At my age, I should know better!
I keep expecting to see something in the news that says, "PEACE in our TIME", or some such nonsense!
I should know better by now--There's no such thing as peace.
My daddy always told me, "Son--(he always acknowledged I was somebody's son, just not necessarily HIS!)-Son, people are basically no damned good!"
Well, I could see the relevance of THAT alright! After all, look at what I'd just been through!
Three years of High School had taught me that I was outnumbered by the influx of Mexicans into lower California. The school had 3400 students, of which, 75% were Mexican.
I think another 24% were sports jocks and the final one percent, guys like me--cowards!
So, of course, the 75% and the 24% would get together once a week to chase the 1% and, if they could catch us, beat the hell out of us just for exercise!
My 5ft, 10in. body quickly learned to jerk me into high gear almost instantly, moving my little 28 inch long legs so fast, they blurred!
I, an unattached observer, would sit above those legs and watch in fascination as the world went by in a Kaleidoscope of color.
I think I was still running when I grabbed my graduation certificate--at least I don't remember much of the ceremony.
So, as I stared back into my father's eyes, and shrewdly observed the fact that he was waiting for an answer, I said, "Uh, yeah, dad! Right!"
Another demonstration of "No peace in our time"--
I spent the rest of the day hoping the size 13 imprint on my butt wouldn't interfere with my ability to run--
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