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Saturday, December 29, 2012

REcession, or DEpression?

Never have I seen so many discouraging signs in our country.

We have just gone through a "recession", according to our "great leaders" in Washington.  And they fear if we fall off the "fiscal cliff", we will drop into another recession.

Is that the truth?

It used to be we could trust our government to generally provide us with mostly truths, accounting for occasional lapses in judgement.
Today, the government is secretive and can be counted on to provide nothing but lies.  As the old timers used to say, "I wouldn't trust him on a stack of bibles!"
The problem is, today you can't find the bibles!

So the fact we have "just gone through a recession" is immaterial.  More importantly, we have gone through a life-changing experience--one Americans won't like, because they've lost their freedoms.

We no long have freedom of speech.  Obama's minions are nation wide and attack at the drop of a hat.
I had an article on Obama's eligibility that I posted here a while back.  It drew several attacks by people who had a pre-planned answer to every charge I made.  The fact that most of their attacks were intended to change my opinion by stating facts I would be unable to prove, didn't help any.
Why couldn't I prove them?  Because Obama hasn't released them.

So this goes back to the information generally provided by our government.  An excellent example would be Benghazi.  Four men died there and someone should pay for that, but all the administration has done of backwater and throw up roadblocks.  They don't want any discovery of the truth in this case.
That fact alone is enough to convict them.  They are guilty of some wrongdoing and we know it.  The problem is, without cooperation, we'll never get the truth.  Hillary Clinton will supposedly testify before congress--after a prolonged illness--during which time, she was brought up to date on the current government stories, which she will obligingly pass on to Congress.

Will it be the truth?  Hell no!

So brace yourselves for the "fiscal cliff", over which we are bound to tumble.  Then watch the government explain it's "only a recession", when everything you see and hear--and buy--tells you we are deeply mired in a full-blown depression.
Right where Obama wants us!

Anybody want'a bet what comes next?

For more on this depressing situation, read this @http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-latest-from-dhs-insider-gun-control.html

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