Here we are (where are we?) 18 months into the reign of King Obama and the damned country is falling apart!
Obama and his minions continue to claim the economy is improving, while blaming Bush for everything, totally ignoring the fact that, for the last two years of Bush, congress was held by a majority of democrats! Funny, isn't it, how they now want to blame Bush, "...over his last two years", for driving up the national debt and bankrupting the country?
It really is funny, I guess, because I can't remember Bush having a ton of money printed so he'd have more to spend.
No wonder!
That was Obama that started that, wasn't it?
Ever take a bath in dollar bills? It won't be long until we can save our money in a bathtub, so we can either take a bath in it (as our economy is doing now), or take it to the store and buy a loaf of bread--if we hurry before the price goes up!
It seems everything Obama does is wrong which, I guess, is the result of a communist upbringing. As we know (or should know) communism doesn't go well with capitalism. Funny, even the commies know that. Look how hard they're working to destroy capitalism!
In true Marxist fashion, Obama has created an enemy we are all supposed to hate--big business.
Yep! The same, big business that has created jobs for Americans for many years and, incidentally, enabled our lucrative life styles.
Do they make mistakes--wreak evil upon us? Yep, again! But overall, under close scrutiny, they perform admirably, creating wealth for Americans and envy throughout the world.
Unfortunately, communism doesn't create jobs. Well, unless you count as jobs the communes, where you live and work for the commies.
The pay isn't exactly what we're used to there, either.
Capitalism has always created jobs and work and always will wherever it's employed. Is it unequal in pay? You bet your bippy, because it expects you to work for your money. It expects you to become expert at what you do. It expects you to put forth the effort to better yourself.
The Chinese had it right when they said, "No tickee--no laundlee! And that's the way it should be. "No workee, no money--honey!"
The only people who should be ON welfare of any kind, are those disabled persons who cannot fend for themselves. And true capitalism would expect families to take care of their own--including their elderly--but, since the churches have stopped preaching "family" and "taking care of the elderly", we have instead sat on our duffs listening to the promises of the communists who tell us the government will take care of all our ills, which is an impossible concept!
We are already saddled with a health care program that is so cumbersome it's doomed to expensive failure! There is no way on this God's green earth this government--already 13 trillion in the hole, can pay for our health care WITHOUT taking large chunks of our money in taxes!
And when they do, families will go broke, banks will go bust and we will become a third world mess controlled by a dictator with world goals!
We will have no rights. No rights of recourse. No laws allowing recompense for damages by our "leaders". And no right to dissent without fear of imprisonment or, if we're lucky, re-indoctrination camps, from which we will return to the commune as "good little citizens"!
You will go that route, as long as our present path is allowed.
I have no intention of following it. I would rather be killed fighting such a system. If I am killed fighting such a system, I will have the pleasure, at least, of knowing I upset their system at least for a moment.
The day has come--and gone--when we had a choice to make as to what we want from our government. Now we are at the point of no return. If we do not take action soon, there will be no America to save--no liberties to enjoy.
#1. We must stop the flow of illegals into this country.
#2. We must stop the attempt to force Puerto Rico to become the 51st state.
#3. We must stop ALL attempts at gun control in any form.
#4. We must begin the push to repeal the health care act.
#5. We must stop Obama from signing the UN treaty, which will cause governments to confiscate ALL small arms, which may be used to defend ourselves. Congress must never approve this treaty.
#6. We must demand our justice system return to a constitutionally neutral and just application of law and ignore ALL foreign influences on judgments.
There are many other things we must change and these are just a few that demand our immediate attention.
Only you, the individual, can make a difference.
A million individual voices can bring down the mountains when shouting as one! You must be untiring and relentless in the face of all opposition.
You must follow those principles handed down by our forefathers.
I am an old man asking--and recommending--these things.
I only wish I was young enough to go into this battle with you--to become, if necessary, a martyr in the battle for freedom--in this battle for our individual souls.
May the good Lord bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand, and may he aid us all in our battle against the evil with which we are inflicted, so that we may once again look with pride upon the land of the free and, once again, become the home of the brave!
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