I am so disappointed.
I am so ashamed by what I saw.
I am so disgusted by the lost opportunity.
As far as I am concerned, Ted Cruz completely and irrevocably blew his career sky high.
absolutely transformed before our very eyes into a petulant,
whimpering, grimacing baby, who had just had his pacifier taken away
from him.
This was the Ted Cruz who was given the opportunity and
the honor of signifying the joining of the disparate factions in the
republican party; to display a gentlemanly and sportsmanlike attitude
toward the anointed Republican candidate.
Instead, he simpered.
He spoke only to the camera, as though seeking solace and forgiveness
there, knowing full well it would not come—not now, not ever.
stood, at the end, with a sickening smile on his face, listening to the
end of his political career arrive, transported by the booing delegates
who had tried to accept him, wanting to believe he would join with them
in the harmonious support of Donald Trump.
But, it was not to
be. Senator Ted Cruz, now reduced to Mr. Cruz, left the stage driven
off by the angry looks of the delegates who displayed their anger for
the whole nation to see by booing and hissing at his back.
He had failed to announce his support of Donald Trump and the delegates showed their displeasure.
The mighty Cruz
----has struck out!