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--I end up here. (Where's here?)

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

It's HOT and I'm Not Even in Hell!

Dear, dear! Al Gore must be right! Global warming is HERE!

It's been consistently hot for the past week, with temperatures over 100 six days in a row.

Yesterday it was 111 degrees. Today it hit 113!

Luckily we have air conditioning, although the power company is forcing us to pay a premium price for it.

How can they get away with that, you ask? (I distinctly heard you ask!)
Simple! Last summer, when the temperatures soared, we had several blackouts that lasted throughout the day and into the evening hours.
We were sweating rivers!

This year, as soon as summer hit, we were advised that the cost of power would be going up! Voila! A monopoly has struck again!

Voila! My wallet is emptier!

An article on the internet talks about New York City having 100,000 citizens without power for the past week, during "the hottest spell so far".
Hey, New Yorkers! Pull up your socks--you're about to be hit with a big rate increase!

So who do we blame? Is Al Gore right?
Actually, Al makes me laugh. His book and his movie are devoid of facts and full of omissions. I suspect he's simply being the front man for the "one-world government" crowd!
After all, America is to blame for the world's ills, according to these socialists and the answer is to do away with sovereign countries--starting with this one!

All I can say is, go do your stuff in the rain forest, Al! Maybe you'll find company in the monkeys down there!

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