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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Obama Should Start Getting Nervous

You'll be able to tell by the amount of attack ads. The LAST thing he wants is to debate Newt Gingrich who will remind him of his background--you know, the one he's been hiding all these years?

And so the South Carolina primary is over. All those Carolinians can go back to work now, knowing they've done their duty.

I'm really amazed at how many people were predicting another win for Mitt, when all the indicators said Newt would win. I even predicted Newt to win with 40%; Mitt with 28% and Santorum with 17%. Bringing up the rear, I predicted it would be Ron Paul at 14%, but I missed on the percentages there.
Well, three out of four, ain't bad, is it?

Now they're all off to Florida, which state is known for all it's retired folks--many of whom carry guns! Whatta' ya' bet they get a large 'pub turn out?
Predicting the winners there is going to be difficult, but I'm inclined to think they'll be influenced somewhat by Newt's large win numbers in SC. That, and the fact the retired folks like Newt (because they can remember him!) you have a recipe for another landslide.
Whatever happens, or whoever fumbles the ball, it's going to be an interesting next 10 days.
The democrats are so nervous they've got Obumbles making his state of the union address tomorrow night, promising how he's going to brighten the future of America.
Well, you have to give him some credit for guts. After his past 3 years as prez, there's no question as to who is the worst prez we've ever had. He's even beat out "Jimmuh" Carter!
It it were me having to face congress, I think I'd call in sick and take a lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ng vacation---Ten years ought to do it!

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