It's much more difficult to find things to be thankful for in this
economy, especially with this "little dictator" we seem to be stuck
How can you be thankful, when encumbered with Obamacare?
How is it possible to be thankful for a future that only displays more
socialist, or communist nonsense from a habitual liar? His latest
escapade is to close the Catholic embassy at
the Vatican--a direct insult to all Catholics. He's determined to
eradicate all semblances of Christianity from America and he knows if he
can defeat the Catholic church, it will be only a short matter of time
until the rest of the churches are destroyed. The only thing left will
be Sharia law.
As Christians the one thing we must feel is
sympathy towards those who voted for this abomination. Sadness,
perhaps, that they are so under educated and narrow minded they can't
see Obama for what he is---a "wannabe" dictator, who will never be,
simply because he cannot defeat the Constitution, or those who protect
Take solace in the signs of the military who are aware of this
pariah's machinations and fear not! Remember, FDR told us, "The only
thing we have to fear, is fear itself!"
So, on Thanksgiving
Day, remember your family. Spend time with them, because they are more
important to you than your government ever will be. Remember the past
events which you enjoyed with your family and never be afraid to recall
Let you family know that you respect them and love them.
If you are unable to be with them, call them. A few minutes talk is
sometimes worth more than you know
Most of all, continue to be
happy. Continue to do the things that make you happy. Continue to be
the Christians you know you can be and soon, you will see you're effect
on those around you.
God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!
This is so hypocritical. Yet you used Medicare which is "Socialism". You cashed your SOCIAL SECURITY checks. Which is: Socialism. So basically it's only OK when YOU needed it. Not anyone else. Obamacare has been used by countless Americans who couldn't get health care. Thankful for Obama and his actual CARING for the betterment of others. All these years later? It STILL is saving lives and improving quality of life!
PS "wanna be Dictator" LOL that's great! Guess who it really turned out to be? TRUMP!
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