Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sprink has Sprunk!

Sprinking merrily along, darned near drowning us! But, that's OK! At least you can see it's not snowing!

Well, unless you're a liberal, who can't see anything good in any coming season!

After all, we just went through the "Winter of their discontent", which, I think, is based on their disappointment at finding out John "F----in'" Kerry didn't win the election!
They've been on a downer ever since!

Don't bother offering them an anti-depressant! They LOVE the mood they're in. They get to tell all the lies they can think up!

When they had a kindred soul in the white house, they were happy as a rat who had just found a decayed bagel in the gutter! They saw him as their "LEADER". He cheered them up when they were down by recounting his amusing tales about what he did while sitting at his desk, talking on the telephone.

He was really a character, wasn't he?

Now they're unhappy, because the guy presently in the white house , hasn't sat at his desk long enough to have any interesting tales to tell!
Besides, if he DID tell any tales, his wife would be the first, First Lady to be convicted of murder--possibly!

So now they just blame him for their misery. Hurricanes? Blame it on Bush! He should have been able to wave his arms and dispel the storm.
Levee broke? Blame it on Bush. If he'd been there with his shovel, that democratic governor could have sat back on her butt and done nothing, while Bush reinforced her levees with his shovel.
Come to think about it, that's what she did anyway, isn't it?
--or was that Mayor Nagin? I can never get the two of them straight!

So now they're complaining about how the troops should be brought home and, at the same time, claiming they support the troops!

I guess they want them brought home, so they can support them up close and personal!

Their complaints include statements about our failure in Iraq. "Iraq is falling into civil war," they screech. "Our boys are being killed unnecessarily," they yodel.
The trouble is, the military keeps telling them they're not failing, but the liberals don't believe the generals. They think they know more about the military than either the commander-in-chief, or the generals!

I'd like to send a note to the terrorists. Why don't you direct your attacks against some of the liberals. That way, we'd be rid of some of the strident ones and you'd help convince the rest of the liberals that you actually mean business!
Who knows? If they ever get back into power, maybe they'll make a "deal" with you. You take over the country and we'll convert to the Muslim religion. That way, nobody gets killed and we look like heroes!
(What? You mean WE have to wear burkhas, too?)

On the other hand, even the terrorists look at liberals as dumb Americans! After all, they're doing everything in their power to help them!
Even that old bag, Jane Fondue, had to get into the act. You think she's going to be "out-traitored" by the likes of Kerry and She-hen?

Then, if you get tired of that nonsense, there's always the bit about how Bush is wire-tapping American citizens!
That these citizens are talking to terrorists in the middle east doesn't matter. "It's invading our privacy" ya' know!
"What? You mean Klintoon ackshully did the same thing? Well, that's OK--he was just checking up on republicans!"

Wanna' know who's going to be attacked next? Just ask Sen. Crochet-feller! He'll give you advance notice of any movement of our armed forces you'd care to know about. After all, he's a Senator, doncha' know? He's ABOVE the law!

He ought to be UNDER it--about 6 feet under it!
--And please! Take Chillery Klintoon, Shindy She-hen, J. "F------" Kerry and Teddy with you!

As I said, Spring is in the air--so the ground isn't hard any more. That way, "Fat Albert", the bore, can easily shovel the crap over 'em!

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