Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Monday, January 16, 2012

You Think Obama is Kidding About Not Needing Congress?

I said in a column I wrote in November, that if Obama became a dictator, there'd be no use for congress and they could go home.
Little did I know he couldn't wait!
He just signed another executive order appointing another crony judge while totally ignoring the Senate.
And the Senate is FULL of his buddies!
Now, if he'll ignore his buddies, what do you think he has in mind for his enemies, the republicans? Uh, huh! Probably FEMA controlled detention camps! What the heck! He's decided he doesn't need congress.
He's already promised that, starting this month, he's going to write even more exec. orders, "because he doesn't want to wait for congress to fool around with what he wants done!"

You know what's even worse about this? There isn't ONE congressman with balls enough to stand up and say, "Hey, wait just a damn minute there, buddy! Who do you think you are--,
Expect Pres. Obama to start sprouting a very special mustache almost any day now.
I mean, he can't let no white man outdo a "brother", can he?
--and you?
You'd be wise to start practicing up on your Nazi salute!

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