Received a letter from the Republican National Committee today.
Here's what I answered:
TO: Reince Priebus Chairman Republican National Committee
March 26, 2015 Sir: I have received your letter regarding Republican membership and the fact you have not heard from me since 12/13. I am sorry to say, I cannot support the Republican party any longer, even though I’ve been a voting member for over 40 years. The
last election, which was a victory for the republican party, rapidly
became a disaster, because those we voted for promptly deserted us,
without a negative comment from party headquarters.
I can’t
support Speaker Boehner’s acceptance of illegal immigration and his
refusal to support the over turn of Obamacare. He and Senate Leader
Mitch McConnell have ignored the oaths they took and the promises they
made to the republican voters.
The party continues to support too
many members who are sympathetic to the liberal causes. They also
support republicans who are, in many cases, simply wrong. Karl Rove is a
good example of that.
I intend to back ANY candidate who will
GUARANTEE he will vote and adhere to the constitutional principles that
made America great. I am sick to death of those who lie their way into
office and then ignore the voters who put them there.
I consider
myself and independent voter. I will vote for the person I deem most
qualified for the position—and the first qualification MUST be a strong
belief in our constitution. I hope the Republican Party loses its
shirt. I will be actively working to that end. I hate liars and to see
elected republicans supporting our “liar in chief”, is more than I can
Until you make public statements condemning those
republicans who have violated the constitution and the original
principles of the Republican Party, I will no longer cast a vote for a
republican candidate—unless I can be sure he will be bound by our
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