Sony pictures has been forced to back down
by N. Korea and pull "the Interview" from publication. This is called
"losing the right of free speech". Any time a tin-pot dictator objects
to anything an American says, we are apparently expected to issue
apologies and immediately reverse course.
The 2nd and much worse problem is
Obama's secret negotiations with a sworn enemy--Cuba. Apparently he
bowed enough to Castro so that a deal was made, where by we release
a couple of murdering scum who were serving a life sentence for murder.
All of this, mind you, without consulting with congress, OR ANY OTHER
AMERICAN OFFICIAL! That, of course, is the action of a dictator, which
makes King Putt-putt a traitor. Of course, the cowards in congress
won't do a damn thing about it. The house of the people needs to be
cleaned out and those who refuse to fight the power grab by our tin-cup
dictator should be consigned to the trash heap as merely useless
The "King" should also be impeached for his criminal actions.
This is a deliberate slap in the face to any conservative and patriot.
Because of the cowards in our congress, the putter now has complete control over the country.
There is no one who will oppose him. If, in 2016, he decides to stay
as a dictator, he will be rubber stamped by our congress--
--but never by
the people.
Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)
Stick around and find out!
--I end up here. (Where's here?)
Stick around and find out!
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Why Do We Allow Our Government to Violate Our Rights?
Watched FOX this morning with Lou Dobbs. He had John Bolton on.
They were discussing the political problems with the ME and
Obama’s handling of same.
I hoped they’d shed some light on the subject---more than we’ve
heard so far, but they didn’t.
What it did, instead, was stir my own thoughts on that mess.
Most pols, having Ignored the fact Obama (in his eagerness
to appear a heroic, Muslim “appeaser”) yanked the troops out of Iraq (totally ignoring
the agreement already in existence which gave us the right to keep troops in
Iraq for years to come), still refuses to put the blame where it belongs---on
King putt-putt!
(Dems have mastered the art of obfuscation and confusion,
just as that last sentence did.)
And that’s only one situation.
The other obscene situations are the Benghazi affair, in
which Chillery allowed four Americans to be killed, and then retired as SoS,
hoping she wouldn’t be called to testify before congress. Yes, I said Hillary caused their deaths. The administration refuses to cooperate in
finding the true killer, so by default, Hillary is on the spot.
Then there is the immigration problem, which the dems keep
insisting the repubs must come up with reforms for---totally ignoring the fact
that when they controlled congress, THEY didn’t do a damn thing about it,
either. NOW they expect the house
majority to submit a reform bill to the Senate, so Reid can stick it in his
desk, or use as a cushion? Nonsense!
So the American people decided to do something positive
about all of this. They elected those
pubs they thought would do the trick---foil Obama.
And we saw what happened.
Total aborting of the advantage given to the repubs by the American
Worse yet, we were even told we were “idiots”!
Well, maybe we are.
If the year were approximately 1786 and the pols had acted this way, I
suspect our next vote would have been for revolution. We’d have hung some of these traitors from
the tallest yardarm in either the Boston Harbor, or the Brooklyn Navy yards.
Hell, we may still do that.
It looks to me as though they’re certainly asking for it.
Question is, “who’s to do it?”
Saturday, December 06, 2014
About Time--
Yep! It's about time the "white side" of the black story was heard.
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being called, "racist" and blamed for the "plight" of the blacks in this country.
Obama wants a dialogue on racial problems. I think it should include the white side of the story.
After all, we're constantly bombarded with the Black Caucus comments; the NAACP's drippings and the Black Power advocates hate speech.
Time for some white responses and to do that, I'm reprinting Pat Buchanan's speech, which seems to nail the subject, once and for all:
You say we need to have a conversation about race in America .. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.... This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard.
And among them are these:
First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??
Obama talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids...? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America 's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?
As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?
Is Obama aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.
Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago. This needs to be passed around because, this is a message everyone needs to hear!!!
I am
Not racist,
Not violent,
Just not silent anymore.
In GOD we trust
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being called, "racist" and blamed for the "plight" of the blacks in this country.
Obama wants a dialogue on racial problems. I think it should include the white side of the story.
After all, we're constantly bombarded with the Black Caucus comments; the NAACP's drippings and the Black Power advocates hate speech.
Time for some white responses and to do that, I'm reprinting Pat Buchanan's speech, which seems to nail the subject, once and for all:
By Patrick J. BuchananYou say we need to have a conversation about race in America .. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.... This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard.
And among them are these:
First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??
Obama talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids...? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America 's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?
As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?
Is Obama aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.
Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago. This needs to be passed around because, this is a message everyone needs to hear!!!
I am
Not racist,
Not violent,
Just not silent anymore.
In GOD we trust
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
The Shame of Ferguson, Missouri
What an absolutely abominable situation. And we can hold the authorities responsible for allowing it.
As I understood it, the NG was supposed to be in the streets. Where were they--behind barricades, protecting the police--wondering if they'd be attacked, before they did anything?
There should have been a sweep of those streets by a strong force of police and NG with orders to shoot looters on sight.
Shoot 5 or 6 of those clowns and watch the rest of the "protesters" (read, "criminals") would have scattered and run.
Instead, you can bet your booties we will now have to go through a long, drawn out miscarriage of justice when Holder's crooks charge Wilson with "civil rights" violations--which IS NOT TRUE and never has been. (It wasn't true in the Rodney King case, either, but everybody felt so sorry for the black clown who suffered so terribly at the hands of the police. Yep, sarcasm!)
Everybody believed the black version of that story and didn't bother looking at the facts.
And the King case in no way resembles Wilson's case. Wilson was defending himself against a full grown moose--King was attempting to resist 4 cops, one of which was a woman.
He resisted because he was on parole and knew, if stopped, he'd be busted---again!
(Just in case any one is curious, here's some info on King:)
Arrest record of Rodney King:
King’s actions once he was stopped:
Ferguson, Missouri is just one more instance in which the white majority allowed a minority group to not only flaunt the law, but deliberately trash and ultimately destroy local businesses, because they refused to believe a legally appointed jury's verdict.
Shame on you Ferguson, and shame on Missouri for allowing this fiasco.
As I understood it, the NG was supposed to be in the streets. Where were they--behind barricades, protecting the police--wondering if they'd be attacked, before they did anything?
There should have been a sweep of those streets by a strong force of police and NG with orders to shoot looters on sight.
Shoot 5 or 6 of those clowns and watch the rest of the "protesters" (read, "criminals") would have scattered and run.
Instead, you can bet your booties we will now have to go through a long, drawn out miscarriage of justice when Holder's crooks charge Wilson with "civil rights" violations--which IS NOT TRUE and never has been. (It wasn't true in the Rodney King case, either, but everybody felt so sorry for the black clown who suffered so terribly at the hands of the police. Yep, sarcasm!)
Everybody believed the black version of that story and didn't bother looking at the facts.
And the King case in no way resembles Wilson's case. Wilson was defending himself against a full grown moose--King was attempting to resist 4 cops, one of which was a woman.
He resisted because he was on parole and knew, if stopped, he'd be busted---again!
(Just in case any one is curious, here's some info on King:)
Arrest record of Rodney King:
King’s actions once he was stopped:
Ferguson, Missouri is just one more instance in which the white majority allowed a minority group to not only flaunt the law, but deliberately trash and ultimately destroy local businesses, because they refused to believe a legally appointed jury's verdict.
Shame on you Ferguson, and shame on Missouri for allowing this fiasco.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Obama Has Crowned Himself Dictator
Of course everyone knew this is where we were heading, didn't we? Every time we turned around, Obama was doing something unconstitutional. And smiling about it!
Congress, on the other hand, believed they had a mandate to stop Obama in his tracks. Little did they know Obama had no plans for allowing them to stop him. He just calmly proclaimed he was going to initiate new immigration laws, since Congress hadn't done it and despite their protestations they were working on it.
This morning we have new laws, established by our new dictator. Those laws will now allow an unlimited number of illegals to swarm across our border and our border guards will be powerless to even slow the mob.
So what has he accomplished in his 6 years in power?
Well, first he's divided the country into it's several cultures.
He's brought thousands of Muslims--who are sworn enemies of Christians--into the country and allowed them to take over various cities, imposing their own Sharia laws.
He's refused to bring to justice several people who are guilty of everything from incompetence, to murder.
He's encouraged blacks to riot and then refused to prosecute those blacks who injured innocent people.
He has continually proceeded with actions completely counter to our constitution with impunity.
He has used Executive orders to initiate laws, when the intent of the executive order was intended for the organization only of the Executive branch. They legally have no affect on the other branches, or the country as a whole.
He's saddled Americans with a health care system that is overpriced, incompetently programmed and completely opposite of his promise that we could keep our doctors and our insurance, if we already have it.
All lies.
He's topped all of this with his newest insult to Citizens, the "immigration reform" laws.
I feel very sorry for the many young people in this country who will never experience the complete freedom I experienced long ago--that freedom that I grew up with--the freedom I served to defend and the many who died in it's defense.
Little did I know we would be brought down from within.
Congress, on the other hand, believed they had a mandate to stop Obama in his tracks. Little did they know Obama had no plans for allowing them to stop him. He just calmly proclaimed he was going to initiate new immigration laws, since Congress hadn't done it and despite their protestations they were working on it.
This morning we have new laws, established by our new dictator. Those laws will now allow an unlimited number of illegals to swarm across our border and our border guards will be powerless to even slow the mob.
So what has he accomplished in his 6 years in power?
Well, first he's divided the country into it's several cultures.
He's brought thousands of Muslims--who are sworn enemies of Christians--into the country and allowed them to take over various cities, imposing their own Sharia laws.
He's refused to bring to justice several people who are guilty of everything from incompetence, to murder.
He's encouraged blacks to riot and then refused to prosecute those blacks who injured innocent people.
He has continually proceeded with actions completely counter to our constitution with impunity.
He has used Executive orders to initiate laws, when the intent of the executive order was intended for the organization only of the Executive branch. They legally have no affect on the other branches, or the country as a whole.
He's saddled Americans with a health care system that is overpriced, incompetently programmed and completely opposite of his promise that we could keep our doctors and our insurance, if we already have it.
All lies.
He's topped all of this with his newest insult to Citizens, the "immigration reform" laws.
I feel very sorry for the many young people in this country who will never experience the complete freedom I experienced long ago--that freedom that I grew up with--the freedom I served to defend and the many who died in it's defense.
Little did I know we would be brought down from within.
Monday, November 10, 2014
The Wild and Free Pigs of the Okefenokee Swamp by Steve Washam based on a telling by George Gordon
Some years ago, about 1900, an old trapper from
North Dakota hitched up some horses to his Studebaker wagon, packed a few
possessions--especially his traps--and drove south.
Several weeks later he stopped in a small town
just north of the
Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia.
Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia.
It was a Saturday morning--a lazy day--when he
walked into the general store. Sitting around the pot-bellied stove were seven
or eight of the town's local citizens. The traveler spoke, "Gentlemen,
could you direct me to the Okefenokee Swamp?" Some of the oldtimers looked
at him like he was crazy.
"You must be a stranger in these
parts," they said.
"I am. I'm from North Dakota," said
the stranger.
"In the Okefenokee Swamp are thousands of
wild hogs," one old man explained. "A man who goes into the swamp by
himself asks to die!" He lifted up his leg. "I lost half my leg here,
to the pigs of the swamp."
Another old fellow said, "Look at the cuts
on me; look at my arm bit off!" "Those pigs have been free since the
Revolution, eating snakes and rooting out roots and fending for themselves for
over a hundred years. They're wild and they're dangerous. You can't trap them. No
man dare go into the swamp by himself."
Every man nodded his head in agreement.
The old trapper said, "Thank you so much
for the warning. Now could you direct me to the swamp?"
They said, "Well, yeah, its due
south--straight down the road."
But they begged the stranger not to go, because they knew he'd meet a terrible fate.
But they begged the stranger not to go, because they knew he'd meet a terrible fate.
He said, "Sell me ten sacks of corn, and
help me load them into the wagon."[This is where I figured out where this
story was going... Uncle Romulus]. And
they did.
Then the old trapper bid them farewell and drove
on down the road.
The townsfolk thought they'd never see him again.
The townsfolk thought they'd never see him again.
Two weeks later the man came back. He pulled up
to the general store, got down off the wagon, walked in and bought ten more
sacks of corn. After loading it up he went back down the road toward the swamp.
Two weeks later he returned and, again, bought
ten sacks of corn.
This went on for a month. And then two months, and three.
This went on for a month. And then two months, and three.
Every week or two the old trapper would come
into town on a Saturday morning, load up ten sacks of corn and drive off south
into the swamp.
The stranger soon became a legend in the little
village and the
subject of much speculation. People wondered what kind of devil had possessed this man that he could go into the Okefenokee by himself and not be consumed by the wild and free hogs.
subject of much speculation. People wondered what kind of devil had possessed this man that he could go into the Okefenokee by himself and not be consumed by the wild and free hogs.
One morning the man came into town as usual.
Everyone thought he wanted more corn. He got off the wagon and went into the
store where the usual group of men were gathered around the stove. He
took off his gloves. "Gentlemen," he said, "I need to hire
about ten or fifteen wagons. I need twenty or thirty men. I have six thousand
hogs out in the swamp, penned up, and they're all hungry. I've got to get them
to market right away."
"You've WHAT in the swamp?" asked the
storekeeper, incredulously. "I have six thousand hogs penned up.
They haven't eaten for two or three days, and they'll starve if I don't
get back there to feed and take care of them."
One of the old timers said, "You mean
you've captured the wild hogs of the Okefenokee?"
"That's right."
"How did you do that? What did you
do?" the men urged, breathlessly.
One of them exclaimed, "But I lost my
"I lost my brother!" cried another.
"I lost my leg to those wild boars!"
chimed a third.
The trapper said, "Well, the first week I
went in there they were
wild all right. They hid in the undergrowth and wouldn't come out.
I dared not get off the wagon. So I spread corn along behind the
wagon. Every day I'd spread a sack of corn.
wild all right. They hid in the undergrowth and wouldn't come out.
I dared not get off the wagon. So I spread corn along behind the
wagon. Every day I'd spread a sack of corn.
"The old pigs would have nothing to do with
it. But the younger pigs decided that it was easier to eat free corn than it
was to root out roots and catch snakes. So the very young began to eat the corn
"I did this every day. Pretty soon, even
the old pigs decided that
it was easier to eat free corn, after all, they were all free; they
were not penned up. They could run off in any direction they wanted at any time.
it was easier to eat free corn, after all, they were all free; they
were not penned up. They could run off in any direction they wanted at any time.
"The next thing was to get them used to
eating in the same place all the time. So, I selected a clearing, and I started
putting the corn
in the clearing.
in the clearing.
"At first they wouldn't come to the
clearing. It was too far. It was
too open. It was a nuisance to them.
too open. It was a nuisance to them.
"But the very young decided that it was
easier to take the corn in
the clearing than it was to root out roots and catch their own
snakes. And not long thereafter, the older pigs also decided that it
was easier to come to the clearing every day.
the clearing than it was to root out roots and catch their own
snakes. And not long thereafter, the older pigs also decided that it
was easier to come to the clearing every day.
"And so the pigs learned to come to the
clearing every day to get
their free corn. They could still subsidize their diet with roots
and snakes and whatever else they wanted. After all, they were all
free. They could run in any direction at any time. There were no
bounds upon them.
their free corn. They could still subsidize their diet with roots
and snakes and whatever else they wanted. After all, they were all
free. They could run in any direction at any time. There were no
bounds upon them.
"The next step was to get them used to
fence posts. So I put fence
posts all the way around the clearing. I put them in the underbrush
so that they wouldn't get suspicious or upset, after all, they were
just sticks sticking up out of the ground, like the trees and the
brush. The corn was there every day. It was easy to walk in between the posts, get the corn, and walk back out.
posts all the way around the clearing. I put them in the underbrush
so that they wouldn't get suspicious or upset, after all, they were
just sticks sticking up out of the ground, like the trees and the
brush. The corn was there every day. It was easy to walk in between the posts, get the corn, and walk back out.
"This went on for a week or two. Shortly
they became very used to walking into the clearing, getting the free corn, and
walking back out through the fence posts.
"The next step was to put one rail down at
the bottom. I also left
a few openings, so that the older, fatter pigs could walk through
the openings and the younger pigs could easily jump over just one
rail, after all, it was no real threat to their freedom or independence--they could always jump over the rail and flee in
any direction at any time.
a few openings, so that the older, fatter pigs could walk through
the openings and the younger pigs could easily jump over just one
rail, after all, it was no real threat to their freedom or independence--they could always jump over the rail and flee in
any direction at any time.
"Now I decided that I wouldn't feed them
every day. I began to feed them every other day. On the days I didn't feed
them, the pigs still gathered in the clearing. They squealed, and they grunted,
and they begged and pleaded with me to feed them--but I only fed them every
other day. Then I put a second rail around the posts.
"Now the pigs became more and more
desperate for food. Because now they were no longer used to going out and
digging their own roots and finding their own food, they now needed me. They
needed my corn every other day."
"So I trained them that I would feed them
every day if they came in through a gate and I put up a third rail around the
"But it was still no great threat to their
freedom, because there were several gates and they could run in and out at will.
"Finally I put up the fourth rail. Then I
closed all the gates but one, and I fed them very, very well."
"Yesterday I closed the last gate and today
I need you to help me take these pigs to market."
The price of free corn
The parable of the pigs has a serious moral
lesson. This story is
about federal money being used to bait, trap and enslave a once free and independent people.
about federal money being used to bait, trap and enslave a once free and independent people.
Federal welfare, in its myriad forms, has
reduced not only
individuals to a state of dependency; state and local governments
are also on the fast track to elimination, due to their functions
being subverted by the command and control structures of federal
"revenue sharing" programs.
individuals to a state of dependency; state and local governments
are also on the fast track to elimination, due to their functions
being subverted by the command and control structures of federal
"revenue sharing" programs.
Please copy this parable and send it to all of
your state and
local elected leaders and other concerned citizens. Tell them:
"Just say NO to federal corn."
local elected leaders and other concerned citizens. Tell them:
"Just say NO to federal corn."
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