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Saturday, July 28, 2012

We Near Our Answer to America's Future

Yes, days and months fly by. I can't believe my last post was in April! I'm growing lax in my old age, I guess!

I believe the Who and What of Obama are now clear for all to see. His ridiculous comment about "you didn't build that---" proved his ineptitude when it comes to business acumen.
The White House(WH) refusal to admit Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, shows the Muslim bent of our commander-in-chief!
Incidentally, he'll not admit he's a Muslim until after he's reelected!

The desperation of our Muslim-in-chief are apparent when he offers comments such as the one in which he stated the economy was recovering.
I wondered what kind of weed he was puffing?

Or could it be the American people are too busily "cracking" cocaine, or puffing their own weed and are, therefore, too busy to see the kind of person they've voted into office.
An idiot can understand Obama is the hands-down, absolute champion failure of any prior president.

He hasn't succeeded at one thing! Well, with the exception of speeches which he has convinced his followers are "brilliant", but in actuality are filled with lies and half-truths! He must hold the record for lies and that takes some doing, because there have been a lot of politicians who made an art out of lying!

Unfortunately, Obama's lies are too obvious and, therefore, not to be considered as art---just clumsy attempts at propaganda!

As for what's the matter with congress?

The point that most of us missed is, the dems nearly ALWAYS vote for the commie/socialists.
The repubs are voting too often with the socialists.
The result is, we will have a dictator following the next election, unless we change our outlook.

The problem Americans have is, they refuse to see the problems coming down the road. The repubs in congress believe they are showing how willing they are to be "fair".
They're not--they're stupid! The dems are calling them suckers and laughing at them.

Wake up America! Stop worrying about details and understand that, just as we were in Korea and Vietnam, we are engaged in a WAR against communism in our own country.
And we are surrounded--and voting for--some traitors!

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