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Saturday, April 07, 2012

Obama Buys an Election--The Next One!

Frankly, I don't know how much more we can take!
Obama has been at it again. Ever since the birth control fiasco, when Obumbles tried dictating to the Catholic church what they must do as employers, we've now come full circle from BC edicts, to "instructing" the Supreme Court on the passage of Health Care, to--election fixing!
Yep! He's got the elections squarely in his sights!

He's determined to become dictator. I suspect he's been talking to that Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, who managed to get something like 98% of the vote to install him as "permanent president", an alliterative phrase meaning, "dictator".
Obumbles, I'll bet, likes alliteration.

Yes, ladies and germs, I said election fixing. Remember the comments Obumbles made about how he was going to be reelected? Got any idea why he was so confident?
Well, it's because he sold the rights to vote counting to a European company, owned by a person who contributed the maximum amount of money to Obumbles campaign!

Sounds like Obumbles may just get the 98% he's looking for, doesn't it?

Ladies and gents, we can be proud of ourselves. We now have the most corrupt government on the planet!
I'm quite sure they've decided if congress won't authorize more money, Obumbles will just have the treasury print him up another couple of billion. Seems he always has money to bribe people with.

Well, I always wanted to live under a dictator(--NOT!) Just imagine--you never have to worry about what you're going to do with your life. Obumbles will tell you.

Obumbles has promised health care for all. Well, all but the elderly. It costs too much to take care of them, so he's willing to just let 'em die.
Should be easy. Just like abortion.
Of course, next may come the Jews, the Italians, or whomever else annoys Obumbles.
Perhaps dissidents like myself, who write blogs. Who knows? It might even be you!

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