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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuscan Aftermath

Well the Tuscon shooting got a lot of people stirred up, didn't it?
It's unfortunate that the dems chose to politicize it.

It was OK for Obama to present an emotional (for the audience--not for him) speech that stirred the hearts of the worshipp-, er, members of his audience. They thought his speech was the best he ever gave.

He DID use all the right words, didn't he? Words like, "respect", and even, "prayers"--which he's never used in a speech before.
It's unfortunate that he presented this speech in his usual, dictatorial way, head turning first left, then right, chin raised. Reminded me of Benito Mussolini at his finest.
Obama never looked anyone in the eye--as usual. He almost seemed to avoid it like the plague. After all, he doesn't want his dictator image tarnished.

And, of course, immediately following Obama's speech, Sarah Palin's speech was soundly denounced as political, while her "map" was displayed as somehow causing the shooter to go even nuttier than he already was.
Doesn't that infuriate everyone--just a glimpse of a map with targets on it sets me off--brings out a wild desire to run around shooting everybody--doesn't it do that for you? Come on, be honest about it!

What utter nonsense!

Well, what can you expect from commie thinkers? Their thinking is done for them and tweeted to all, I guess. All they have to do is follow the leader!

Personally, I think it's time for us to demand border security and enforcement of the age-old laws against communist sympathizers!

Oh, and one other thing---demand Obama resign!

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