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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Today is the First Day of the Rest of the Life of America!

Yep, I know that usually applies only to people, but in this case it applies to ALL of the people that make up America.
Getting out the vote has been an important job.  Unfortunately, in California, there appears to be a few people who, once thought dead, have apparently resurrected themselves for one final vote!  Why this is necessary in California, when this state is 70% democrat and 29.8% republican, is beyond me.
But who am I to disparage the state I live in?

Mmmm, I think I will anyway!

California will elect the amateur Obama, once again.  Since Brown didn't run against him, they can't see any reason why they shouldn't elect him---again!  If nothing else, the democrats being the creatures of habit that they are, simply take the party line and follow it directly to the voting booth!  If a democrat ever had an original thought, it would sound something like, "I wonder if the government will buy me a new car when this one  quits?"  And, of course, the man would either be black, or brown!
Now, don't bother calling me a racist, because I admit I have become one.  I went along, year after year, believing in equality and freedom for all.  I believed all the high falutin' phrases that came down to us through our founding fathers until I discovered--as many others have--they didn't push to abolish slavery, either!
And the blacks actually liked their lives then.  "Massa" took care of them, providing free medical care, a house, clothing and all the chitlins they could eat!
And right down to this day, many of them still long for the same things---as evidenced by the black woman in 2008 who said, loudly and clearly, "Obama gon' buy me a HOUSE!"  And as if that wasn't enough, this year another Black woman discovered and said, to her great joy, "Obama gib us FREE phones!"
In fact, Obama "gib" many of them more than one, as it turns out!  Please don't ask what they use them for---danged it I know!  Maybe they'll call their ancestors in Africa to boast about the $1.2 billion Obama gave them as reparations!  For what, I also don't know!  None of them have ever been slaves and danged few can point to ancestors who were slaves.

So what has Obama done to alleviate this "racist" attitude on the part of the whites?  Why, he's encouraged the blacks to become even MORE racist--until the social pages are now filled with comments from Blacks like, "I gon start a riot an' kiw me some WHITE M***er F**kers!"
Ah, yes!  There's nothing like a good education, is there?  Of course, they threatened this if Obama should LOSE!  They'll probably riot even if he WINS---just for the "hellahbit"!

Soooo, WHY am I a racist?  (I ask myself that question, because noone else will ask!)
It's hard to believe I'm a racist because I actually believe in equality for all!  I believe the Black man has every right to advance himself, the same as the white man.  He has a right to run for office, just as the white man does.
He's entitled to be represented on television in the various stories, sitcoms, etc. as white men.
The way they are represented now, is UNequal and in their favor.
You see, the total population of the U.S. is well over 300 million souls.  Of those, 12% are blacks;14% are hispanic and the rest are mostly white, with some asians thrown in.
So to be fair, blacks, wanting "equality", should be represented at a rate of no more than one in probably 3.4 of "all other" races, which would include Asian, Hispanic and White.
But, for some strange reason, they believe they deserve MORE, because, after all, they were so poorly treated for so many years!
 Can you feel my sympathy?

One thing in all of this I am certain of---Obama has damaged the image of the Black man so badly, they will be very lucky to ever see another Black president---especially from the Communist/socialist/democrat party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh brother -- the attempted voter fraud that's been shown to be true has all been on the Republican end. The video of someone pressing the checkbox for President Obama, and the box for Romney checking instead, speaks for itself. All the claims about "dead voters" are unsupportable, and there is nothing to back them up. This has been shown to be less than 100 such attempts EVER, and they've been divided between parties. So the idiotic whine about democrats on this is just that.