Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Sunday, June 05, 2005


At my age, I should know better!

I keep expecting to see something in the news that says, "PEACE in our TIME", or some such nonsense!

I should know better by now--There's no such thing as peace.
My daddy always told me, "Son--(he always acknowledged I was somebody's son, just not necessarily HIS!)-Son, people are basically no damned good!"

Well, I could see the relevance of THAT alright! After all, look at what I'd just been through!
Three years of High School had taught me that I was outnumbered by the influx of Mexicans into lower California. The school had 3400 students, of which, 75% were Mexican.
I think another 24% were sports jocks and the final one percent, guys like me--cowards!

So, of course, the 75% and the 24% would get together once a week to chase the 1% and, if they could catch us, beat the hell out of us just for exercise!

My 5ft, 10in. body quickly learned to jerk me into high gear almost instantly, moving my little 28 inch long legs so fast, they blurred!
I, an unattached observer, would sit above those legs and watch in fascination as the world went by in a Kaleidoscope of color.
I think I was still running when I grabbed my graduation certificate--at least I don't remember much of the ceremony.

So, as I stared back into my father's eyes, and shrewdly observed the fact that he was waiting for an answer, I said, "Uh, yeah, dad! Right!"

Another demonstration of "No peace in our time"--
I spent the rest of the day hoping the size 13 imprint on my butt wouldn't interfere with my ability to run--

A State Headed Downhill--

I'm pretty disgusted this morning!
I've read the news and it's always the same thing, over and over!

Our politicians in Sacramento just don't get it! We have a major budget deficit and we've had it since Gray Davis was governor. Arnold Schwarznegger takes over and tries to trim the budget to a manageable size and the democraps are up in arms immediately.
Apparently they can't read--because the State Constitution says they're not allowed to maintain a budget deficit!

"Ahnold" suggests we cut back on expenditures, including giving education (besides the 40 percent of the budget they NOW get!) only 3 million more. Personally, I thought the 40 percent was an outrageous figure, in the first place!

So right away the teacher's unions want to go on strike, screaming about how the governor "promised" them their raises and now he's reneged on his promise.

So what does the legislature do? Why, recommend taxes be increased by 3 percent overall to make up the deficit and STILL give the teacher's union what they demand!

So, the way government works is, come up with a deficit budget, then tell the people, "Sorry, but we have to increase taxes to pay for this stuff!"

You might wonder how they get people to go along with them. The answer is simpler than you might think. They give the "have-nots" more welfare and free health care to gain their votes!
The fact that the majority population in California is now Mexican, makes one wonder how long the state can keep on providing more and more welfare and health care!
So it becomes easy to see why they want to raise taxes.

Businesses have decided they can't trust the legislature any more. They're packing up and moving out of state in droves. Just one example: Lockheed Martin owned an aircraft factory in Burbank, along with the airfield adjacent to it. The factory was famous for the planes they produced, such as the P-38 fighter, the P80 and F104 Starfighter and their most famous aicrcraft, the SR71 Blackbird. In peacetime, they built the four engine Constellation and the L1011 passenger jet, along with many others.

They also owned a large complex in Sunnyvale, building various missiles, including the Agena rocket, first used in space docking maneuvers, followed by Polaris and Poseidon submarine missiles. All together, these factories employed, at one time or another, over 120,000 people.
Where are they now?

The Burbank facility is long gone and the adjacent airfield is now owned by the city of Burbank. All aircraft manufacturing has been moved to Georgia.
The facility in Sunnyvale is one-tenth it's original size, with computing moved to Colorado and missile operations moved to Austin, Texas.

Think of the taxes lost to the state by the move of that one company! The state has lost the corporation's taxes, plus the taxes of the employees who worked there.
And they STILL want to increase taxes, to help pay for their deficits!

Will the rascals be voted out of office for their stupidilty? Nope! The socialists in this state have a firm grip on government and they're not about to let go.

Any day now, they will legislate the renaming of California. It will forever after be known as MEXIFORNIA!