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Friday, October 01, 2010

Obama Corrupts the Country by Design

The whole picture is now clear as a bell: Obama is determined to bankrupt the country in order to put all but the elite on welfare. He wants every citizen dependent on a government check.
Once that happens, he will, effectively, have become a dictator.
So all "happenings" are simply one more step towards that end. He's put us so far in debt, even our grandchildren's children won't be able to get us out. And he's not through yet.

All this time people have been predicting Obama wants to see an actual revolution, so he can sic the army on them and throw their butts in jail, or in a camp--at least the ones the army doesn't kill in the process! For that reason, "common sense" people have been saying we shouldn't give Obama that chance.

But I can tell you right now, if Obama continues along the path he's on and conservatives fail to gain control of congress next month, it won't take long until there will be groups demanding his resignation and threatening to overthrow his government.

Note I called it "his" government---it certainly isn't OUR government! In fact, I want no part of it!
Here's another view of the same subject:

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