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--I end up here. (Where's here?)

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Death of our 1st Amendment Rights

It's now a "done deal"! You've sat on your hands long enough so that Obama and his crowd have stepped in and scammed you out of your 1st amendment rights.

"And just how did they do that", you might ask.
I'll tell you. They offered churches an "accommodation" on their 1st amendment rights.
"Oh, HO!", you shout. "You don't know what you're talking about! That accommodation was only for dispensing birth control (BC) pills and had nothing to do with the 1st amendment."
But, you see, it had everything to do with the 1st amendment. The churches claimed they had the 1st amendment right to practice religion as they pleased. The government, by demanding they supply women with BC options, was trying to force them to abandon their beliefs against abortion and go with the national flow on BC.
The churches said, "No way, Jose!", so Obama thought and thought (at least he wants us to THINK he thought!) and finally came up with a compromise. He'd let the insurance companies directly supply the ladies with what they desired!
Unfortunately those insurers plans are paid for by the churches--SO, Obumbles was once again forcing the churches to pay for the "free" BC pills for the ladies.

Are you beginning to see the problem with this? That's correct--there was no compromise. It was either Obumbles way, or the highway, and the churches are still fighting with him over that.

IF OBAMA WINS--he will have destroyed the 1st amendment rights for ALL CITIZENS!

"What?", you bellow. (I heard you--you bellowed!)
It's simple. By issuing a "compromise", or "adjustment" for the churches, Obama has just announced he (the government) controls your 1st amendment rights--OTHERWISE HE COULDN'T ISSUE ADJUSTMENTS, OR COMPROMISES!

NOW do you get it? Obama, according to the 1st amendment, DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to force Women's need for free BC pills/gadgets on the churches!
No! Women just need to be free to buy their own--just as men do!

Actually, that's a smoke screen! The problem here is a matter of control and overriding the 1st amendment.
This is really an attack on all of our rights! If they can show the government can allow "accommodations" to groups--then what they are saying is, government controls our 1st amendment rights!
For these idiots to say the contraceptive policies will stand, is letting us know THEY have the final say on our rights. This has been the aim of Obama all along and everybody is playing into his hands by concentrating on BC and abortion!

Your 1st amendment rights are on the door sill of democracy, headed out!

Can you say we're being outmaneuvered by DICTATOR OBAMA??? ANY OF OUR 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS,---therefore, he CAN'T LEGALLY OFFER AN ADJUSTMENT!

Be warned! If the churches accept this "compromise", we will ALL be in very deep doo-doo. And it will be very difficult to take back our stolen rights which most of you citizens out there have sat on your keesters waiting for George to take care of the problem.
"Well," you whine (I HEARD you "whine"!) "I have to work and I'm tired when I get home from work."

Wait until the government puts you to work at slave wages and THEN tell me how tired you are.
Wait until you read this column, six months from now, and are arrested for "subversive" documents on your computer, to see how tired you get in overcrowded jails.

Whatever you can do NOW, you MUST do! We can not let Obama bamboozle us again!
Write your representatives and Senators and express your displeasure over this whole scam.

If you don't want to do that, enjoy the following years in a socialist society where you have no more rights!
You've earned it!

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