We've just celebrated another Memorial Day and it should be celebrated every day.
It should have reminded us of several things:
-That World War II began for us at Pearl Harbor, 70 years ago.
-that the Korean War started June 25, 1950 and ended in Panmunjom on July 27 1953 It was the first war which we did not win. June 25th, 1950--July 27th, 1953
-That the Vietnam war started in 1954, with American military involvement in 1955, and ended in 1975, that start being 57 years ago.
-That the war on Irag began with the invasion of Iraq on March 20th, 2003. It was a byproduct of the war on Afghanistan, which started a month after the tragic hijacking incidents of September 11th, 2001.
It's now been 10 long years of war.
Think back on all of that. We've been at war in one form or another for the past 70 years.
I agree with that old saying that, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." (Thomas Jefferso), but aren't we approaching the ridiculous? Must we always shed our patriot's blood over every dictator in the world? Isn't it about time we brought our troops home?
At present, we have involved ourselves with the NATO bombing of Libya--the excuse being that Qadaffi is being "cruel" to his people, who are rising up against him.
Correct me if I"m wrong, but doesn't that make that a civil war? And if it does, why are we meddling in it? And don't anybody try to tell me Qadaffi was a threat to us. In fact, the reverse was true. He committed one crime against us, for which President Reagan punished him severely. Ever sine then, he's been the model of compliance, even turning over his atomic research to us to prove his peaceful intentions.
Seventy years of one war after another. Seventy years of one president after another sending our patriots out to die for imagined insults, or acts.
When are we going to allow a full generation to grow up without being asked to shed their blood for the politicos?
The only threat to the United States at present is from the leftists who are now in control of our government and that is the greatest threat of all. Our freedoms--those our patriots have fought so hard to protect--are slowly being eroded by the socialist laws being passed by our own government.
Memorial Day may soon become an afterthought in the pages of history.
At the present rate of our loss of freedoms which we are witnessing, it may not be long before the blood of our patriots are again required to refresh our tree of liberty.
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