Now THERE'S a headline for ya'!
For the past year, the Obumble bunch have been calling McChrystal, "brilliant", "genius", etc., and then, "WHOOPS"--we screwed up! He's really not fit to remain in the service of his country.
"Well, he called me bad names," sulked Obumble!
AAAaaawwwww!, you poor widdo' boy! Did the bad mans hurt your widdo' feewings?
Yep, in all seriousness, McC screwed the pooch! Socked the weenie--slapped the cat and the animal lovers came out of the woodwork and took away his hunting license!
Generals aren't supposed to bad-mouth the sitting POTUS! --Even if it's true!
ESPECIALLY if it's true!
So he had to sit down--take a seat--exit stage right.
Never fart in the presence of "the messiah"!
Now we have ANOTHER genius general--Petraeus--who hurried to claim he had already approved of Obumble's announced strategy of last fall. Completely disregarding the fact Obumble couldn't find an outhouse unless led by his momma, let alone compute a successful strategy for conducting a war.
Long live suck-up Petraeus. Let's seen how many troops YOU can get killed--for nothing!
Watch for the "tell-all" book by the new author, McC!
Guaranteed a best seller!
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