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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Have a SAFE & HAPPY New Year!

Here we are smack dab up against the New Year! (So who's afraid of 2007?)

Well, I probably am. I really SHOULD be, at my age.
But I'll tell you what. With the shape the world is in today, I wouldn't give you two plugged nickels for their chances of surviving much past the end of the new year!


Why, you ninny, because the socialists are coming. We got rid of the commies, only to be overrun by their children---all socialists!

France is ready to collapse from the weight of socialists---and angry Muslims!

Germany is having a problem with annoyed Turks, who were first invited to come to Germany to find work, then were invited to leave---without much success, I might add!

The new "Euro" is beginning to show signs of losing value, also---not that the dollar is in much better shape. It's just that most investors in the world still prefer the dollar to speculation in euros--or any other currency, for that matter.

I also expect another attack in the U.S. by terrorists---maybe much worse than 9/11.
They've been too quiet for too long! And, when that happens, the democrats will blame Bush. I think they already blame him for global warming, gasoline prices, hurricanes and earthquakes! Might as well blame him for any new attack on U.S. territories, doncha' think?

I've made a New Year's resolution. I'm going to stop watching so much news!
Our Main Stream Media is controlled by leftists, so you can't really count on them to provide you with good information. It's always slanted to favor either democrats--or the terrorists--take your pick!
Sad to say, I don't know which is worse!

Until we vote out people like Clinton, Pelosi, Kerry, Schumer and Kennedy, our Congress will continue to serve self interests only, instead of citizens. The only thing this crew has done in six years, besides fight Bush, is bring in new idiots like Edwards, who never saw a law suit he didn't like!
And, of course, the dems have found a patsy they can use to convince the unwashed how "un-racist" they are--Obama barracks (bin)Ladin, from "ShicAHgo", doncha' know!
He thinks it's great that, as a black man, he's adored by one and all. The dems have really done a snow job on him.
Personally, I think he doesn't have enough experience to be a senator, let alone president, which is what many dems are pushing for.
Imagine the dems thought process on this one: "Gee! He's black and WE CONTROL him! He'll be the first black president and we'll get the credit for nominating him--thereby proving we're not prejudiced, like we secretly KNOW we are!"

Well, you DESERVE what you vote for, has always been my motto! Vote for a Clinton--get socialism. Vote for an Obama--get a black man who will probably back the mayor of New Orleans next bid for office!
We only have two years to wait to see it all "flash before our eyes"!

But I've rambled enough. I just wanted to wish one and all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Remember to drive sober and safely--and if you can't do that, find a mountain to fall off where you won't hurt anyone else!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post, Coot!! And a very Happy New Year's (plus 5) to you too:)