I am so damned tired of the feigned outrage over the use of racial terms!!
Every fricken idiot in this country has been long since trained to refrain from using the "N" word!! Well, EXCEPT for the many blacks who continue to use the word DAILY!
And, of course, there are all of the old, black and white films made where the normal conversations all contained the word, “nigger”.
“He’s the massa’s nigger.” A common expression way back then.
Next we'll be told we shouldn't use the word "black"--replacing it with "the absence of white", or some such other nonsense!
I'm old and I'm tired. I've never heard so much PC bullshit in ages! Everybody wants to appear "pure as the driven snow", by NOT using "frowned upon" language---of course, it's perfectly OK to call people ASSHOLES, BASTARDS,--how about "SONS-OF-BITCHES"?? That sound OK? Any of you actual mothers out there insulted because your son happened to be called an SOB? I remember when guys got their butt kicked for calling someone an SOB, because he was insulting that person's mother!
Now we have a president who, when criticized, CLAIMS THE PROTESTER is a RACIST!
Talk about "blanket insults"!! By the professed standards here, Obama continually proves blacks can be racist, also!
I believe there are words much worse that can be used. Example: The use of "MOTHER-FUC***", which is usually pronounced as "MUF-FO", or, "MUTHA'"! I mean, if you really want to get down and dirty, there are a lot of words we haven't even begun to throw around yet! I think some of these words are even worse than racial slurs.
So why the "outrage" over the use of racial slurs?
I don't understand why a person who is "half-breed", "one-quarter" breed, or full blood, should be upset by the use of racial terms--UNLESS THEY WERE DIRECTED AT THEM.
THEN you may have recourse--but I doubt it! They're just names, after all---just words!
I'm tired of the "sensitive" people, who seem to go out of their way to find imaginary reasons to fight with other people over words not directed at them.
To say Obama is a racist, is a true statement and is not a slight, or insult against ALL blacks! It's a direct insult against Obama--and NOT the office of the president.
You can't just ignore the fact that to many us, this man is NOT a legitimate president. Calling him "not legitimate" is NOT insulting the office of the president either!
Do I respect the office of the president? Hell yes! BUT I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CALL THE BUTTHEAD SITTING IN IT ANY DAMNED NAME I BELIEVE FITS and it should not be taken as a slap at ALL blacks, or ALL senators, --or even ALL politicians. (ALL LIARS--possibly!)
I use words like "damn" and "hell"--very occasionally--when my ire is up--occasionally a little stronger word. I'm not in the habit of using racial slurs--but I reserve that right, since we enjoy free speech in this country--until, that is, Obama takes it away from us!
And I’m willing to bet every person in this country has used a racial slur if not once, perhaps many times in their lives!
A name is still just a name.
So stop being so sensitive to anyone calling someone a name. I've been called names I can't even pronounce--or remember. Big deal!
In fact, if you want to call me names, at least be inventive! I've heard the old ones so many times now, they're getting boring!
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