Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Obama's Transparency Promise Goes Down the Drain.

Yup!  The only thing we get to "know" about, is the fact he's playing golf!
In fact, I don't think he's ever even told us his scores!

Ah, yes!  Transparency, it's wonderful, isn't it?  Don't you wish we had just a touch, a smidgen, just a tad?

I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so a long time ago---way back when he was first running for prez, after doing nothing for several months in the Senate.
If you want to know WHY there's no transparency in our government, just check out this story:


Let's see--at last count there were something like 380million Americans.  
Obama's list must contain over 275million names, at least.

Is YOUR name on his list?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"General" Obama Screws up---Again!

Some day it will cost us dearly for his muffs!

Does this sound familiar:

"Air force strikes enemy in Iraq"?

Where have I heard that before?  Why am I hearing it again?

Obama has decided (finally) to hit ISIS from the air.   Whether or not it does any good, is to be as yet determined.   And the whole thing is confoundedly stupid!

You see, Obama was so determined to drag our troops out of Iraq to satisfy his campaign speeches, he didn't consider the complications  that could arise from such actions.
Of course, "General" Obama doesn't know a damned thing about running the military.  He's spent all of his previous time just hating them.  So it would be foolish for us to expect any kind of logic from this commie when it comes to military action.
He's fired all of the good generals.  All he has left are the "yes" men.

Do you seriously think for one minute they're going to try telling him how to run the military?  He reminds me of Hitler, who had at least SERVED in the military as a Corporal, but wouldn't let his generals run the war, or even advise him.

So Obama continues down the path of stupidity he's set out on, totally unaware of how ridiculous he looks in doing so.
"But he's promised, no 'boots on the ground'", you say.

They wouldn't be necessary if he had LEFT our troops in Iraq as an occupying force in the first place!

It would also help a lot if he hadn't ARMED these idiots, way back in Syria.

After all, what do you think Benghazi was all about?

Friday, August 22, 2014

When Do We Admit We Are Already Engaged in WW3?

Despite headlines to the contrary, AQ agrees with ISIS.  (I'm sure we'll have articles proving that shortly.)  After all, AQ is not strong enough to dispute ISIS and, what the hay, if you can't beat 'em---!

And I'm a little--, a whole lot tired of these people who, when speaking of Israel, want to criticize them for blowing up hospitals and "poor widdo kiddies", (to quote Red Skelton.)
Read your history on WW2 and try to sum the numbers of civilians killed and maimed in the whole cities that were destroyed.  You'll find the numbers are astounding--so much so that several bomber pilots often wondered aloud if anybody in the AF ever had a touch of conscience over the "carpet bombing" tactics.
They didn't really explore that idea to much, because they were too often reminded they were in a war to the death, with people who would do the same thing to us, if they had a chance.

Does that last situation remind you of where we are today?
Yep, you guessed it.  We're in a war and so is Israel--WWIII
I don't believe comments about "turning the ME into a glass parking lot" are really so much out of place--as just premature.

With the conditions on the border where all kinds of illegals are swarming across and dispersing throughout the country, the democrats in DC are trying to blame the repubs for not reforming immigration.
It soon--if not already--will be immaterial, because quite easily ten percent of the illegals could be bomb-carrying terrorists--and the bombs may not be home made!  
The possibility of terrorists armed with small nukes is becoming a distinct possibility.  Does anyone believe for one minute they won't use them?

I keep remembering what Obama promised during his first term--that if it came down to siding with the west, or the Arabs, he would side with the Arabs.
He should be impeached for that remark alone.

Before this war is ended, there will be bloodshed on both sides, the likes of which you can't imagine. 

I'd suggest you prepare! 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Is it Time for Revolution Yet?

I keep asking myself, when is the country going to wise up, wake up and throw this bum out of office?
I mean, I know most Americans they can't find their pants in the morning, but CRAP!  After 6 years of this commie, can't you see what he's doing to the country?
Is your brain so lame you can't see the constitutional rights we've lost?

We used to pride ourselves on being free.  Not just "free", but FREE, baby!  And nobody could take that away from us.

Newsflash---you are no longer FREE--you're not even "free".  You've got the NSA breathing down your neck; the TSA groping your women and propaganda pouring out of Washington DC like Niagra Falls.
And what do YOU do--hunker down in your rocker at night and ignore the world around you?

There's a stupid old saying I've heard so much I'm, sick of it, but I'll repeat part of it here, just for your benefit.
They came for the Jews, but I didn't worry, because I wasn't a jew.
They came for the Freedom party leaders, but I didn't worry, because I didn't belong to that party.
They came for the people who posted signs against the regime, but I wasn't worried, because I posted no signs.
Then they came for me, because I was the only one left.

OK, so I changed it a little. 
It should AT LEAST make you think a little.
--but it probably won't.

Sunday, August 03, 2014


I am so disappointed.
I am so ashamed by what I saw.
I am so disgusted by the lost opportunity.

As far as I am concerned, Ted Cruz completely and irrevocably blew his career sky high.

He absolutely transformed before our very eyes into a petulant, whimpering, grimacing baby, who had just had his pacifier taken away from him.

This was the Ted Cruz who was given the opportunity and the honor of signifying the joining of the disparate factions in the republican party; to display a gentlemanly and sportsmanlike attitude toward the anointed Republican candidate.

Instead, he simpered.  He spoke only to the camera, as though seeking solace and forgiveness there, knowing full well it would not come—not now,  not ever.

He stood, at the end, with a sickening smile on his face, listening to the end of his political career arrive, transported by the booing delegates who had tried to accept him, wanting to believe he would join with them in the harmonious support of Donald Trump. 

But, it was not to be.  Senator Ted Cruz, now reduced to Mr. Cruz, left the stage driven off by the angry looks of the delegates who displayed their anger for the whole nation to see by booing and hissing at his back.

He had failed to announce his support of Donald Trump and the delegates showed their displeasure.
The mighty Cruz
                         ----has struck out!