This site is turning into something other than what I intended!
It was to be a chronicle of my events, for the information of my family.
Thus, I could pass on items that should be of great interest to them, whether they concerned me, or our family.
Instead, I find I've included other events I deemed necessary to their knowledge as well.
A few of my posts have mentioned things which I believe the family needs to take note of---things like the recent Stupid Supreme court decisions! Also, the continual and annual hullabaloo over the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings! Abortion practices and Gay marriages as well as loss of religion from our institutions!
The major events occurring now are something every family should take note of. Unfortunately, too many of us go our merry way doing our daily routines--commute, work, commute--collapse, so that we hardly have time for our own families.
The threats to the country are extreme and immediate! Socialists have been joined by communists (who now call themselves "progressives") and, between the two, have taken over the Democrat Party, along with the many fools in Follywood!
The Democrats, who used to be dependable for their leaders, now do nothing but nominate, or appoint idiots who spit invective and invidious comments into our airwaves and then have the nerve to expect us to vote for them!
So, on those occasions where I see threats to our country, or to our family, I'll be posting my warnings, accordingly.
(Posted 8/22/05 from original draft!)
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