--In fact it's fleeting and ephemeral.
It's nice to be able to celebrate something--jump up and down, cry tears of joy, talk up the "truck driver" from Massachusetts--but in the end, we can't afford to waste more than one day, to getting on with the revolution! Between now and November, there is still a lot of work to be done!
1. The dem version of HC is still a distinct possibility.
The addition of Brown only prevents the dems from stopping filibusters by repubs.
They can still pass their bill by their majority---all they need is 51 votes in the senate--and they have 58.
2. There is still the danger of the cap & trade bill.
3. There is still the danger of amnesty for illegals.
4. There is the new possibility Obama will bring a bill to the house soon that mandates the surrender of all weapons, since the Hildabeast has already committed to it in the UN!
So, as you can see, there is still a lot of work to be done. The danger is not past. All we have so far is an indication of the will of the people.
And it's obviious from the dem excuses that they STILL don't understand WHY Coakley lost the election. They want to blame her for "gaffes". Uh-uh! That's NOT the reason, but we can hope the dems continue to believe that's all it was!
Pick your representatives carefully. Make sure they are true conservatives holding our values. Ignore the dem squallings and their name calling. We've heard it all for so long, it's not new any more--neither is it insulting.
As I sit here in my den, reflecting on the events of yesterday and hearing the rain outside beating on my window, I believe we have seen a new beginning in America. A cleaner version of what we've suffered over the past 60 years. A version still based on morals and the recognition of a foundation on which our country can be rebuilt, strong and proud and able to withstand the storms of those who would bring us down.
Never forget the lessons we have learned over this past year.
Never forget the men and women who have died to provide us with the opportunity to defend that which we have so long taken for granted.
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