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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What Happens if You Vote for Democrats?

Based on the past 6 years, it's a sure thing for the rest of Obama's term, you'll get more actions in defiance of the Constitution.  As a matter of fact, we now have stories of how Obama will handle illegal immigration problem--by giving them work permits--as soon as midterm elections are over.
And he'll do it despite the fact he may be faced with a Republican controlled Congress.
It will be just one more in a long line of dictatorial actions by this president.

Don't hold your breath if you think the republicans will oppose him.  They, instead, are thinking ahead to the day they have a republican POTUS.  They are looking forward to using those Executive Orders exactly the same way Obama has.  They may even thank Obama for opening this door.  They won't, any of them, consider the average citizen's desires--although they'll certainly tell you they have.

Of course, the average Joe Blow hasn't a clue as to what he wants.  After all, approximately 49% of them voted for Obama--twice!  They don't care if he becomes a dictator, because they believe they'll still get all the freebies currently being given to them.
What they forget is, somebody has to pay the piper for all those freebies; for all those give-aways.  The other half of the country has to have well paying jobs so they can be taxed for the money to pay for all of those freebies.
But 49% of the country believe the freebies are owed to them.

The country is in a death spiral and anyone who wants to reverse the spiral is called a "far right-wing fanatic", simply because he wants the country to live under the laws of the Constitution.
He wants free speech--back.
He wants the freedom to choose his own health care.
He wants the government to honor his right to bear arms; to worship his own religion and and not be forced to accept one he does not believe in.
He wants a fair tax for himself and for the companies he works for, because he knows jobs are created when companies are not taxed to death, or forced to move to foreign countries in order to survive.  For every company that leaves the country, countless numbers of jobs go with them and this condition can be attributed directly to the democrats tightening regulations and corporate taxes.

We are not Europe.
But Obama wants us to look like them.
We are not the middle East.
But Obama wants us to believe we are a Muslim nation, even though the numbers give the lie to his words, as usual.
But we are not a Muslim nation, either.  We have been in the majority Christian, since the signing of the Bill of rights and that majority still exists.

The only answer to all of these problems is to vote for local people who will actually heed the will of the people.  I sincerely hope all of you will do that.  If not, you will bear responsibility for the destruction of what was once the shining beacon of freedom for all nations.

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