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Saturday, July 02, 2011

Not only are the socialists coming out of the woodwork with hard Soros money behind them, but facts keep cropping up proving what a fraud their candidate, Obama, is!

Whether or not he is a natural born citizen has been bandied about and totally ignored by congress and the courts, leaving one to question whether or not we still live in America, or Russia. China, perhaps?

Since when can we not get a ruling on this subject out of the United States Supreme court? Why can't we get congressmen who are brave enough to take the floor to protest the actions--in fact the very presence--of the "pretender" to the throne?

Obama is a fraud. Nearly ALL of the citizens in this country--at least the ones having paid attention--realize Obama's father was NOT an American citizen and, therefore, Obama is not eligible to be POTUS!
Yet this fraud is running hard for a 2nd term!

Are there any citizens out there who realize Obama and crowd are laughing in your faces? Do you realize they've made a joke out of the requirements for office?

Here are eight facts which may help you understand how "in your face" Obama's actions are and how much more "in your face" they will be during the run up to this next election:

8 facts prove Obama fraud!

Does anybody think Congress will begin impeachment proceedings next week?

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