Hi, gang.
It seems we are living through historic times, watching the destruction of our country.
Communism is a nasty thing and it’s going to become much nastier. The easy life of Americans over the years of getting up, going to work, coming home and watching “the tube” will soon be over.
If our country was a prize fighter, it would have already suffered several severe punches to the head.
The final knockout punch will come when Obama “mandates” (see, ‘dictates’) a confiscation of all guns.
Once the guns are confiscated, the 2nd amendment will disappear—dry up and blow away in the wind and we will lose the one amendment that has protected all the other amendments.
Surprisingly enough, our socialist neighbor to the north has several citizens who see our problems very clearly.
The surprising thing is, the majority of Americans DON’T recognize what’s happening.
Think about this—if Obama succeeds in destroying the 2nd amendment, it will be only a matter of a short time, before we are ruled by a dictator.
And the one thing you can be sure of in that event is, you won’t be able to complain, or write notes like this that are critical of our “great fuehrer”!
This is not a matter of “politics”; it’s not a matter of democrat, republican, or independent.
It’s a matter of how much you love your country. It’s a matter of how much you hate communism. It’s a matter of how much you hate the government communists and their lies.
Every man, woman and child must do whatever is required to fight off the ignorance of our neighbors and stand up unashamedly for American values; American morals and American pride.
The following article is an excellent read and explains quite pointedly what most Americans can’t seem to see, or understand.
The Marxist Agenda Behind the Rainbow
By Douglas Hagmann
on June 29, 2015
There is no pot of gold
at the end of this rainbow.
June 29, 2015: If you think Friday’s Supreme Court decision was about
equality or equal rights for the three percent of the American population (at
the expense of the 97 percent), you couldn’t be more wrong. If you think that
Friday’s decision has no impact on you because you don’t care what people do in
the privacy of their bedrooms, you couldn’t be more wrong. If you think the
homosexual agenda is about tolerance, diversity or other slick marketing
buzzwords, you are not only wrong, but sorely misinformed, misguided or you are
purposely facilitating a lie.