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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Shame of Ferguson, Missouri

What an absolutely abominable situation.  And we can hold the authorities responsible for allowing it.
As I understood it, the NG was supposed to be in the streets.  Where were they--behind barricades, protecting the police--wondering if they'd be attacked, before they did anything?

There should have been a sweep of those streets by a strong force of police and NG with orders to shoot looters on sight.
Shoot 5 or 6 of those clowns and watch the rest of the "protesters" (read, "criminals") would have scattered and run.
Instead, you can bet your booties we will now have to go through a long, drawn out miscarriage of justice when Holder's crooks charge Wilson with "civil rights" violations--which IS NOT TRUE and never has been.  (It wasn't true in the Rodney King case, either, but everybody felt so sorry for the black clown who suffered so terribly at the hands of the police.  Yep, sarcasm!)
Everybody believed the black version of that story and didn't bother looking at the facts.
And the King case in no way resembles Wilson's case.  Wilson was defending himself against a full grown moose--King was attempting to resist 4 cops, one of which was a woman.
He resisted because he was on parole and knew, if stopped, he'd be busted---again!
(Just in case any one is curious, here's some info on King:)

Arrest record of Rodney King:

King’s actions once he was stopped:

Ferguson, Missouri is just one more instance in which the white majority allowed a minority group to not only flaunt the law, but deliberately trash and ultimately destroy local businesses, because they refused to believe a legally appointed jury's verdict.
Shame on you Ferguson, and shame on Missouri for allowing this fiasco.

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