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Monday, February 13, 2012

Why am I Reminded of Obama, Every Time I See Europe on a Map?

Well, chum, maybe it's because he's doing his damnedest to change America into another Europe.
If he thought he'd could move this continent alongside Europe, he would. He wants to be within walking distance, I guess.

I've got a better plan. Let's find a small, 20 foot sailboat and set him adrift. If he can learn to sail, maybe he could make it to Europe, because as far as I'm concerned, Obama is not a natural born citizen and is ineligible to be president. And as far as I'm concerned, he's no longer welcome in this country.

And if that wasn't enough, the list of infringements he's shoved down the throats of the American people should convince anybody that this guy hated America when he was running for office and still does.

This country has had it's share of great presidents. It's unfortunate that our students, from grade school through college, can't name 4 of the founding fathers.
The reason? Teachers are too busy teaching "social studies" and socialist mores.
And then we stupidly wonder why they don't know anything! Well, anything American, at least.

I listened to a speech from a foreigner. I was absolutely shocked to find he not only knew the constitution, but was more passionately patriotic than any American I've met in years. It was a beautiful speech. It's one every American should be made to listen to, because the speech, given at CPAC was 27 minutes long and I'm well aware the any speech that long, will lose at least half of it's American audience, because the only thing they'll listen to longer is the news of Whitney Houston's death!
Yep, that was such a mountainous and calamitous event that every news channel can do nothing but sob over her demise. And so far, they have no idea what was the cause of death--and we hear that over and over, as though it's the fault of the police who haven't told us.
I don't really want to hear it. Houston, at one time, had a good voice and she made a ton of money from it. Then the drugs she was using destroyed her voice so she quit singing. That's the long and short of it. And finally, at the age of 48, she gets found in a bathtub, deader'n a doornail.
Now, she either overdosed on drugs, or drowned. Or overdosed on drugs and drowned herself. I don't much care which. She wasn't my role model.

So, returning to the condition of our country (which Houston appeared to be one aspect of) I'm going to list the link to the speech, because it's so good I'd like to preserve it.

Obama has decided his motto for this next campaign is, "Winning The Future"!
Now THAT'S a real HOOT!
WTF, Obama?

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