I thought I'd take a guess as to what will happen over the next six months, now that the democrats have gained a majority in the House and Senate.
Unfortunately, so many bad things come to mind, it's difficult to know where to begin!
I don't think the blog will hold that much!
I "borrowed" an article, written by Doc Farmer of Chronwatch, just as a beginning point. He makes several points with which I agree:
1. Congress will begin "examinations" and "public hearings" on the Iraqi Front in the Global War on Terrorism, thereby leaking vital information to the enemy. No action will be taken against the leakers, even when they are identified as key lib/dem/soc/commie committee members.
2. Nancy Pelosi, despite her promise to not impeach the President, will quietly begin consolidating those hearings as a prelude to impeachment.
My comment: She isn't going to be "quiet" about it. She's going to openly support it. After all, what can the Republicans do about it? Pelosi, with her desire for vengeance, will destroy the gains the dems have made in this election.
3. Hastert will be censured by the House on trumped-up charges of assisting Foley's perversion. He will resign in disgrace.
My comment: The speaker may well be censured, although he bears no guilt for Foley. The question is, when will the dems publicly admit to THEIR sexual pecadilloes? Answer: "Never"!
4. John McCain will formally announce his candidacy for the 2008 Presidential race.
My comment: McCain has already done this. He's opened a war chest and is actively seeking donations. Anybody stupid enough to contribute had better be prepared to lose money. I don't think McCain has a snowball's chance in hell of being elected president. He's been a Republican-in-name-only (RINO) for years. We're MUCH better off without him in government! He's been a major disappointment to the republican party!
5. John Kerry's face will split open after an overdose of botox, revealing he is, in fact, Joan Rivers.
My comment: Well, if THERRRRAAAAZZZA doesn't split it first. After all, Kerry's a complete flop as a politician. He accused Bush of being dumb, then makes dumber statements than Bush does. (He who laughs last---)
6. Further evidence linking Teddy Kennedy to the USSR will be revealed, but suppressed by Congress and the MSM. --but not by the internet!
My comment: Teddy has been a disgrace ever since he abandoned Mary Jo Kopechne to the icy waters!
7. Tax cuts will expire, and Congress will not renew them.
My comment: Of course not. The dems actually believe their own lies about the economy being in the tank. They've been saying it for 6 years now, forgetting that when the economy WAS in the tank, it was on Klintoon's watch! Result: They do their damndest to make their lie become the truth!
8. Unemployment will rise to 5.1% by the end of 2007. Lib/dem/soc/commies in Congress will blame Bush for the "highest unemployment rate in recent memory." --or higher! The minute the American citizen gets hit with higher taxes, he goes into a shell and stops buying. That spells complete disaster for the American auto industry as well as most other American manufacturing.
My comment: That gives the auto industry another whipping boy to use, rather than admit they aren’t able to compete in building reliable cars!
9. The Patriot Act will be rescinded.
My comment: Certainly! They've been against it from the beginning. After all, it was responsible for catching all those nice terrorists who are in that cruel, Guantanamo, aren't they?
10. The Gorelick Wall will be reinstated. Thereby destroying our departments of intelligence.
My comment: Remember, dems hate the intelligence agencies and our military!
11. America will be attacked by a series of homicide bombings in a coordinated attack on a specific date and time in at least 8, but as many as 20, US cities. Hundreds will die. The media will blame Bush, despite the fact that lib/dem/soc/commies in Congress undercut terrorist surveillance programs.
My comment: Sadly, this is a given! Worse yet, the liberals refuse to acknowledge this fact thereby being at fault for any and all casualties coming—just as Clinton was.
12. Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency will be marred by scandal when it is found that she did indeed have sexual relations with that man . . . Bill Clinton.
My comment: It will be further tanked by her finally open admission of her socialist bent, just at the wrong moment!
13. Iran will launch a coordinated missile attack against Israel. Four nuclear warheads will explode over Tel Aviv, Haifa and Netanya, and two "duds" will hit Jerusalem and Ashdod, but the nuclear material will escape in a "dirty bomb" fashion. The death toll will be approximately 1.4 million, with a further 3 million injuries.
My comment: The result of this will be an all-out war of Israel against Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt and, possibly, Saudi Arabia It will suck the U.S. who will be completely unprepared due to military cuts by dems into trying to reach Israel to aid in their defense. We will lose hundreds of young men who will be lost trying to land from the Mediterranean side of Israel. However, on the bright side, Iran will cease to exist when hit by B2 bombers delivering nukes and we will eventually become the new owners of Saudi Arabia, thereby tying up the world's oil!
14. The UN will condemn the attack.
My comment: However, they will not be able to agree on how to start the meetings--donuts first, or coffee first! Russia will demand donuts first and Japan will demand tea. Italy will boycott for pasta.
15. Iran will see the rise of the 12th Imam from a sacred well in Tehran. Unfortunately, for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the 12th Imam will in fact turn out to be Gary Coleman, who fell down the well three months earlier without anybody noticing...
My comment: Coleman who?
16. North Korea will launch a 5-kiloton fission bomb on the top of a long-range ballistic missile, aimed at San Francisco.
The bomb will instead hit Pyongyang.
My comment: A 2nd attempt will hit Tokyo, whereby the Japanese will kill "L'il Kim" by beating him to death with the Japanese Constitution!
17. Immigration "reform" will be put before the congress, but will not be passed until 2008.
My comment: However, congress will hire illegals as page boys.
18. The fence won't be started due to "environmental impact studies."
“Catch and Release" will be quietly reinstated.
My comment: Unfortunately, they will find bleached human bones and will spend 10 years looking for the indian tribe to which they belong! Six homeless Mexicans will claim it's their cousin and immeiately apply for a license to build a casino on that site!
19. Usama bin Laden will be declared dead at least twice. Each time he will be shown on video tape a few days later, reading a recent New York Times.
My comment: He will appear to have a stick for a backbone and will be gazing at the paper with a fixed stare!
20. Castro will actually die. His brother, Raul, will take over the reins of government, and Congress will demand that all sanctions against Cuba be lifted.
Bill Clinton will immediately lobby for the cigar concession.
My comment: Ex-president Carter will request a statue be erected on the Washington mall in honor of Castro's humanitarian treatment of his own people. It will consist of Castro running a tobacco stand.
21. Communist China will attack Taiwan. Congress will refuse to authorize any defense of Taiwan. Approximately 1.7 million in Taiwan will die, or about 8% of their total population. The remainder will be enslaved and incorporated into Communist China.
My comment: Congress WILL authorize the defense of Taiwan—they just won’t fund any money for it!
22. The government of Cheese-Eating-Surrender-Monkey-Land (France) will be overthrown by Islamofascists in a brief but violent civil war. The outgoing government will ask for US assistance. George W. Bush, in a rare moment of on-the-air frankness, will tell them exactly where they can stick their baguettes.
My comment: The French will demand to be allowed to immigrate to the U.S. The Statue of Liberty will be re-designed to hold up a middle finger as a greeting to all immigrants.
23. Barak Obama will declare himself a candidate for the 2008 Presidential campaign. He will immediately receive key endorsements from the NAACP, the Southern Baptist Conference, and, in an odd yet embarrassing paperwork error, the Ku Klux Klan.
My comment: He will be elected, then impeached within 6 months when republicans discover he can't read!
24. Terrorists will attempt to detonate a "dirty bomb" in a major Midwestern city. The bomb will be 500 pounds of conventional explosives intermixed with 500 pounds of low-radiation medical waste. The news media will overplay the danger and panic will ensue. Only 20 people will be killed by the explosion itself. A further 200 will die from the stampede to leave the quarantine zone.
My comment: 200 more will suffer various diseases from thousands of flying, dirty needles!
Now that we know what our future is, all we have to do is move to Australia and let the dems bear the brunt of what they will have done!
Once the dust clears, the more intelligent heads will be asking for constitutionalists to return home and straighten out the mess!
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