And I'm a
Read your history on WW2 and try to sum the numbers of civilians killed and maimed in the whole cities that were destroyed. You'll find the numbers are astounding--so much so that several bomber pilots often wondered aloud if anybody in the AF ever had a touch of conscience over the "carpet bombing" tactics.
They didn't really explore that idea to much, because they were too often reminded they were in a war to the death, with people who would do the same thing to us, if they had a chance.
Does that last situation remind you of where we are today?
Yep, you guessed it. We're in a war and so is Israel--WWIII
I don't believe comments about "turning the ME into a glass parking lot" are really so much out of place--as just premature.
With the conditions on the border where all kinds of illegals are swarming across and dispersing throughout the country, the democrats in DC are trying to blame the repubs for not reforming immigration.
It soon--if not already--will be immaterial, because quite easily ten percent of the illegals could be bomb-carrying terrorists--and the bombs may not be home made!
The possibility of terrorists armed with small nukes is becoming a distinct possibility. Does anyone believe for one minute they won't use them?
I keep remembering what Obama promised during his first term--that if it came down to siding with the west, or the Arabs, he would side with the Arabs.
He should be impeached for that remark alone.
Before this war is ended, there will be bloodshed on both sides, the likes of which you can't imagine.
I'd suggest you prepare!
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