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Friday, April 24, 2015

Tired of Feeling Your Political Party is Letting You Down?

Me, too!  
But when I tried to decide just who to blame, it really got confusing.  What I ended up with is the following conclusion:
Let me apologize ahead of this rant.  In the past, I've agreed with the concept there are few differences between the parties.
I've also agreed that most R = D and the parties seem to go about achieving the same basic goal using slightly different methods--and can't seem to understand why their own members can't all "go along"..
It's hard to blame the parties when so many of our institutions no longer function as we intended.

My conclusion is, repubs have given up instituting any major change when they are in control, simply because too many people agree with the changes already made.
Abortion is an excellent example.  For a repub to even HINT that he might take on the abortion argument, means almost instant death at the polls.

The problem has simply become too large to be pinned down to any one party, or person.
At the risk of sounding "teddibly old fashioned, old chap" the every day events occurring at present are an indication of the sickness that has invaded the country.

Many, many years ago, while we (older) vets were out fighting Nazis (in Europe) AND commies (in Korea and 'Nam) the "home front" had already been invaded by our enemies.
They began by instituting rebellious "young'uns" who flooded the streets with protests against what they believed were too rigid disciplines imposed by many of our patriotic principles.  Principles that included old fashioned ideas about families, honesty, religion, fairness and equality.  Backed by socialists, families were "dissed", honesty became non-existent (or OK), our religions were publicly vilified, and immoral standards replaced our moral ones until now, as an example, many people feel "OK" about homosexuality, even though their individual churches still oppose it.  (There ARE cracks in that armor showing more frequently now.)
Many of those rebellious groups became teachers and have taught the current generation that socialism--even communism--is not really "evil".  I've even heard remarks in speeches against Reagan for remarks about the "Evil Empire". 


In his speech he said:

Alexis de Tocqueville, put it eloquently after he had gone on a search for the secret of America's greatness and genius -- and he said, "Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the greatness and the genius of America. America is good. And if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

I put it to you, ladies and gents, there have never been more prophetic words spoken, nor more truth in one sentence.

We must weed out the communist cancer in our society--EVERY DAY.  Whether it be in our schools, our workplaces, or our churches, we must never let it go unchallenged.
If we can accomplish that task, we will do much toward taking our country back.
(--And so, RANT "OFF")

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