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Monday, December 17, 2012


Sure!  Buy American!  Save the UAW union members jobs!

Just saw an article showing the CEO of GM, speaking to a group of executives, about the future of GM.  He says the future is secure "for years to come".

Well, they should be!  The American taxpayer saved his butt!

As it turns out, 11 manufacturing plants for autos and 8 plants building drive trains for GM products are already established in China.  GM has recently moved their Research and Development division to China from Detroit, leaving behind hundreds of blacks who relocated from the south to work in GM plants in Michigan.  Now their work is gone and Detroit is a ruined city.

So again the taxpayer takes it on the chin, with government bailing GM and Chrysler out with a ton of our money.  Oh, wait!  The GM executives just gave themselves huge year end raises before they left for China.
I guess China is an "equal pay" country, so they took their raises before they moved there.

Good luck, GM.  I will never buy another GM product, nor will I buy Chinese products.  From now on I'll buy AMERICAN cars, built in AMERICA---even though they have Japanese names on them.

Turns out the Japanese cars are better made than GM products, anyway.
Ever see the repair sheet on a Cadillac?

Heh, heh, heh!

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