Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Just a quick note to say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and MANY HAPPY NEW YEARS, as well!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

When Back Pain is Back, it's a Pain in the--

--Back (and the lower regions!)

Yeah, I'm a victim of back problems!
They started last summer; died out over the winter, than came back with a vengeance this past month!
I now walk and sit "tenderly"! In fact, I think the song "Tenderly"--you know--"The evening breeze, caressed the trees, tenderly--", was written by a man who suffered back pains!

How many people talk about their "back" problems to avoid doing anything strenuous? I couldn't count the number of those types I've run into in my lifetime.
Now I'm one of them!

Mores the worse, my wife can't use that as an excuse to get out of doing things for me---or maybe that's NOT so "worse"!

She, of course, like all good little wives, waits on me hand and foot!
Believe me, I don't belittle her. She's a godsend!

Oh yes, I've talked to my doctor---he says, "Tough it out until the end of October and we'll give you a shot then!"
I said, "Listen, doc! If I have to wait that long for a shot, I'm going to need surgery on my knees, because that's how I get around now!"

"Not to worry," he sez. "I know a good knee surgeon!"

This, obviously, is only the beginning of a long battle!

Anybody got a spare back?

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Platform of the New Traditionalist Party--

--As I promised (some time ago) to post for the formation of my Traditionalist Party.
And here they are:


1. We believe the people have been ignored for too long. Too many nominees have gained votes by making promises to the people which they never intended to keep, or, once elected, they've turned their backs on the people to line their pockets with money from special interest groups.
This party hereby publicly renounces all ties, or interests in special interest groups.
The party accepts legal donations from ANY citizen/citizens or groups of citizens, but we will NOT be beholden to ANY, other than the individual American citizen and the country as a whole.

2. Recognizing the fact that this country is comprised of 95% religious citizens, we firmly believe and will actively strive to apply those principles to our every day activities. We also recognize the right of atheist citizens to disbelieve religious tenets but, while we cannot recognize, or sanction any one religion, by the same token we will not sanction, or recognize atheism, which is itself a form of religion.

3. We recognize the Constitution as our only guide to laws.
What the founding fathers have built, we will not break asunder.
We do not recognize "world opinion", or "one world government", when either of those conflict with our Constitution.
We will never allow any of our rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution to be usurped by any world, or state, government.

4. We do not believe in judicial activism. The only function of the United States Supreme Court is to review legislation initiated by Congress as to Constitutionality, or to decide those cases legally brought before it, using Constitutional yardsticks.
We believe one of the many functions of Congress is to oversee the legislative decisions of the Supreme Court. In the event that the Court determines a question cannot be answered by existing laws, then Congress may be called upon to legislate such required laws after full debate. We believe Justices actions maybe be subject to review by the Congress and articles of impeachment may be found warranted individually, or collectively, against the justices of said court if it has been determined they have rendered decisions based on other than Constitutional requirements!
We believe that to prevent party partisanship from occurring, United States Supreme Court Justices should serve a term of not more than 16 years.

5. It is the function of the Executive Branch to insure the safety of the citizenry. To that purpose, the borders of the United States must be secured from illegal trespass and all illegal entrants must be returned to their point of origin.
Immigrants may only be allowed to enter the country by legal means.
We believe penalties should be imposed upon those businesses that knowingly, or unknowingly, employ illegal workers. (There is no reason to NOT know the status of your employees!)

6. We firmly believe in States Rights. At the same time, we do not believe in allowing a state to infringe, or modify, ANY inalienable right of the people as described by the Constitution. To that end, we believe any state laws that counter Constitutional rights, must be declared automatically null and void and we will request Congress to so do.
As an example, we believe Roe vs Wade is unconstitutional, as is the abridging and infringement of the 2nd amendment by several of the states. We believe these infringements are unconstitutional and must be voided!
7. We believe in defending ourselves from any country that wishes us harm by any means at our disposal. We intend to use force only in the amount required for our own safety. We believe in the Geneva accords, and will observe them in various military actions, other than against terrorism. We believe terrorists forfeit their rights to trial by jury, or leniency, by their own actions and we will treat them accordingly.

8. We do not believe in socialism, therefore we do not believe it is the function of a Republic to provide health care for all citizens. We shall, however, provide health care to the needy.
We also believe it is the job of government to insure corporate institutions do not unfairly charge citizens for services, or profit unduly at their expense.

9. We believe the welfare of the people, in the context of a state of being healthy, well fed and comfortable in their lives and their belongings, is one of the primary concerns of a Republic. To that end, we support the creation of work programs for indigent peoples which will provide an increase in self respect, rather than the loss of self as brought on by degrading charity.

10. We believe in the law of Eminent Domain, except that it must be used only for the improvement of public facilities such as freeways, parks, and other items of public benefit. We do not believe in the use of ED for the benefit of a business that offers the payment of higher taxes.
The property of a citizen is exclusively his own and may not be taken, without a fair payment of market value as determined by independent assessors, for any reason other than those enumerated.

11. The Executive Branch shall have line item veto power. Upon veto by the president, the item(s) shall be returned to Congress who, by a 2/3 majority, may override the president’s veto.

The above are subject to change through editing, or addition.
I thought it would be interesting to see what some of the founding fathers had to say about our government and I've included the three comments, below.

"The Constitution on which our Union rests, shall be administered ... according to the safe and honest meaning contemplated by the plain understanding of the people of the United States at the time of its adoption...." --Thomas Jefferson

"Nothing has yet been offered to invalidate the doctrine that the meaning of the Constitution may as well be ascertained by the Legislative as by the Judicial authority." --James Madison

"In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." -- Thomas Jefferson


Indeed! Protestors would have us believe we deliberately "incinerated" 100,000 people in Hiroshima without regard for the damage done, or the lives lost.

Being cruel people, we deliberately destroyed a city and left radiation within it's boundaries which contributed to the deaths of an additional 70,000 people.

Sounds terrible, doesn't it?

There's an old saying---"War is hell"! And now we, and the Japanese people, know what Hell is actually like!

You see, I remember well the 2nd World War. I remember who started it and how it was started! I also remember the treatment of our prisoners. We foolishly expected the Japanese to adhere to the Geneva Conventions, forgetting the Japanese were one of the countries who refused to sign the accords, thus declaring their intention of handling prisoners as THEY saw fit.
So they did.
The list of atrocities is long, beginning with the Bataan Death March, where Allied prisoners who had been marched for hours, or days, without food or drink were bayonetted when they fell out of line because of their weakness.

The list of atrocities in China were even longer and are available to any who care to look up the numbers.

But those were not all the reasons why we used the bomb at Hiroshima. No!
It was the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, while continuing negotiations in Washington.
It was the suicidal Kamikaze attacks on ships.
It was the resistance to the last man at Iwo Jima and Tarawa.
It was reports of the arming of the citizenry, with every indication that the Japanese would fight to the last man on their mainland---which they have admitted they would have done.
And, finally, It was the refusal to surrender unconditionally, which demand was made weeks and days before the Hiroshima bomb was dropped.

It would have cost 1 million lives if we had invaded Japan.
It would also have meant the total destruction of Japan, because, having air superiority over the mainland, we would have systematically destroyed ALL of the major cities through conventional bombings just as we did in Europe.
Remember, the allies had destroyed eight major cities in Germany, creating fire storms that raged for days, killing over 800,000 people! Where's the outrage over that?
Apparently it's OK to kill nearly 1 million people--as long as you do it by conventional methods!

Over 100,000 people died in the initial conventional bombing of Tokyo.
What would the loss have been if we had continued and destroyed the whole city?
--Or if we had continued and destroyed ALL major cities in Japan?
Does "1 million" sound familiar? Would it have approached 2 million? And all of this could have been accomplished BEFORE one American set foot on the mainland!

Assuming the forgoing had already happened, when the Marines and their Allies finally landed on the mainland, how many would have died, due to the fanaticism of the Japanese soldier? How many Japanese would have died, due to the materiel superiority of the Americans and their allies?

No, to complain about the dropping of the first Atomic bomb on Hiroshima, is to deny the reality of what war WOULD have been like WITHOUT the bomb!

Americans should never feel shame for ending a war that had already claimed more lives than any war in the history of the planet!

Think about this--Germany was within 6 months of developing an Atomic bomb, when the war ended.
Does ANYBODY think there would have been ANY hesitation about using the bomb on England, or the U.S.? We already have Hitler's words of impatience at the slowness of it's development.

The world should be grateful the United States developed the first Atomic bomb and USED it to END a devastating war!

Warnings for Family and Country--

This site is turning into something other than what I intended!
It was to be a chronicle of my events, for the information of my family.
Thus, I could pass on items that should be of great interest to them, whether they concerned me, or our family.
Instead, I find I've included other events I deemed necessary to their knowledge as well.

A few of my posts have mentioned things which I believe the family needs to take note of---things like the recent Stupid Supreme court decisions! Also, the continual and annual hullabaloo over the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings! Abortion practices and Gay marriages as well as loss of religion from our institutions!

The major events occurring now are something every family should take note of. Unfortunately, too many of us go our merry way doing our daily routines--commute, work, commute--collapse, so that we hardly have time for our own families.

The threats to the country are extreme and immediate! Socialists have been joined by communists (who now call themselves "progressives") and, between the two, have taken over the Democrat Party, along with the many fools in Follywood!

The Democrats, who used to be dependable for their leaders, now do nothing but nominate, or appoint idiots who spit invective and invidious comments into our airwaves and then have the nerve to expect us to vote for them!

So, on those occasions where I see threats to our country, or to our family, I'll be posting my warnings, accordingly.

(Posted 8/22/05 from original draft!)

Monday, August 08, 2005


You know, when you're great white hunters, it's pretty easy to get yourself, through no fault of your own mind you, into serious trouble with people who have no sympathy for great white hunters!
One day Leonard and I just happened to be about 50 yards out behind his house lying in the tall grass watching the big, white cloud formations overhead. As most eight year olds will do, we were talking about what great men we were going to be someday, when we heard the back door of his house bang shut. We sat up and observed, in thoughtful silence, Leonard's six year old sister Mary making a quick trip to the outhouse. The front door of Leonard's outhouse was situated at a right angle to us, which made observation of entrances and exits quite clear. After a couple of minutes, Mary was ready to exit. By mutual agreement and for want of anything better to do, we waited until the latch lifted and the door started to swing toward us. We both fired one round from our ever-present BB guns at the center of the door.
The door slammed shut. Not a sound. The door slowly started to swing open once more. Two more shots zinged off the front of the door. The screams of outrage from sister Mary brought Mother to the rescue from the house. Of course, Leonard's Ma couldn't see us in the tall grass. Ten minutes later, after the uproar had died down, Leonard went into the house to ask his Mother's permission to go hunting with me in the Durant woods. I knew there was something amiss when Leonard came out of the house followed by sister Mary. With a hang-dog expression, he informed me that his Mother, as punishment for our shooting at the outhouse door, had said he could go hunting, but had to let sister Mary tag along. Talk about inventive punishment!
It was an impending disaster from the start!
Sister Mary skipped joyfully ahead of us towards the woods. Occasionally she would stop, bend over, flip her skirt over her back baring her panties in our face and comment, scathingly, "Nyah, Nyah!" The comment annoyed me, but I was appreciative of the view.
The third time this happened, Leonard pushed the barrel of his BB gun within one inch of her left buttock and pulled the trigger. So ended the hunting trip for sister Mary!
It was two weeks before I saw Leonard again!

I remember once, Leonard and I were trying to knock a squirrel out of a tree by tossing rocks at him. Leonard's aim, that day, was better than mine; his rock conked the squirrel upside the head, knocking him cold! Leonard went over and picked him up while I looked on enviously.
As we stood admiring his fur--which was full of fleas--Mr. Squirrel suddenly woke up. He took one look at Leonard's face and demonstrated his desire to become a living flag by turning his head and chomping onto the web between Leonard's thumb and first finger, which, of course, caused Leonard to hoist the squirrel into the air, and flap him vigorously while running for the house making big hunter noises like, "Yowch! Eeyow! Ma-a-a-a!"
When he figured he'd flapped long enough to make his point, Mr. Squirrel dropped off and zipped up the nearest tree.
Leonard was a neat guy and funny, too! He was also fast as hell when he wanted to be!


In the Winter, the pond in the woods had ice to skate on and nearby were small hills for the older kids to ski on. My buddies and I used the hills for sledding, sometimes getting in the way of the skiers, which invariably ticked them off something fierce! They didn't argue with us too much, though. After all, sleds are built ankle height!
As all ponds do, this one had thin spots in the ice around the edges, which were easily broken through if you didn't have enough sled speed to carry you up onto the bank. Stop short and you dropped into a foot of freezing water.
I'll never forget watching Leonard, out in the center of the ice, as he came running hell-bent for leather for the shore. After reaching what he judged to be exit speed, he threw himself down on his sled and glided swiftly to within two feet of the shore where the sled, slowing, stopped dead. For one agonizing second, I could see the cold facts of his circumstance soaking into Leonard's swift little brain, then, with a soft CRACK, Leonard dropped into water that closed completely over his back! He came up sputtering and blowing and spent the next hour by a roaring fire on the bank, trying to get dry.
All the time he sat there drying out, he kept muttering about how he was going to "--fix my wagon", because I wouldn't stop laughing.
I couldn't sympathize with him because whenever I came home with half-frozen feet, my Mother would take my boots off and rub my feet with snow and, young as I was, that never made sense to me. My feet were cold and she put more snow on them? Well, what did I know? I was only a kid and the rubbing did warm my feet up--eventually!

I've talked about how the Winters were cold but never mentioned how wonderful I thought the Summers were. I really liked it most when the humidity was 98 percent and the temperature hovered around 85 degrees. Adults hated it, but it usually rained then and Mom would let me go out on the front lawn and play in the rain. I'd wear a bathing suit and run all over the lawn just like I was in a sprinkler, only I'd never actually seen a sprinkler, of course!
One day, under those same rainy conditions, Mom wouldn't let me go outside. I couldn't understand why. She pointed out the door at several blue gossamer balls, probably four to six inches in diameter, some rolling quickly over the lawn while others zigzagged a little more thoughtfully.
They looked harmless to me. In fact, they looked like it might be fun to chase a few of them and give 'em a good kick, and I wished Mom wasn't such a scaredy-cat as I watched her go back to her ironing.
Eventually I lost interest in watching balls I couldn't chase and moved to the front room floor to goof around with some small cars. Moments later, I heard a strange sizzling sound and when I looked up, the screen door was covered in a blue haze--and just as I looked--BANG!-- there was a streak of blue that zipped up to the ceiling, striking a conduit carrying electrical wiring to a light bulb in the middle of the ceiling, and POW the bulb blew out!
POW, I was under the couch!
My Mother didn't have time to be frightened. The iron, which had been plugged into the outlet on the other end of the conduit was now deader'n a doornail and left her standing there wondering what the hell had happened. She didn't have a mark on her, but the con-duit and wiring were black!
I was a lot more careful about what I wished for from then on, let me tell you! I also decided maybe Mom knew what she was doing, after all!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Intelligent Creation, or Darwinism?

Another flap is brewing over the theory of evolution. This time between some teachers, who resist classes that have any hint of the religious, and those who believe there should be classes that teach intelligent design.

Intelligent design, of course, is the theory that the universe is too complex to have been designed through chance, but instead, follows the design of a superior intelligence.

Critics claim the latter is just teaching religion.
Personally, I think Darwin's theory is just the opposite---teaching atheism, since it denys a supreme being had any hand in the creation of the universe!

Here's an article on the subject, along with my remarks:

Contra Costa Times

Posted on Wed, Aug. 03, 2005
Bush re-ignites debate over teaching evolution

By Elisabeth Bumiller


WASHINGTON - A sharp debate between scientists and religious conservatives escalated Tuesday over comments by President Bush that the theory of intelligent design should be taught with evolution in the nation's public schools.

In an interview at the White House on Monday with a group of Texas newspaper reporters, Bush appeared to endorse the push by many of his conservative Christian supporters to give intelligent design equal treatment with the theory of evolution in public schools.

Recalling his days as Texas governor, Bush said in the interview, according to a transcript, "I felt like both sides ought to be properly taught."

Asked again by a reporter whether he believed that both sides in the debate between evolution and intelligent design should be taught in the schools, Bush replied that he did, "so people can understand what the debate is about."

Bush was pressed as to whether he accepted the view that intelligent design was an alternative to evolution, but he did not directly answer.

"I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought," he said, adding that "you're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, and the answer is yes."

He spoke on the topic a second time after presiding over the ceremony Tuesday in the East Room of the White House, putting his signature on a free trade pact with six Latin American countries.

"Strengthening our economic ties with our democratic neighbors is vital to America's economic and national security interests," Bush told his audience shortly before he signed the Central American Free Trade Agreement.

Later Tuesday, the president's conservative Christian supporters and the leading institute advancing intelligent design embraced Bush's comments, while scientists and advocates of the separation of church and state disparaged them. (Ignoring the fact that there are scientists who ALSO advocate intelligent design!)

At the White House, where intelligent design has been discussed in a weekly Bible study group, Bush's science adviser, John Marburger III, sought to play down the president's remarks as common sense and old news.

Marburger said in a telephone interview that "evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology" and "intelligent design is not a scientific concept."

Marburger also said that Bush's remarks should be interpreted to mean that the president believes that intelligent design should be discussed as part of the "social context" in science classes.

Intelligent design, advanced by a group of academics and intellectuals and some biblical creationists, disputes the idea that natural selection -- the force Charles Darwin suggested drove evolution -- fully explains the complexity of life.

Instead, intelligent design proponents say that life is so intricate that only a powerful guiding force, or intelligent designer, could have created it.

Intelligent design does not identify the designer, but critics say the theory is a thinly disguised argument for God and the divine creation of the universe.

Invigorated by a recent push by conservatives, the theory has been gaining support in school districts in 20 states, with Kansas in the lead.

Marburger said that it would be "overinterpreting" Bush's remarks to say that the president believes that intelligent design and evolution should be given equal treatment in schools.

But Bush's conservative supporters said that the president had indicated exactly that in his remarks.

"It's what I've been pushing, it's what a lot of us have been pushing," said Richard Land, the president of the ethics and religious liberties commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Land, who has close ties to the White House, said that evolution "is too often taught as fact," and that "if you're going to teach the Darwinian theory as evolution, teach it as theory.

"And then teach another theory that has the most support among scientists."

But critics saw Bush's comment that "both sides" should be taught as the most troubling aspect of his remarks.

"It sounds like you're being fair, but creationism is a sectarian religious viewpoint, and intelligent design is a sectarian religious viewpoint," said Susan Spath, a spokeswoman for the National Center for Science Education, a group that defends the teaching of evolution in public schools.

"It's not fair to privilege one religious viewpoint by calling it the other side of evolution."
(Just as it's not fair to present only ONE side of a theory!)

Monday, August 01, 2005

Bolton Gets the Nod--

--Which should teach Kennedy and Klan that it's better to allow a vote, if you don't like the candidate. That way, you have a say in government!

As it is, President Bush appointed John Bolton as U.N. Representative.
The Dems, of course, are howling their heads off, but it's their own fault for delaying the vote on his nomination.
Personally, I suspect Bolton may turn out to be an excellent representative, simply because he won't take the crap the UN hands out on a daily basis.
He may also remind them of their failings in human rights in Africa where, at the first sign of trouble, they turned and ran.

The oil fiasco hasn't been cleared up to anybody's satisfaction--except those who benefitted from it, like Kofi's son and, maybe, Kofi, too.
Both should be kicked out of the UN, simply because of suspicious behavior! Annan has already said he won't resign, which is the honorable thing to do.

Of course, accusing Annan of displaying "honor" is like saying movie stars who play the part of a hero, are actually heroes!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Word Battles and the Results Thereof!

Ever get into a battle with someone, verbally? Of course you have!
What idiot has never argued with someone?

When I was a lot younger, maybe 4 or 5, I didn't know how to argue---but I was pretty good at screaming a lot, so I could get my way! I could scream so loud, it made glasses break and windows shake!

It also used to roust my 6 foot, 200 pound, gorilla daddy off his chair and cause him to suspend me by my heels, while he whacked my butt.
Needless to say, I learned, early on, that screaming brought on pain, rather than reward.
So I stopped screaming---but I hoped I could find a way of making him pay for his misdeeds!

Time passed--slowly as it usually does when you're a little twerp! By the time I was 8, I still hadn't figured out a way of payback! However, I was slowly gaining "word power", as my teacher put it. My vocabulary was increasing by leaps and bounds. I started reading classics--Kidnapped, Treasure Island, and Robinson Crusoe. I also learned new words at school.
One day, when I was instructed by my pappy to stop doing something he didn't want me to do, I decided I'd experiment by trying out some of the words on him that I'd learned at school, to see if I could change his attitude towards me. You know, make him treat me more like an adult?

As I hung by my heels, getting another sore butt, I vowed to get even with Leonard, my friend, for teaching me in an argument to say, "F*** you" which, in sheer shock value alone, stopped several arguments I had engaged in, but only caused my grunting gorilla of a father to exercise his palm again.

It took several days for my butt to return to normal, during which time I thought and thought of ways to get even with Leonard! Nothing! I couldn't think of any way of getting even. By now, I had postponed getting even with my father. At my young age, I had figured out he was just to much for me to handle and, until I was big enough, I'd just lull him into thinking I was a good little kid, to keep him from massaging my butt any more!

Now, Leonard and I were great white hunters.
We spent many a Saturday in the Durant woods behind our house, hunting rabbits, sparrows, rats---anything that crossed our path---with our BB guns! My pride and joy was my 500 shot Daisy Red Ryder BB gun.
Leonard had a nice looking gun, too, but it only fired one BB at a time. Every time he wanted to shoot something, he had to hand load it, first!

Well, here we were out in the woods and suddenly we came upon a wonderful target. Leonard asked me, "what is that?"
"Uhh," I said, thinking fast. "Darned if I know", which was a damned lie, because I'd had an experience with those critturs on my front porch just last week!
"It looks like a mud football," he said, musingly!
"Maybe it is," I agreed.
"We could use it for a football anyway, couldn't we?"
"Sure we could. All we have to do is get it down!"
"Well," says Leonard. "I can get it down!"
Laying his BB gun gently against a fallen log, Leonard picked up two of the biggest rocks he could find. Taking careful aim, he chunked the first rock at the hanging mud football. He missed!
I turned and started walking quickly away from Leonard.
He chunked another rock. THWACK! The rock hit the mud football and sixteen gazillion wasps came diving out of their home, motors going full blast. Leonard, assuming from their aggressive behavior they meant him harm, turned and started running towards me as fast as his little legs would carry him.
He didn't make it.
You could almost hear the ricochets off his head as the wasps nailed one ear, a cheek and several shots to the back of Leonard's head.
Worse yet, he was gaining on me and bringing that mob with him!
Now, wasps will chase you a considerable distance, but even they have their limits. Apparently, when they thought they had done enough damage to the intruder, they turned for home to inspect the damage he had wrought.
Gasping for air, I fell where I had stopped and, as Leonard approached, I couldn't stop laughing at the look on his face.
"F*** you," was Leonard's parting shot, as he headed for home.

It took Leonard two weeks before he'd even speak to me, which was OK, 'cause it took nearly that long before I could stop laughing about it!

We stayed good friends, though---but Leonard never taught me any more nasty words!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Will America be Hit With Nukes?

I read a story, recently, about the possibility of nukes in America and it seems to me that Americans refuse to accept the possibility that a holocaust could occur on our soil, simply because it's "unthinkable"!
(The twin towers disaster was unthinkable enough for them, I guess!)

Worse yet, we have one party so intent on regaining political power lost, they ignore the safety of the country; the Constitutional rights lost by citizens and the degradation of the Constitution itself!
Their aims appear more and more socialistic, as witness the recent decision of the Supreme Court to destroy your rights to private property, or their citing of "world opinion" as a basis for their decisions, regardless of what the constitution says.

The dangers facing our country have never been greater, both from within and without, and our politicians continue to be concerned only with their own powers and a hatred of the opposition.
It's time for Americans to realize the powers of Congress come from the PEOPLE, not a political party.

Let's hope the country survives the inevitable holocaust and shows the courage to kick the political bums out of office!

Here's the story I read:

World Net Daily

Al-Qaida nukes already in U.S.
Terrorists, bombs smuggled across Mexico border by MS-13 gangsters
Posted: July 11, 2005
12:22 p.m. Eastern

WASHINGTON – As London recovers from the latest deadly al-Qaida
attack that killed at least 50, top U.S. government officials are
contemplating what they consider to be an inevitable and much bigger
assault on America – one likely to kill millions, destroy the economy and
fundamentally alter the course of history, reports Joseph Farah's G2
Bulletin. Sounds like preparations for a "worst case scenario",
doesn't it?

According to captured al-Qaida leaders and documents, the plan is
called the "American Hiroshima" and involves the multiple detonation of
nuclear weapons already smuggled into the U.S.
over the Mexican
border with the help of the MS-13 street gang and other organized crime

Al-Qaida has obtained at least 40 nuclear weapons from the former Soviet
Union – including suitcase nukes, nuclear mines, artillery shells and even
some missile warheads. In addition, documents captured in Afghanistan
show al-Qaida had plans to assemble its own nuclear weapons with fissile
material it purchased on the black market.

In addition to detonating its own nuclear weapons already planted in the
U.S., military sources also say there is evidence to suggest al-Qaida is
paying former Russian special forces Spetznaz to assist the terrorist group
in locating nuclear weapons formerly concealed inside the U.S. by the
Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Osama bin Laden's group is also
paying nuclear scientists from Russia and Pakistan to maintain its existing
nuclear arsenal and assemble additional weapons with the materials it has
invested hundreds of millions in procuring over a period of 10 years.

The plans for the devastating nuclear attack on the U.S. have been under
development for more than a decade. It is designed as a final deadly blow
of defeat to the U.S., which is seen by al-Qaida and its allies as "the
Great Satan."

At least half the nuclear weapons in the al-Qaida arsenal were obtained
for cash from the Chechen terrorist allies.

But the most disturbing news is that high level U.S. officials now believe at
least some of those weapons have been smuggled into the U.S. for use in
the near future in major cities as part of this "American Hiroshima" plan,
according to an upcoming book, "The al-Qaida Connection: International
Terrorism, Organized Crime and the Coming Apocalypse," by Paul L.
Williams, a former FBI consultant.

According to Williams, former CIA Director George Tenet informed
President Bush one month after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that at least
two suitcase nukes had reached al-Qaida operatives in the U.S.

"Each suitcase weighed between 50 and 80 kilograms (approximately 110
to 176 pounds) and contained enough fissionable plutonium and uranium
to produce an explosive yield in excess of two kilotons," wrote Williams.
"One suitcase bore the serial number 9999 and the Russian manufacturing
date of 1988. The design of the weapons, Tenet told the president, is
simple. The plutonium and uranium are kept in separate compartments
that are linked to a triggering mechanism that can be activated by a clock
or a call from the cell phone."

According to the author, the news sent Bush "through the roof,"
prompting him to order his national security team to give nuclear
terrorism priority over every other threat to America.

However, it is worth noting that Bush failed to translate this policy into
securing the U.S.-Mexico border through which the nuclear weapons and
al-Qaida operatives are believed to have passed with the help of the
MS-13 smugglers. He did, however, order the building of underground
bunkers away from major metropolitan areas for use by federal
government managers following an attack. Well, now! THAT was 'thoughty' of him,
wasn't it? As far as I am concerned, all the pols who suggested illegal aliens should
be given amnesty and driver's licenses, should be hanged in the event of a

Bin Laden, according to Williams, has nearly unlimited funds to spend on
his nuclear terrorism plan because he has remained in control of the
Afghanistan-produced heroin industry. Poppy production has greatly
increased even while U.S. troops are occupying the country, he writes.
Al-Qaida has developed close relations with the Albanian Mafia, which
assists in the smuggling and sale of heroin throughout Europe and the

Some of that money is used to pay off the notorious MS-13 street gang
between $30,000 and $50,000 for each sleeper agent smuggled into the
U.S. from Mexico. The sleepers are also provided with phony
identification, most often bogus matricula consular ID cards
indistinguishable from Mexico's official ID, now accepted in the U.S. to
open bank accounts and obtain driver's licenses.

The Bush administration's unwillingness to secure the U.S.-Mexico border
has puzzled and dismayed a growing number of activists and ordinary
citizens who see it as the No. 1 security threat to the nation. The
Minuteman organization is planning a major mobilization of thousands of
Americans this fall designed to shut down the entire 2,000-mile border as
it did in April with a 23-mile stretch in Arizona.

According to Williams' sources, thousands of al-Qaida sleeper agents have
now been forward deployed into the U.S. to carry out their individual
roles in the coming "American Hiroshima" plan.

Bin Laden's goal, according to the book, is to kill at least 4 million
Americans, 2 million of whom must be children. Only then, bin Laden has
said, would the crimes committed by America on the Arab and Muslim
world be avenged.

There is virtually no doubt among intelligence analysts al-Qaida has
obtained fully assembled nuclear weapons, according to Williams. The
only question is how many. Estimates range between a dozen and 70. The
breathtaking news is that an undetermined number of these weapons,
including suitcase bombs, mines and crude tactical nuclear weapons, have
already been smuggled into the U.S. – at least some across the
U.S.-Mexico border.

The future plan, according to captured al-Qaida agents and documents,
suggests the attacks will take place simultaneously in major cities
throughout the country – including New York, Boston, Washington, Las
Vegas, Miami, Chicago and Los Angeles.

In response to the G2 Bulletin revelations, Chris Simcox, founder of the
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, a citizen action group demanding the U.S.
government take control of its borders, said an immediate military
presence on the borders is now imperative "to stop the overwhelming
influx of unidentified, potentially hostile and seditious persons coming
across at an alarming rate."

"Terrorists have carte blanche to carry practically anything they want
across our national line at this time," he said. "As ordinary citizens have
warned this government for years, the only surprising part about the new
information reported here is that nothing apocalyptic from Mexican-border
weapons trafficking has yet happened. Terrorism has reared its ugly
head in London again these past few days, and as we know all too well we
are not immune in this country. At this point, the next attempt to attack
America at home is just a matter of 'when,' not 'if.' And our unsecured
borders have surely contributed to this threat – yet our government
officials continue to fiddle while our nation's margin of security and safety
burns away. The president and Congress had better wake up before they
have to answer for another devastating terrorist incursion on our own

Thursday, July 07, 2005

--On Becoming 76 Years Old!

Well, it’s finally here and gone--The magic age of 76—and I’m staring 77 in the face, in just 5 months! I never thought I’d see the day when I would be “one of them”.

When I look back over the years, I can understand why some wise person once said, “Every 7 years, you change completely.” If that’s true, I must be very handsome, because from where I started, I certainly couldn’t have gotten any uglier. —And if they’re talking psychologically, well, it’s true I don’t remember things as well as I once did.

It’s true that everything changes, also.

I can remember, as a boy, I was always somewhat in awe of older people. They seemed to be so infi-nitely wise and much more highly educated than I. They knew everything. After all, some had finished high school!

When I finally finished high school, I wondered what had happened to my share of wisdom, because somehow the teachers hadn’t given me a whit of the stuff! Instead, I learned that it’s ex-perience that provides sagacity and I had none to speak of. So, unable to find work, I joined the military for my first taste of ‘experience’. Boy! Did I ever get ex-perience!
I suppose that’s one reason why older persons are re-ferred to as ‘sages’, because they’ve survived their experiences. Survivors are not really the examples for us. Those who don’t survive are the best examples.

Now that I have attained ‘my age’, I am actually amazed at how much I can re-member and just how wise I seem to be. For example:
How to stop a faucet from leaking, at least for a few minutes.
How to use a computer—more or less.
How to be kind—occasionally.
How to open a jar with a hammer.
How to tie my shoes, by asking my wife to do it.
How to ignore bald jokes by remarking on the jokester’s lineage.
How to keep my balance while putting on my pants, or, what walls are for!
How to find my way around town, by being persistent with your map and compass.

And now that I’ve slowed down:
How the air smells after it rains, when it’s full of exhaust fumes.
How the trees and river look, winter and summer—-brown.
How stupidly optimistic my grandchildren are.
How much you can enjoy hitting a little white ball into the rough.
--And yet, too many times, I can’t remember what it was I was just talking about, or remember where I put the Wet Wipes!

Old age sneaks up on you. The first inkling I had was when people in their 20’s began to patronize me. Youthful strangers started calling me ‘Sir’—, at least clerks did, and my own sons began to be a little more concerned about my well being. Other young strangers just yelled at me, or tried to run over me.
It was really annoying. Every time I tried to make a serious statement to younger people, I got answers back like, “Sure, sure pop!” It made me angry, but there was no way I could argue! I wanted to grab something and shake the daylights out of it, but there was nothing you could really come to grips with. I mean, if they’re not listening, how can you make your point? --And I couldn’t really shake the life out of them, because it could have been injurious to my physical being.
So I had to stop making serious statements to younger people. I started just sitting back and watching them fall into pits of their own making, -- pits I had climbed out of, long ago.
The world is full of sayings, like, “patience is a virtue”, and somebody is always making references to “wise old men”. One of the most intelligent old men, Albert Einstein, once said, “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”
I don't think he was old enough at the time, or he'd have known which was really true!

My physical condition, of course, has deteriorated, which bothers younger people no end. They contend that all I need is exercise. Just pump iron! It tires me just thinking about it.
My wrist is smaller; I had to take up my watchband to make it fit. My biceps are smaller and wrinkling, because I don’t do heavy lifting anymore. I don’t care what any of the ‘fitness freaks’ say, a muscle as old as mine, is never going to perform as well as it did when it was 20! I don't care how much you work it!
I can’t run the 440-yard dash, either. The best I can do is the 5-yard dash to the dinner table. Oh, sure! I can walk one-and-a-half miles around the tract when I put my mind to it, which varies from about twice, to three times a week, but my left heel has a calcium buildup in it and it hurts, and my right hip aches for an hour afterwards, and my legs-, well, let’s just say they’re glad when I get home!
But I enjoy the walk, usually. I can see, despite the floaters in my eyes, the blurry, green gracious trees and manicured lawns and some geese that make the sidewalk a very slippery place and, despite my high frequency loss of hearing, I can hear the sound of the jet engines; wind in the trees and birds overhead.

I hate complaining about my infirmities, because we’re constantly reminded that there are homeless people, AIDS victims, paralyzed vets and ‘Special’ people, who are always worse off.

Still, my aches are my own.
Of course my stomach, despite the ulcer, is healthy. Look at its size!

And I just can’t get used to the way younger people treat older people, now. The worst of them are abnormally cruel; robbing and beating them, while the everyday garden variety of younger person simply ignores them.
Advertising continues to reinforce the idea that old age is something to be avoided at all cost; that old age means your not ‘cool’; that you’re somehow less than human, if you’re old. If you’ll just drink/wash/use/buy this stuff, you’ll stay young forever!
I don’t remember thinking like that, so I know the world has changed a lot since I was younger.
I never could afford to do some of the things the younger people do today, like listen to the cacophonous, screaming noise now called music, buy new cars, or fancy bicycles, complete with special riding clothes that make you look like an animated neon sign. I can understand women wearing tight pants, but if you want to show off your butt crack, why bother dressing at all? --And, I won’t even mention the front crack that shows. At the same time, I wonder how men stand such tight clothes? No wonder we hear stories about “low sperm counts”!

Everything about the young seems too loud, nowadays, doesn’t it--and I’m partially deaf—and maybe that’s why!
They tell us “the young are our future!” Wrong! The young are going to be old, someday—that’s the future!

I can’t stand the smoky lounges anymore, even without the smoke! The noisy music, the smells and the perfumes combine to upset my stomach, and I wonder how the younger people can stand it and why is it necessary, before I remember that, when I was younger, I used to want to show off, too, but I believe I did it in a quieter way, of course.

I guess I’m luckier than a lot of people. I retired early, with everything I need--a modest income, a good wife, relatively good health and good spirits.
Well, you, being young, might ask, “Now that you’re old, what do you have to look forward too?”

Quite simple! Among my other hobbies, I’m going to continue to frustrate the younger set by living to age 95, at least.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Two-hundred, twenty-nine years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent, a new nation, dedicated to liberty—
Two-hundred, twenty-nine years later, the liberals are doing their damndest to overturn that liberty.

First we have a United States Supreme Court who decided, by a vote of 5-4, that a 17 year old murderer should not get the death penalty, no matter how heinous his crime And just what was that decision based upon—the Constitution? No it was based on world opinion!

“World opinion”? How in the hell did the world get involved in American justice? Since when did we ever pay attention to what the world thought was “justice”. Haven’t we had enough of “world justice”? This sounds suspiciously like a sop to the United Nations, who wants to inflict Americans with a “world court”! That way, they can come into your home and arrest you for being a “world criminal”!
They’re working on that one, also. Even as we speak (or write) the UN is trying to have a “world law” passed (by treaty) taking away your handguns, your hunting rifles and your shotguns. To hell with the 2nd amendment!

As Charleton Heston said, “--From my cold, dead hands!”

As for the judges who voted based on “world opinion”--they should be impeached! These men were sworn to uphold the Constitution when they took office. There was nothing in their oath that said they could follow “world opinion”!

To top this off, the same judges have since decided that the rule of Eminent Domain, used by cities/counties for the better good of the public, may now be used to take a man’s home to give the property to a private developer who wants to build a mall! All he has to do is tell the city/county the mall will bring in more taxes!
Who’s the greedy one here? The developer? Yes! How about the city/county? Hell yes!
So you’ll lose your home so that some developer can build a Wal-mart! And, do you HONESTLY think you’ll get a fair price?
Well, you can BET it won’t be Market value. It will be a price set by the city/county—probably much lower than the going market price!
And you’ll have nothing to say about it. If you fight them, one morning the Sheriff will knock on your door and escort you out of your home!

Personally, I plan to wire my home to self-destruct whenever a uniform enters!

Then, standing safely on the sidewalk, I may ask the Sheriff in a shocked tone, “Are you sure you’re deputy wasn’t carrying C4?

(See also: 29 May, 2005 On the Supreme Court Decisions)

Sunday, June 05, 2005


At my age, I should know better!

I keep expecting to see something in the news that says, "PEACE in our TIME", or some such nonsense!

I should know better by now--There's no such thing as peace.
My daddy always told me, "Son--(he always acknowledged I was somebody's son, just not necessarily HIS!)-Son, people are basically no damned good!"

Well, I could see the relevance of THAT alright! After all, look at what I'd just been through!
Three years of High School had taught me that I was outnumbered by the influx of Mexicans into lower California. The school had 3400 students, of which, 75% were Mexican.
I think another 24% were sports jocks and the final one percent, guys like me--cowards!

So, of course, the 75% and the 24% would get together once a week to chase the 1% and, if they could catch us, beat the hell out of us just for exercise!

My 5ft, 10in. body quickly learned to jerk me into high gear almost instantly, moving my little 28 inch long legs so fast, they blurred!
I, an unattached observer, would sit above those legs and watch in fascination as the world went by in a Kaleidoscope of color.
I think I was still running when I grabbed my graduation certificate--at least I don't remember much of the ceremony.

So, as I stared back into my father's eyes, and shrewdly observed the fact that he was waiting for an answer, I said, "Uh, yeah, dad! Right!"

Another demonstration of "No peace in our time"--
I spent the rest of the day hoping the size 13 imprint on my butt wouldn't interfere with my ability to run--

A State Headed Downhill--

I'm pretty disgusted this morning!
I've read the news and it's always the same thing, over and over!

Our politicians in Sacramento just don't get it! We have a major budget deficit and we've had it since Gray Davis was governor. Arnold Schwarznegger takes over and tries to trim the budget to a manageable size and the democraps are up in arms immediately.
Apparently they can't read--because the State Constitution says they're not allowed to maintain a budget deficit!

"Ahnold" suggests we cut back on expenditures, including giving education (besides the 40 percent of the budget they NOW get!) only 3 million more. Personally, I thought the 40 percent was an outrageous figure, in the first place!

So right away the teacher's unions want to go on strike, screaming about how the governor "promised" them their raises and now he's reneged on his promise.

So what does the legislature do? Why, recommend taxes be increased by 3 percent overall to make up the deficit and STILL give the teacher's union what they demand!

So, the way government works is, come up with a deficit budget, then tell the people, "Sorry, but we have to increase taxes to pay for this stuff!"

You might wonder how they get people to go along with them. The answer is simpler than you might think. They give the "have-nots" more welfare and free health care to gain their votes!
The fact that the majority population in California is now Mexican, makes one wonder how long the state can keep on providing more and more welfare and health care!
So it becomes easy to see why they want to raise taxes.

Businesses have decided they can't trust the legislature any more. They're packing up and moving out of state in droves. Just one example: Lockheed Martin owned an aircraft factory in Burbank, along with the airfield adjacent to it. The factory was famous for the planes they produced, such as the P-38 fighter, the P80 and F104 Starfighter and their most famous aicrcraft, the SR71 Blackbird. In peacetime, they built the four engine Constellation and the L1011 passenger jet, along with many others.

They also owned a large complex in Sunnyvale, building various missiles, including the Agena rocket, first used in space docking maneuvers, followed by Polaris and Poseidon submarine missiles. All together, these factories employed, at one time or another, over 120,000 people.
Where are they now?

The Burbank facility is long gone and the adjacent airfield is now owned by the city of Burbank. All aircraft manufacturing has been moved to Georgia.
The facility in Sunnyvale is one-tenth it's original size, with computing moved to Colorado and missile operations moved to Austin, Texas.

Think of the taxes lost to the state by the move of that one company! The state has lost the corporation's taxes, plus the taxes of the employees who worked there.
And they STILL want to increase taxes, to help pay for their deficits!

Will the rascals be voted out of office for their stupidilty? Nope! The socialists in this state have a firm grip on government and they're not about to let go.

Any day now, they will legislate the renaming of California. It will forever after be known as MEXIFORNIA!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

On the Supreme Court Decisions---

--that 17 year old juveniles should not be put to death.

What affect does the decision of the SCOTUS have on our country?
You remember--the one in which they decided, 5-4, that 17 year olds should not be put to death?

I fear the point has been completely lost in the worry over a few maniacal "juveniles" who, committing crimes at the tender age of 17 years and 364 days, are to be treated as juveniles, even though they're 18, when caught!
Well, I disagree, but that's not the point I wish to make here!

I believe the recent decision of the SC is of such importance, that we may one day, like most Monday morning QB's, point to that decision as the point at which our country began it's slide into a degenerate cesspool of rulings based purely on "what the majority" think.

I'd like to see a discussion on the main point--
The point of the article is (and, I believe, is the most important!) that the SC has found a way to circumvent the Constitution ENTIRELY!!

The subject of the USSC has become a hot potato recently, due to the latest decision and the process used to arrive at the decision!

The reason given for the revocation of the death penalty for minors is an illegal one, IMO!. In actuality, the demise of the death penalty would have been more easily accepted if the court had simply quoted the Constitution as the reason for deciding against “cruel and unusual punishment”, but NOOO! They had to cite “National and International Majority Opinion” as their reason for their reversal!
Their decision is wrong for a couple of reasons:
#1. They had no proof of "National" opinion!
#2. They considered "International" opinion, of which there is also no proof, taking into account all countrys!

Opinion is not something that should be taken into account when rendering decisions, since the "popular opinion", or the majority opinion of anything should not be the basis for law!

From the Federalist Patriot:


Top of the fold -- Judicial Supremacists and the Despotic Branch...

The U.S. Constitution suffered some serious setbacks this week. The future of liberty and the rule of law suffered likewise.

It's bad enough that Democrat obstructionists are once again denying President George Bush's federal-bench nominees their constitutionally prescribed up-or-down vote by the full Senate. In a fine example of why we need those nominees on the bench, Leftists on the Supreme Court are, again, "interpreting" the so-called "living Constitution" as a method of altering that venerable document by judicial diktat.

Worse yet, these Left-judiciary Supremacists -- Justice Anthony Kennedy and Court Jesters Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, David Souter and John Paul Stevens -- cited "national consensus" as a factor in Tuesday's Roper v. Simmons ruling. In other words, they disregarded the Constitution's prescription for federalism and republican government in the name of unmitigated democracy. Which is to say, while riding roughshod over the Ninth and Tenth Amendments as they overturned the laws of 19 states, the Supremes blithely pushed the nation one step closer toward what everyone since Plato has described as governance in its most degenerative form.

Writing for the majority, Kennedy claimed that Americans had reached a "national consensus" against capital punishment for "children," citing as evidence that only 20 states allow a 17-year-old to be sentenced to death. Of course, Kennedy's logic is utterly at odds with decisions such as Roe v. Wade. In that 1973 decision, the Supremes serendipitously discovered a right to privacy that allowed for the aborting of children, despite the fact that all 50 states had laws at the time either prohibiting or tightly regulating abortion. So we must ask you, Justice Kennedy -- what's all this rubbish about a "national consensus?"

You recall, of course, that in a recent case, the Supremacists discovered a clause in the Constitution specifically stating that a 14-year-old is mature enough to abort the life of her child without parental consent. Now, in Roper v. Simmons, they've found a contradictory clause, which avers that a 17-year-old is not mature enough to be held accountable for capital murder.

Adding grievous insult to this "national consensus" injury, Kennedy cited "international consensus" noting "the overwhelming weight of international opinion" as a factor in the Court's decision. Kennedy cited the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child when writing, "The United States is the only country in the world that continues to give official sanction to the juvenile death penalty." Here, his message was all too clear: The High Court is building a tradition of referring "to the laws of other countries and to international authorities as instructive for its interpretation" of the U.S. Constitution.
This fact, alone, should be reason enough for impeachment proceedings!

Sadly, such citing of international standards and conventions seems to be the latest fashion among the Supremacists.

In 2003, Justices Ginsburg and Breyer upheld an affirmative-action policy at the University of Michigan, noting an international treaty endorsing race-based advancement for minorities. Stevens, for his part, cited international law in overturning another capital case: "Within the world community, the...death penalty...is overwhelmingly disapproved." Furthermore, in Lawrence v. Texas, Kennedy wrote that the European Court of Human Rights has affirmed the "rights of homosexual adults to engage in intimate, consensual conduct."
Am I the only one who seems to be incensed by these illegal rulings?

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said recently, "I suspect that over time we will rely increasingly...on international and foreign courts in examining domestic issues." W'OT?

Justice Breyer added, "We see all the time, Justice O'Connor and I, and the others, how the world really -- it's trite but it's true -- is growing together. The challenge [will be] whether our Constitution...fits into the governing documents of other nations."

"How our Constitution fits?"
Justice Antonin Scalia, a dependable constitutional constructionist, protested on behalf of the dissenters that capital punishment should, rightly in accordance with constitutional federalism, be determined by individual states. "Because I do not believe that the meaning of our Eighth Amendment, any more than the meaning of other provisions of our Constitution, should be determined by the subjective views of five Members of this Court and like-minded foreigners, I dissent. ... To invoke alien law when it agrees with one's own thinking, and ignore it otherwise, is not reasoned decision-making, but sophistry." Just so.

Perhaps Justice Scalia recalls this admonition from Founder George Washington: "Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence...the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government."

A New Party---

--from the old!

After watching the shenanigans in Washington, D.C. over the past week, I've decided we need a new party--one that "cuts to the chase".

Instead of politicians who pat each other on the head and mouth platittudes, I want a party that demands and gets action.

I've decided to call it The Traditional Party, and those of you who read this, are priviledged to be privy to it's new beginnings.

The first priority is the establishment of a party platform. Second, recruitment of members who are willing to run for office based on this party platform.

This should, in all likelyhood, be called, "advance notice", since the platform is not set in concrete as yet. But you may assume if it's in the Constitution, this party will favor it. The converse is also true!

In my many years upon this planet and in this country, I've watched the slow growth of socialism in other governments and their slow decline in freedoms and rights of the citizens, offset by the sudden growth of taxes to support the top-heavy governments required to support socialist programs.

That's not my idea for America.

The present concept of "big brother" is not my idea of America, either! The fact that government intrudes in our daily lives is inexcusable. The fact that citizens allow government to intrude into their daily lives is even more inexcusable.

I've seen, disappointingly, a number of people who believe there is no changing government and that we're are inevitably doomed to slowly sink into a socialist abyss from which there is no recovery, other than by armed revolution.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you value your country, then you must realise the time has come to regain our independence and our freedoms.

Let's not WAIT until revolution is the only logical answer!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

How Not to Treat a Teenager---

I've just come from the Civilized Debate board, where a particularly nasty episode has been concluded with a 13 year old student deciding to leave the board, since a couple of people "didn't want him there"!

How did this come about on a board that is supposed to be "civilized"?

Well, you might ask!

Leo came to the board a few days ago and proclaimed his interest in posting on the "Shooting the Breeze" forum. (He said he didn't want to post on the Politics forum, because he didn't know enough about it!)
So Leo made the mistake of telling us about a friend of his who was 15 years old and gay--"but was a really nice bloke, who had never made a move on him!" He also said he had already told his friend that he liked girls and his friend was "cool" with that!
He then wanted to know why other guys at his school made fun of him and told him he "must be gay" if he hung out with a gay. He wondered if we had an explanation.

So, in a few short words, I told him that at his age, other students didn't have much tolerance of "different" people and, as a result, enjoyed picking on them.
I advised Leo to just ignore them. I also told him I couldn't see any harm in being friends with a gay person, as long as the gay wasn't "hitting" on him in any way.

So, of course, two of the other members proceeded to jump on poor Leo, making all kinds of horrible predictions about how sooner or later the gay would hit on him and he wouldn't be able to stop it, etc. They advised him to dump the gay friend and get as far away as possible.
In other words, they demonstrated their complete paranoia about gays to the world!

The result is, Leo has decided to drop off the board. He's emailed me a note, letting me know that he would like to stay in touch with me, because I seem to be, as his Cousin put it, "-a real gentleman".

I think Leo is a pretty good kid and, if possible, I'll continue to write to him just to see how he's making out.

It's too bad there are so many paranoids out there when it comes to the subject of gays! Leo was simply a young teenager looking for answers to some of the questions he didn't have answers for-
---and who else would you ask for those answers except adults?

Saturday, January 01, 2005

The First Post!

Whadda' ya' know---it's the First Post!

Quite an event, when you think about it. Of course, you shouldn't dwell on it TOO long, or you'll strain your eyes.

It's also the first posting of the New Year, here.

Let's hope everything gets off to a good start!