looks to me like they're the only ones applying for the job.

In the last election, we had a true, but rich, conservative, who was hampered by politically correct language, just as was Sarah Palin in the previous election.
Unfortunately, the democrats don't play by the same rules as we do--and we laid back and let them get away with it.

The result is, you ask yourself, "when are our republican pols going to speak up?"
Truth is a powerful weapon and it's the one thing missing in our attempts to overthrow this communist government.  Too many of our representatives are afraid to speak their mind because of their fear of being criticized by their own kind!
There have been some signs of a language rebellion, but it hasn't really hit full stride as yet.

Just as an example, I hear republicans, when speaking of Obama, say he's "invoking some Marxist theories".
"SOME" Marxist theories?  The guy's a communist, for Pete's sake!  He admits it in the books he's written and he references it in his speeches.
"Spread the wealth", indeed!

The secret to winning another election is fairly simple.  Start telling the truth.  Obama may be a statist, but first, he's a communist--and so is his wife.
The fact that both of them call for "budgeting" by the American family and cut backs in defense spending, etc., should be made comparisons to the lavish life styles of these two communists.
Did Marx spend money like a drunken sailor? I doubt he had that much to spend.

Then talk about the blatant mistakes we've seen this clown try to cover up over the past few years.  Things like Benghazi and four dead persons; Fast & Furious and a dead Border patrolman.  The list goes on and is now nearly endless.

It's called taking the fight to the enemy.  Charging the hill.  Flanking the enemy and overrunning their positions.
Don't give them a chance to breath!

We've been the "nice" guys, too long and look where it's gotten us.  We're going to have to go with the old saying, "nice guys finish last", which has been proven in the last two elections.

Glad you answered the door and listened to my rant.
Thanks and have a nice Sunday. Wink