It's time our government did the right thing by it's citizens.
It's time our government stopped trying to turn us into a communist welfare state.
It's time our government turned off the welfare bubble machine.
It's time our government stopped it's open door policies of letting any and all come into the country with no checks, or verification of the intentions of the refugees.
Trump is right. Shut off the flow of Muslims. And don't try to tell me I'm prejudiced against peaceful Muslims---if such a thing exists!
I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but with such a violent outlook on life, they need to PROVE they are peaceful, before I will accept them. Until such time, we should kick all Muslims out of the country, simply because what they believe is based on pure barbarism.
We have ENOUGH trouble with our "home-grown" Mussies in the black ghettoes. We sure don't need an new ones from the middle east.
The Koran and it's disgusting barbarism must be repelled. It must be declared an illegal ideology and banned from the country.
Unfortunately the meek, the welfare recipients and the weak raise a great hue and cry if we try to ban an ideology they think of as "religion"--which it clearly is not.
Here's what one Swede thought of the problems in Europe. The youtube video has subtitles, so his anger can be understood.
Be warned! Cooler heads are not going to let this country succumb to barbarism.