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Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Platform of the New Traditionalist Party--

--As I promised (some time ago) to post for the formation of my Traditionalist Party.
And here they are:


1. We believe the people have been ignored for too long. Too many nominees have gained votes by making promises to the people which they never intended to keep, or, once elected, they've turned their backs on the people to line their pockets with money from special interest groups.
This party hereby publicly renounces all ties, or interests in special interest groups.
The party accepts legal donations from ANY citizen/citizens or groups of citizens, but we will NOT be beholden to ANY, other than the individual American citizen and the country as a whole.

2. Recognizing the fact that this country is comprised of 95% religious citizens, we firmly believe and will actively strive to apply those principles to our every day activities. We also recognize the right of atheist citizens to disbelieve religious tenets but, while we cannot recognize, or sanction any one religion, by the same token we will not sanction, or recognize atheism, which is itself a form of religion.

3. We recognize the Constitution as our only guide to laws.
What the founding fathers have built, we will not break asunder.
We do not recognize "world opinion", or "one world government", when either of those conflict with our Constitution.
We will never allow any of our rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution to be usurped by any world, or state, government.

4. We do not believe in judicial activism. The only function of the United States Supreme Court is to review legislation initiated by Congress as to Constitutionality, or to decide those cases legally brought before it, using Constitutional yardsticks.
We believe one of the many functions of Congress is to oversee the legislative decisions of the Supreme Court. In the event that the Court determines a question cannot be answered by existing laws, then Congress may be called upon to legislate such required laws after full debate. We believe Justices actions maybe be subject to review by the Congress and articles of impeachment may be found warranted individually, or collectively, against the justices of said court if it has been determined they have rendered decisions based on other than Constitutional requirements!
We believe that to prevent party partisanship from occurring, United States Supreme Court Justices should serve a term of not more than 16 years.

5. It is the function of the Executive Branch to insure the safety of the citizenry. To that purpose, the borders of the United States must be secured from illegal trespass and all illegal entrants must be returned to their point of origin.
Immigrants may only be allowed to enter the country by legal means.
We believe penalties should be imposed upon those businesses that knowingly, or unknowingly, employ illegal workers. (There is no reason to NOT know the status of your employees!)

6. We firmly believe in States Rights. At the same time, we do not believe in allowing a state to infringe, or modify, ANY inalienable right of the people as described by the Constitution. To that end, we believe any state laws that counter Constitutional rights, must be declared automatically null and void and we will request Congress to so do.
As an example, we believe Roe vs Wade is unconstitutional, as is the abridging and infringement of the 2nd amendment by several of the states. We believe these infringements are unconstitutional and must be voided!
7. We believe in defending ourselves from any country that wishes us harm by any means at our disposal. We intend to use force only in the amount required for our own safety. We believe in the Geneva accords, and will observe them in various military actions, other than against terrorism. We believe terrorists forfeit their rights to trial by jury, or leniency, by their own actions and we will treat them accordingly.

8. We do not believe in socialism, therefore we do not believe it is the function of a Republic to provide health care for all citizens. We shall, however, provide health care to the needy.
We also believe it is the job of government to insure corporate institutions do not unfairly charge citizens for services, or profit unduly at their expense.

9. We believe the welfare of the people, in the context of a state of being healthy, well fed and comfortable in their lives and their belongings, is one of the primary concerns of a Republic. To that end, we support the creation of work programs for indigent peoples which will provide an increase in self respect, rather than the loss of self as brought on by degrading charity.

10. We believe in the law of Eminent Domain, except that it must be used only for the improvement of public facilities such as freeways, parks, and other items of public benefit. We do not believe in the use of ED for the benefit of a business that offers the payment of higher taxes.
The property of a citizen is exclusively his own and may not be taken, without a fair payment of market value as determined by independent assessors, for any reason other than those enumerated.

11. The Executive Branch shall have line item veto power. Upon veto by the president, the item(s) shall be returned to Congress who, by a 2/3 majority, may override the president’s veto.

The above are subject to change through editing, or addition.
I thought it would be interesting to see what some of the founding fathers had to say about our government and I've included the three comments, below.

"The Constitution on which our Union rests, shall be administered ... according to the safe and honest meaning contemplated by the plain understanding of the people of the United States at the time of its adoption...." --Thomas Jefferson

"Nothing has yet been offered to invalidate the doctrine that the meaning of the Constitution may as well be ascertained by the Legislative as by the Judicial authority." --James Madison

"In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." -- Thomas Jefferson

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