Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

The First Post!

Whadda' ya' know---it's the First Post!

Quite an event, when you think about it. Of course, you shouldn't dwell on it TOO long, or you'll strain your eyes.

It's also the first posting of the New Year, here.

Let's hope everything gets off to a good start!


The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...

Well, I spent the afternoon watching the Rose Bowl game bwtween Michigan and Texas Tech.

Texas kicked a field goal with 2 seconds left to win 39-38!
It was a pretty good game, I have to admit, although it's strange not to see the Pac-10 champion (USC) playing the Big 10 champion there!
I think the BCS business has screwed things up so badly it will take them several years, just to approach sensiblity!

Tuesday night USC plays--for what I don't know--they're already rated #1.

The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...

I'm sure we're all a little tired of the Tsunami stories floating around and all the political grandstanding over amounts donated. (Incidentally, at last count the U.S. Gov. was up to $350 mil and individual U.S. donors were up to $300 mil.---Pretty good for the "great Satan", huh?)

However I received this via email and thought reader's might be interested. The pictures of the devastation are quite clear.



The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...

Seems the site I posted in my last comment won't work unless you c/p it to your address line.

Going to send off an email to family this morning to let them know this blog is available. Good way to keep in touch with each other!!

Greenster said...

Hi, Dad!

Nice to see you have a blog, too now!

I think I allow anonymous comments, just 'cause
I'd like to see how much commotion I can stir up!

I'll visit again tomorrow night, for a good go

Love, your eldest son,


The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...

Saturday night and it's been a long day. Went out to Amy's place today and had lunch. Damn that drive is long! Seems the older I get, the longer every drive is! Now, if my GOLF drive would get longer, I'd be REALLY happy!
Tomorrow I look forward to watching the playoffs. Marc will be out in the afternoon and, I assume, will watch the games with me.

Monday is Mrs Oldcoot's birthday, so I have promised her I'd take her into the local city to buy something that her heart might desire, followed by a dinner at a place of her choosing! (Fat food, here I come! Heh, heh!)

Our weather is gray and will continue so until Monday night when it changes to rain! I haven't seen the sun in so long, I'm beginning to look like a ghost!

The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...

I'm feeling as dreary as the day, right now. I've managed to catch a cold that I can't shake.
How do you "catch" a cold--run like hell after it? Will it move slowly enough so that you can catch it easily?
I think THIS one did!
Well, actually, I caught it from my son. He's been wheezing for over a week and, after borrowing my truck to do some moving, brought it back and handed it over FULL of germs! Germs everywhere--on the steering wheel, door handles, keys, dashboard switches, etc.
Ya' just can't get away from the darn things!
And all I asked him to do was to bring it back full of gas!

The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...

How do we win the war on terrorism?

I've seen a lot of talk about "staying the course" and "pulling out". Seems we can't make up our minds, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, the war we are engaged in, is a war of attrition. It's also a "slow" war--not one of blitzing tank attacks, or flanking movements.

The terrorist aim is to wear down the western world--and that means ALL western nations, not just the U.S.
So far, only the people of this country have begun to recognize that fact. The French, Germans and Spaniards have gone tunnel vision when it comes to terrorism. They continue the Clinton concept of "war on terror" as simple criminal action, pitting police officers against suicidal terrorists.

In the long run, given a maintenance of this attitude, the terrorists will win.

So how do we win this war?

We will have to convince our allies that this war must be fought by ALL of us. Not by massed troops, but by intelligence gathering and cooperation.

We'd like to use armed might to win and that would be safer for the country, rather than attempting to defend ourselves on our own soil.
But to do this, we'll have to change our military strategies.

The 2nd world war began using the same methods as those employed in the 1st world war--at least the allies were guilty of that. The Germans used their new "blitzkrieg", where tanks, rather than backing up infantry, rolled ahead of the troops and opened the way.
It was a new concept--one we had to learn quickly--and did.

Today, we're faced with a new style of "blitzkrieg". The individual, suicide bomber. I believe the only method that will successfully destroy this "army" is one of intelligence--find out where these people hide/train/live and send a strike force strong enough to clean out the nest. Insertion and extraction will have to be fully coordinated and fully scheduled. It will mean dropping into enemy OR friendly countries to strike at these cells.
It will mean, eventually, that we will have to insert a strike force into Pakistan, if necessary, to kill OBL and his cohorts--when we find his lair!
Other countries may be similar targets!

This will entail risks and the resultant complaints of "invasion of territories", but diplomats will have to handle those complaints, making it clear there is, or was, no choice!
It will have to be a war of unprecidented speed. Get in, hit and get out! We can not wait for "resolutions" from the U.N., nor can we wait for "approval" of our "allies". We must remember we are defending ourselves! --And, in the long run, our allies!

It will be the job of the diplomats to convince our allies to join us in this war. We will need stop-over points in allied territories to be used as jumping off points and re-entry.
American citizens must be made aware of the long-term goals and the dangers we still face--WITHOUT political obstruction or obfuscation! Democrats and Republicans, together as Americans, MUST cooperate fully on this war.

Our survival as a free country has been Jeopardized before and we've come through with flying colors.
I really believe that with the correct mind-set of the American people, we can meet this challenge and beat it!

The alternative is unthinkable!

(Thank you, and good night! Burp!)

The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...

Well, it's official. The USSC has refused to hear the Terri Schiavo case.
The fact she will now die of starvation, if she doesn't die of dehydration first, has no bearing on the case. After all, we're a country of LAWS doncha' know?
LAWS take precedent over EVERYTHING in this country!
And, who dispenses these laws? Why the courts do, stupid!
Ha, ha! I'll bet you thought the Congress made laws, didn't you?
Hell no!
Congress has become a joke--completely ignored by the judicial system, who busily runs the country at the whim of the atheists!
The Republic of America no longer exists! We are at the mercy of a judicial system that invents laws almost daily.

Our president--yes, I voted for him--is busy mending fences with Mexico, assuring them he will try to have the immigration laws changed ("reforme", he calls it!) so that it will be easier than ever for illegal aliens to cross the border without fear.
At the rate we're going, we'll soon see Spanish as the first language in the country.
California already has a majority of Mexicans. The name of the state is now, "Mexifornia"!
Soon will come Mexizona, Mexas and Mexorleans--Mexida and Mexorado, followed by Mexevada and Mexegon. Finally, that liberal bastion of Mexington State will fall, also.
Can you imagine how stupid Mexidaho will sound?

I'm an old coot. At my age, I have a very short time left on this amoral planet. That's unfortunate, because, if I were younger (much) I'd pack my gear, belt on my pistol, sling my rifle and declare war on the Atheist States of America, and reclaim the country I used to love even if it means driving out all the illegal Mexicans and the atheists!
Drastic situations call for drastic measures to correct them.
As one man shouted, when he potted the President, "Sic Semper Tyrannus"!
('Course, he was probably drunk at the time!)

The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...

I knew sooner or later, someone would get enough of the illegals flooding across the border, despite Bush "making nice" with Mexico's Fox! Seems a bunch of Arizonians (and out-of-staters) have formed the "Minutemen" and are patrolling the border, catching and holding illegals who are trying to cross. They turn them over to the border patrol, rather than shoot them, which would be my choice!
Sound ridiculous?
Well, think about this. Mexico's economy stinks. About 25% of their people are indigent and the government is too poor to take care of them. So what do they do?
Encourage them to cross the border into the U.S. where free medical care (paid by citizens) is available, and jobs (at LESS than minimum wage) are available and, once paid, they can SEND MONEY HOME, which helps improve the Mexican economy!

Such a deal!

Their argument is, "Well, no American will do those jobs!"
Of course not---at least, not for $2.00 and hour!
If our government would force those businesses to pay minimum wage, they'd find a lot of Americans who would do the work!
Oh, sure! Paying minimum wage would, supposedly, cause a price increase, but it would be short term. Competition would cause the prices to settle down, as it usually does.

We also need to change our immigration laws, so that legal immigrants must attend classes in English. Congress needs to establish English as the official language of this country. Then we should stop printing everything in 22 different languages!! The expense of translation and printing so many different languages on bills and government informational flyers, is staggering! --and stupid!
(Congress' attitude is that tax money flows from trees!)

If a Mexican wants to live in this country, let him enter legally, applying for citizenship as any other immigrant would.

Enough of illegals!

The Rileyoldcoot(ROC) said...

A very interesting article I wish every American could read! I
recommend watching the video clip (at the bottom of the article) even
though it’s approx. 13 minutes long. It is HIGHLY educational!!

The Rant

The Power of Islam
War on Terror/Barbara Stock

May 10, 2005 - People may wonder why I write so often about the War
with Islam. There is no “War on Terror.” Our war is with the violent
ideology of Islam and those that follow that doctrine and there are millions
of such followers. Americans need to understand the seriousness of the
situation in which we find ourselves. Islam is in full jihad mode and
Islamic leaders know that to succeed, they must destroy the United

On one hand, we have moderate Muslims denying that Muslims kill and
behead innocent people. When they are forced to admit the truth, the
argument switches to, “They are not following true Islam.” The problem is
this: The terrorists are following true Islam because Islam is founded on
fear and violence.

Do all Muslims believe in the true teachings of Islam? No, but they believe
they do. There are many Muslims who truly believe that Islam is a
peaceful religion whose followers would never harm a fly. These Muslims
probably wouldn’t harm a fly until they are exposed to Muslims who do
follow true Islam.

Perhaps an example would be appropriate. A perfectly normal British
Muslim man went to Saudi Arabia to make his required pilgrimage, called
the Hajj. This normal father of a teenaged daughter returned to London a
full-fledged Muslim. Just that brief encounter with Arab Muslims turned this
man into a killer.

While in Saudi Arabia, this man was convinced by the true Arab Muslims
that his daughter was no longer “pure.” He was ordered to kill her to
restore his “honor.” So, this man returned to London and slit his
daughter’s throat in front of his other children. The two younger children
ran screaming from the house covered with their sister’s blood. Their
father was convinced their sister was no longer a virgin. The autopsy
proved him wrong.

A young, innocent girl is dead. Her younger siblings are forever
traumatized and their father is now in prison for life. An entire family was
destroyed because of a few fateful days the father spent with Arab
Muslims. That is the power of true Islam.

I ran across a video called, “Sudan—Children of Terror.” It is a chilling
example of what Islam is doing quietly and insidiously and the world
barely notices. In this film, hundreds of four to six year old boys are
shown being indoctrinated into Islam. Their training is quite simple. They
are taught to hate and they are taught to kill. Many are imported from
Nigeria when they are only two or three years old. These babies are given
AK-47’s and taught how to use them. They are taught to hate all
non-Muslims. They are taught to obey Islam without question. They are all
taught to speak English. These boys are not the elite Arab Muslims. They
are the “expendable” non-Arab Muslims. These children will be the future
“Army of Islam.” Once grown and fully trained, they will be dispersed
around the world to kill for Islam on command like robots.

This film was not made for fun; it is a fund-raising film. The film was made
and sent to wealthy American and European Muslims who then sent a lot
of money back to support these training camps. The money is not from
Middle Eastern Muslims, but Western Muslims who wholeheartedly support
the Islamic jihad underway around the world. The rich and elite of Islam
have a plan, and that plan is total and complete world domination by
Islam. These rich Muslims have no country; they have only Islam.

Does this type of thing only happen in faraway lands? No, it does not.
Laura Mansfield is a freelance writer who speaks fluent Arabic. She
decided to go to an open “get to know us” type of meeting being offered
by the local mosque for non-Muslim women in her town. She purposely
arrived early and asked if she could sit in the back and study as the
Muslim men met. Believing she would not understand them as they spoke
Arabic, the Muslim group allowed her to remain and she listened to what
they had to say. What Laura heard was an eye-opener.

The men joked that as they traveled on airplanes, they would make the
other passengers nervous by acting suspicious. A good laugh followed and
the imam commended them on their actions for the “cause.” Every little
bit helped, he implied. It was reported that one of their friends had finally
made it into Iraq and would soon be reporting on how their “mujahideen”
were faring. Apparently he had gone to join them in their fight. As the
meeting ended, prayers were offered for the success of the jihad they had
undertaken for Islam and praise was given to those who help, whether it
was just frightening airplane passengers or fighting on the battlefield in

As the women entered, the tone completely changed and Islam once
again became all love and peace for the gullible listeners who were
addressed in English. The same imam who had just praised the jihad with
the men, now spoke of the love that Islam has for Christians and Jews
with the visiting women while sporting a kind and gentle smile. The
recruitment push was on and everything that was said was a lie. What
people don’t realize is that once you are pulled into Islam, it’s very
difficult to escape.

This “let’s enlist gullible Americans” meeting took place in a small town in
America’s Bible belt.

Does the average American know that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of
California is considering demanding a public hearing on the Oklahoma
City bombing? The Federal Bureau of Investigation has declined to explain
why it refused to consider the sworn statements of numerous people who
independently identified the mysterious “John Doe,” seen with Tim
McVeigh, as a man named Hussain Hashem Al-Hussaini—a former Iraqi
Republican Guardsman. This same man left Oklahoma and moved to
Boston and was working at the Boston Logan International Airport on

Do Americans know that Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, now the head of Al
Qaeda in Iraq, was seen in Oklahoma City just before the bombing? Do
they know that there was a warning issued by the FBI just before the
attack on the Murrah building that stated the bureau was confident that
Islamic radicals had recruited two “lily whites” to carry out an attack on a
federal building “in the heart of America?” If not, why not? There is no
doubt about the identity of the two “lily whites,” but the involvement of
Islamic terrorists has been hidden from Americans.

The Islamic attack on American soil didn’t start on 9/11. It started much
earlier. It started with the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.
Islam brought the war to America at least 12 years ago. We just weren’t
told. The man who was president at the time didn’t want to deal with the
dirty business of Islamic terrorists.

Whether liberal or conservative judges are put in line for a Supreme
Court appointment is important and the repair of Social Security is vital,
but none of that will matter if the followers of Islam detonate a nuclear
device in downtown Chicago or unleash a bio-chemical weapon in New
York City. Instead of 3000 dead Americans, there will be tens of
thousands dead. Islam’s goal will be millions dead.

The rage that followed 9/11 has faded, and complacency has set in as we
get on with our daily lives. The army of Islam grows, trains, and waits for
its marching orders. Terror cells in this country wait patiently for just the
right time to exact the maximum death and destruction on the civilian
population. Islam knows it cannot defeat our military, so it will kill our

As a country, we can’t hide in our homes, but do not be fooled, radical
Islam is the true Islam and we must deal with it. Don’t make the mistake
of thinking it is not here. Islamic terrorists are in America and many are
Americans. When the order comes to kill, these terrorists will kill for Islam
and for the first time since the Civil War, Americans will be forced to kill
fellow Americans in battle. Such is the power of Islam.
NOTE: Click to view a 13 minute clip from “Sudan—Children of Terror”

Barbara is a working registered nurse who writes about politics and
events of our times. She has her own website Republican and Proud.