Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Sunday, February 28, 2016


A brief reminder of the past:  Republicans ran McCain against Obama in 2008.  Obama won handily by promising “change”.  We, of course, didn’t know that change would be to socialist principles.  The result was we watched our country decline into the similar state of Great Britain. 
In 2012, realizing where the country was heading, we opted for change—we voted for those senators who promised to counter Obamacare and cure the illegal immigrant population.
Turns out we voted for those who had no intention of carrying out their promises.  The result was a Speaker forced to resign and a new Speaker who appeared to be too ready to follow the old one.  He did offer some agreement after enough noise from the people.

So what have we today? 
From the uproar within the party, we have seriously stepped on tender toes.  To which I say, “Congratulations”.  I couldn’t agree more.
For too many years we have blindly followed those in the leadership of the party who told us we were getting a large serving of, “conservatorism”—when obviously, we weren’t.  It was just more of the same and, in too many cases, too often a compromise that handed us a socialist nightmare, ala Obamacare, whose motto shall forever be, “WE MUST PASS THE BILL TO SEE WHAT’S IN IT!”
Have there ever been 10 more stupid words?  --Ever?

“Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure…”, to borrow from Abe Lincoln.  And it’s true—we are engaged in a civil war, minus the violence of same.  If we are to control the party and their wants and desires, we MUST make our voices heard.  To do so, we must pick our own candidate and NOT let the party, through flim-flammery, name another RINO.  To that end, it has become apparent that Donald Trump is the choice of the people. 
The saddest part of that truth is the number of people who, for unapparent and unnamed reasons, insult, berate and castigate the man, without apparent proof of wrong doing. 
Trump, an obvious choice of the people at this stage, is not guilty of the corruption of a Hillary Clinton and has not been caught in major lies as she has.  In fact, despite the best efforts of democrats AND republicans, there are NO serious charges to be levied against the man, other than he is rich, finances his own campaign and has four bankruptcies in his history. 
Oh, yes, --he also espouses a solution to immigration, trade reform, taxes and the economy.  All worries from the past eight years.
The only real complaint those who dislike Trump have is he, “acted childish” in the last debate.  That charge, of course, totally overlooks the fact the man has had a bullseye on his chest ever since the first debate. 
The childishness was first displayed by the apparent distress of Rubio and Cruz, who banded together in their childish attempt to somehow bring Trump to his knees.  According to all polls, it didn’t work. 
It is sad that, at a time when the people need to stand together behind one candidate, they choose to divide themselves into bickering over an “outsider” a RINO and/or a loser.
And we thought we were getting smarter.