Amazed! That's the word.
Shocked would also fit.
Congress has sunk so low in the eyes of the citizens, I don't believe there's any more use for it. I think we should sh_t can the whole thing and start over.
First thing to do is get rid of the 60+socialists in the congress. They're the main reason congress doesn't work. They will never agree to anything the republicans want. Unfortunately, the republicans haven't figured that out yet!
They keep trying the same old things expecting different results! It's like trying to burn down a steel door with a box of matches--one at a time!
Well, we made the door darker. Maybe the next match will burn through!
Umm, give it up, gang! The socialists not only know how to block what you're attempting, they know how to yank your chain while they're at it.
"We've come up with a perfectly good plan but, as usual, the repubs insist on blocking our increasing taxes on the rich!"
Duh! Increasing the taxes on the rich?
That's just an excuse to lay on the repubs! If the repubs suddenly said, "OK! Let's tax the crap out of the rich, the democrats would first soil their diapers, than quickly find a new excuse to blame on the repubs!
The point is, the democrats don't want spending "cut", or "limited", or any of those cool actions. They want to continue to spend, while they continue to lay the blame on the repubs!
You've noticed the debt continues to climb? Nothing has changed. And where's the president in all of this?
Campaigning, of course. He doesn't give a crap about the state of the "union"! I doubt he even knows there's a union. All he knows is there's an election next November and he "might" lose.
That would spoil his plans to become dictator and if that happened, congress could go home, because there'd be no further use for them--ever!
Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)
Stick around and find out!
--I end up here. (Where's here?)
Stick around and find out!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Of Hoboes and Bums
Of Hoboes and Bums
I'm always amazed at the sympathy generated over a picture of a person on welfare.
People drivel on and on about how "unfortunate" they are.
Get a clue, people. They're probably living better than you are.
Take Obama, for example---(PLEASE!)
Obama has never held a job in his life. His sole claim to "working" was back in Chicago when he was a "community organizer"!
In other words, he didn't work. He just made speeches--and got paid for it.
He's still making speeches. The only difference is the amount of money he's being paid and the amount of money he has access to--taxpayer's money.
Or did you really believe "Moochelle" was paying for her own trips to Spain, etc.?
Incidentally, you'll note they both visited Africa--but chose not to stay.
So Obama still hasn't got a job. Now he thinks he's a "national organizer"-- or maybe a "world organizer".
Well, that's what his speeches are about, anyway.
Which proves that fantasy wishes sometimes lead to fruition, whether we like it or not.
It also proves the old adage, "Be careful what you wish for--"!
I have a better idea. Since he can't decide what he can do in this life, I'd suggest we give him a new title:
Hobo, or Bum! Let's put Obama back on welfare right along with his aunt and uncle.
I think that's a job he's much better suited for.
The best part of it is, we could work on deporting all three of them!
I'm always amazed at the sympathy generated over a picture of a person on welfare.
People drivel on and on about how "unfortunate" they are.
Get a clue, people. They're probably living better than you are.
Take Obama, for example---(PLEASE!)
Obama has never held a job in his life. His sole claim to "working" was back in Chicago when he was a "community organizer"!
In other words, he didn't work. He just made speeches--and got paid for it.
He's still making speeches. The only difference is the amount of money he's being paid and the amount of money he has access to--taxpayer's money.
Or did you really believe "Moochelle" was paying for her own trips to Spain, etc.?
Incidentally, you'll note they both visited Africa--but chose not to stay.
So Obama still hasn't got a job. Now he thinks he's a "national organizer"-- or maybe a "world organizer".
Well, that's what his speeches are about, anyway.
Which proves that fantasy wishes sometimes lead to fruition, whether we like it or not.
It also proves the old adage, "Be careful what you wish for--"!
I have a better idea. Since he can't decide what he can do in this life, I'd suggest we give him a new title:
Hobo, or Bum! Let's put Obama back on welfare right along with his aunt and uncle.
I think that's a job he's much better suited for.
The best part of it is, we could work on deporting all three of them!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I Dreamed of a Leader
I dreamed, last night, of a leader among us who was always at the front--who carried our banner of freedoms on high. A leader who cherished our rights as free men. A leader who called and to whom we rallied.
I couldn't see the leader, because he was busy encouraging my friends; leading against our enemies, but I knew he was there, because I heard his message loud and clear.
He spoke of that which is right. He spoke of rights for all men. He spoke of rights for the weak. He spoke of faith in our cause.
And when he spoke of the enemy, his anger broke forth and lashed us with fury--whipped us into a frenzy--warmed us with confidence.
I wanted to be part of his entourage. His message and it's power drew me forward until, without warning, I stood next to him.
Overwhelmed, I didn't know what to say.
"I was looking for you," I said, feebly, "I was looking for our leader." I felt ashamed that I had interrupted him. Caused him to pause in his important work.
And I was fearful of his answer.
Instead of the anger I expected, he looked upon me with peaceful eye and said,
"Never forget--I am He!"
I couldn't see the leader, because he was busy encouraging my friends; leading against our enemies, but I knew he was there, because I heard his message loud and clear.
He spoke of that which is right. He spoke of rights for all men. He spoke of rights for the weak. He spoke of faith in our cause.
And when he spoke of the enemy, his anger broke forth and lashed us with fury--whipped us into a frenzy--warmed us with confidence.
I wanted to be part of his entourage. His message and it's power drew me forward until, without warning, I stood next to him.
Overwhelmed, I didn't know what to say.
"I was looking for you," I said, feebly, "I was looking for our leader." I felt ashamed that I had interrupted him. Caused him to pause in his important work.
And I was fearful of his answer.
Instead of the anger I expected, he looked upon me with peaceful eye and said,
"Never forget--I am He!"
Saturday, July 16, 2011
To Be a Debt, or NOT To Be a Debt--Um-, What's the Question?
Well, here we are waiting for either the big axe to fall, or a landslide of rewards. The politicos are at it again--trying to figure out whether they can afford to raise the debt ceiling, or not. After all, "The voices" are telling them if we raise the debt ceiling, the country will collapse into the cellar, never to be seen again!
Sounds serious, doesn't it?
Well, Booby--don't let your drawers get too tight in your crotch. Ya' see, I don't think anything will happen if we overrun the debt limit. Umm, in fact, if you hadn't noticed, WE'VE ALREADY OVERRUN IT! Our last legal ceiling was 14.3T! We are now at 14.5T! I think Obama doesn't want us to notice that, for fear they'll put a stop to it. After all, if left alone, it becomes a precedent, doesn't it?
And everybody knows Obama never saw a precedent he didn't like!
Besides, he hasn't paid for his birthday bash yet!
So what's wrong with the repubs? Can't they read? Can't they see the flashing lights, or is my weed going old on me and I'm the only one who sees the light(s)?
Look, 'pubs! Pass the bill this weekend that presents a balanced budget, without raising the debt limits. Send it to the Senate. Let them decide to either turn it down, or pass it! (as if!)
That way the dems get blamed for letting the ceiling fall through the floor!
Maybe we'll get lucky and Obama will be standing under it!
Sounds serious, doesn't it?
Well, Booby--don't let your drawers get too tight in your crotch. Ya' see, I don't think anything will happen if we overrun the debt limit. Umm, in fact, if you hadn't noticed, WE'VE ALREADY OVERRUN IT! Our last legal ceiling was 14.3T! We are now at 14.5T! I think Obama doesn't want us to notice that, for fear they'll put a stop to it. After all, if left alone, it becomes a precedent, doesn't it?
And everybody knows Obama never saw a precedent he didn't like!
Besides, he hasn't paid for his birthday bash yet!
So what's wrong with the repubs? Can't they read? Can't they see the flashing lights, or is my weed going old on me and I'm the only one who sees the light(s)?
Look, 'pubs! Pass the bill this weekend that presents a balanced budget, without raising the debt limits. Send it to the Senate. Let them decide to either turn it down, or pass it! (as if!)
That way the dems get blamed for letting the ceiling fall through the floor!
Maybe we'll get lucky and Obama will be standing under it!
Saturday, July 02, 2011
Not only are the socialists coming out of the woodwork with hard Soros money behind them, but facts keep cropping up proving what a fraud their candidate, Obama, is!
Whether or not he is a natural born citizen has been bandied about and totally ignored by congress and the courts, leaving one to question whether or not we still live in America, or Russia. China, perhaps?
Since when can we not get a ruling on this subject out of the United States Supreme court? Why can't we get congressmen who are brave enough to take the floor to protest the actions--in fact the very presence--of the "pretender" to the throne?
Obama is a fraud. Nearly ALL of the citizens in this country--at least the ones having paid attention--realize Obama's father was NOT an American citizen and, therefore, Obama is not eligible to be POTUS!
Yet this fraud is running hard for a 2nd term!
Are there any citizens out there who realize Obama and crowd are laughing in your faces? Do you realize they've made a joke out of the requirements for office?
Here are eight facts which may help you understand how "in your face" Obama's actions are and how much more "in your face" they will be during the run up to this next election:
8 facts prove Obama fraud!
Does anybody think Congress will begin impeachment proceedings next week?
Whether or not he is a natural born citizen has been bandied about and totally ignored by congress and the courts, leaving one to question whether or not we still live in America, or Russia. China, perhaps?
Since when can we not get a ruling on this subject out of the United States Supreme court? Why can't we get congressmen who are brave enough to take the floor to protest the actions--in fact the very presence--of the "pretender" to the throne?
Obama is a fraud. Nearly ALL of the citizens in this country--at least the ones having paid attention--realize Obama's father was NOT an American citizen and, therefore, Obama is not eligible to be POTUS!
Yet this fraud is running hard for a 2nd term!
Are there any citizens out there who realize Obama and crowd are laughing in your faces? Do you realize they've made a joke out of the requirements for office?
Here are eight facts which may help you understand how "in your face" Obama's actions are and how much more "in your face" they will be during the run up to this next election:
8 facts prove Obama fraud!
Does anybody think Congress will begin impeachment proceedings next week?
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Agenda 21 -- or, How The UN Proposes to Take Our Rights
Here's a shortened version of Agenda 21. It's a disaster in the making!
You'll find my comments along the way!
American Policy Center » Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson
Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson
Awareness of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development is racing across the nation as citizens in community after community are learning what their city planners are actually up to. As awareness grows, I am receiving more and more calls for tools to help activists fight back. Many complain that elected officials just won’t read detailed reports or watch long videos. “Can you give us something that is quick, and easy to read that we can hand out,” I’m asked.
So here it is. A one page, quick description of Agenda 21 that fits on one page. I’ve also included for the back side of your hand out a list of quotes for the perpetrators of Agenda 21 that should back up my brief descriptions.
A word of caution, use this as a starter kit, but do not allow it to be your only knowledge of this very complex subject. To kill it you have to know the facts. Research, know your details; discover the NGO players in your community; identify who is victimized by the policies and recruit them to your fight; and then kill Agenda 21. That’s how it must be done. The information below is only your first step. Happy hunting.
What is Sustainable Development?
According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. Sustainablists insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.
Social Equity (Social injustice)
Social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.”
Redistribution of wealth. Private property is a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it (So you will not own property). National sovereignty is a social injustice. So you will see no national borders. Universal health care is a social injustice. (So where do we get health care from?) All part of Agenda 21 policy.
Economic Prosperity
Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy. Government-sanctioned monopolies. (This is how they can take over and the Socialist "elite" own us. So many believe that they will be the elite--so they buy into this.)
Local Sustainable Development policies
Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Green jobs, Green Building Codes, “Going Green,” Alternative Energy, Local Visioning, facilitators, regional planning, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, consensus.
Who is behind it?
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Addition groups include American Planning Council, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies. Foundation and government grants drive the process. (Lots of taxpayer money to convert us all. Did you intend your government to do this to our country?)
Where did it originate?
The term Sustainable Development was first introduced to the world in the pages a 1987 report (Our Common Future) produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environmental and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party. The term was first offered as official UN policy in 1992, in a document called UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21, issued at the UN’s Earth Summit, today referred to simply as Agenda 21. (WSP sounds exactly like communism, doesn't it!)
What gives Agenda 21 Ruling Authority?
More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy during a signing ceremony at the Earth Summit. US president George H.W. Bush signed the document for the US. In signing, each nation pledge to adopt the goals of Agenda 21. In 1995, President Bill Clinton, in compliance with Agenda 21, signed Executive Order #12858 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21. The EO directed all agencies of the Federal Government to work with state and local community governments in a joint effort “reinvent” government using the guidelines outlined in Agenda 21. As a result, with the assistance of groups like ICLEI, Sustainable Development is now emerging as government policy in every town, county and state in the nation. (Here's proof of why we should not elect RINO's and should be certain the democrat party doesn't push us into nominating one! Also, is there any reason to believe Obama won't push all of this?)
Revealing Quotes From the Planners
“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced… ” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993). Emphases – DR
Urgent to implement – but we don’t know what it is!
“The realities of life on our planet dictate that continued economic development as we know it cannot be sustained…BS! Sustainable development, therefore is a program of action for local and global economic reform – a program that has yet to be fully defined.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996.
“No one fully understands how or even, if, sustainable development can be achieved; however, there is growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is ever to be achieved on a global basis.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996. (Now, let me understand this---they don't know how to "achieve" this, --but we're going to do it ANYWAY? Sounds like Pelosi-speak! "We have to pass it, to know what's in it!")
Agenda 21 and Private Property
“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.” From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference.
“Private land use decisions are often driven by strong economic incentives that result in several ecological and aesthetic consequences…The key to overcoming it is through public policy…” Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, page 112.
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992.
[b]Reinvention of Government[/b]
“We need a new collaborative decision process that leads to better decisions, more rapid change, and more sensible use of human, natural and financial resources in achieving our goals.” Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development
“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project
“We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.” Dave Foreman, Earth First.
What is not sustainable?
Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.[/b]” UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report.
[b]Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people
“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.
I am absolutely blown away by the audacity of this plan! How ANY American president could buy into this bullshit, is beyond me! Any president who signs on to something like this is deliberately defying the constitution and should be tried for[u] treason[/u].
We have allowed these filthy commie criminals to take control of our government and now we'll find it very difficult to take it back. All I can say--legally--is climb on your high horse and get deeply involved in ANY effort to take back our government. Obama still has a YEAR to put this crap in place. We have to light fires under the feet of our representatives to make certain they do what we want.
Good luck to all of us in combating this evil attempt to turn us into slaves!
You'll find my comments along the way!
American Policy Center » Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson
Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson
Awareness of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development is racing across the nation as citizens in community after community are learning what their city planners are actually up to. As awareness grows, I am receiving more and more calls for tools to help activists fight back. Many complain that elected officials just won’t read detailed reports or watch long videos. “Can you give us something that is quick, and easy to read that we can hand out,” I’m asked.
So here it is. A one page, quick description of Agenda 21 that fits on one page. I’ve also included for the back side of your hand out a list of quotes for the perpetrators of Agenda 21 that should back up my brief descriptions.
A word of caution, use this as a starter kit, but do not allow it to be your only knowledge of this very complex subject. To kill it you have to know the facts. Research, know your details; discover the NGO players in your community; identify who is victimized by the policies and recruit them to your fight; and then kill Agenda 21. That’s how it must be done. The information below is only your first step. Happy hunting.
What is Sustainable Development?
According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. Sustainablists insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.
Social Equity (Social injustice)
Social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.”
Redistribution of wealth. Private property is a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it (So you will not own property). National sovereignty is a social injustice. So you will see no national borders. Universal health care is a social injustice. (So where do we get health care from?) All part of Agenda 21 policy.
Economic Prosperity
Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy. Government-sanctioned monopolies. (This is how they can take over and the Socialist "elite" own us. So many believe that they will be the elite--so they buy into this.)
Local Sustainable Development policies
Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Green jobs, Green Building Codes, “Going Green,” Alternative Energy, Local Visioning, facilitators, regional planning, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, consensus.
Who is behind it?
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Addition groups include American Planning Council, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies. Foundation and government grants drive the process. (Lots of taxpayer money to convert us all. Did you intend your government to do this to our country?)
Where did it originate?
The term Sustainable Development was first introduced to the world in the pages a 1987 report (Our Common Future) produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environmental and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party. The term was first offered as official UN policy in 1992, in a document called UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21, issued at the UN’s Earth Summit, today referred to simply as Agenda 21. (WSP sounds exactly like communism, doesn't it!)
What gives Agenda 21 Ruling Authority?
More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy during a signing ceremony at the Earth Summit. US president George H.W. Bush signed the document for the US. In signing, each nation pledge to adopt the goals of Agenda 21. In 1995, President Bill Clinton, in compliance with Agenda 21, signed Executive Order #12858 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21. The EO directed all agencies of the Federal Government to work with state and local community governments in a joint effort “reinvent” government using the guidelines outlined in Agenda 21. As a result, with the assistance of groups like ICLEI, Sustainable Development is now emerging as government policy in every town, county and state in the nation. (Here's proof of why we should not elect RINO's and should be certain the democrat party doesn't push us into nominating one! Also, is there any reason to believe Obama won't push all of this?)
Revealing Quotes From the Planners
“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced… ” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993). Emphases – DR
Urgent to implement – but we don’t know what it is!
“The realities of life on our planet dictate that continued economic development as we know it cannot be sustained…BS! Sustainable development, therefore is a program of action for local and global economic reform – a program that has yet to be fully defined.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996.
“No one fully understands how or even, if, sustainable development can be achieved; however, there is growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is ever to be achieved on a global basis.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996. (Now, let me understand this---they don't know how to "achieve" this, --but we're going to do it ANYWAY? Sounds like Pelosi-speak! "We have to pass it, to know what's in it!")
Agenda 21 and Private Property
“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.” From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference.
“Private land use decisions are often driven by strong economic incentives that result in several ecological and aesthetic consequences…The key to overcoming it is through public policy…” Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, page 112.
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992.
[b]Reinvention of Government[/b]
“We need a new collaborative decision process that leads to better decisions, more rapid change, and more sensible use of human, natural and financial resources in achieving our goals.” Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development
“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project
“We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.” Dave Foreman, Earth First.
What is not sustainable?
Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.[/b]” UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report.
[b]Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people
“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.
I am absolutely blown away by the audacity of this plan! How ANY American president could buy into this bullshit, is beyond me! Any president who signs on to something like this is deliberately defying the constitution and should be tried for[u] treason[/u].
We have allowed these filthy commie criminals to take control of our government and now we'll find it very difficult to take it back. All I can say--legally--is climb on your high horse and get deeply involved in ANY effort to take back our government. Obama still has a YEAR to put this crap in place. We have to light fires under the feet of our representatives to make certain they do what we want.
Good luck to all of us in combating this evil attempt to turn us into slaves!
Monday, June 06, 2011
The "Spare No (Taxpayer) Expense" Traveler
Information from Mark Knoller of CBS. Enough to make you sick!
The pilots and crew of Air Force One are flying more hours than a rookie on a beer run. They are tired of it too, and are adding more crew to Air Force-1, - I know this for a fact because I'm one of the instructors that trains the crews. Our company (Atlas Air) has had the Air Force-1 and E-4 contract for over two years and I've been doing it for about 8 months now.
Last year (2010) Obama flew in Air Force One 172 times, almost every other
White House officials have been telling reporters in recent days that the
Democrat doesn't intend to hang around the White House quite so much in
2011. They explain he wants to get out more around the country because, as
everyone knows, that midterm election shellacking on Nov. 2 had nothing to
do with his health care bill, over-spending or other policies, and
everything to do with Obama's not adequately explaining himself to his
countrymen and women!
And with only 673 days remaining in Obama's never ending presidential
campaign, the incumbent's travel pace will not likely slacken.
At an Air Force-estimated cost of $181,757 per flight HOUR (not to mention
the additional travel costs of Marine One, Secret Service, logistics and
local police overtime), that's a lot of frequent flier dollars going into
Obama's carbon footprint.
We are privy to some of these numbers thanks to CBS' Mark Knoller, a bearded
national treasure trove of presidential stats. According to Knoller's
copious notes, during the last year, Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104
days, and six trips to eight countries over 22 days. Not counting six
vacation trips over 32 days.
He took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation and squeezed
in 29 rounds of left-handed golf.
Obama last year gave 491 speeches, remarks or statements. That's more
talking than goes on in some entire families, at least from fatherly mouths.
In fact, even including the 24 days of 2010 that we never saw Obama in
public, his speaking works out to about one official utterance every 11
waking hours. Aides indicate the "Real Good Talker" believes we need more.
Related: Obama spends nearly half his presidency outside Washington, plans
to travel more Related: Vacationer-in-Chief Spends $1.75 Million to Visit Hawaiian Chums.
Obama has spent over $100 million taxpayer dollars flying around in Air
Force One, and probably another $100 million on his entourage. Obama is just
another tin-pot dictator living lavishly at the expense of his subjects.
And we seniors have to "tighten our belts" because we aren't getting a COLA
The pilots and crew of Air Force One are flying more hours than a rookie on a beer run. They are tired of it too, and are adding more crew to Air Force-1, - I know this for a fact because I'm one of the instructors that trains the crews. Our company (Atlas Air) has had the Air Force-1 and E-4 contract for over two years and I've been doing it for about 8 months now.
Last year (2010) Obama flew in Air Force One 172 times, almost every other
White House officials have been telling reporters in recent days that the
Democrat doesn't intend to hang around the White House quite so much in
2011. They explain he wants to get out more around the country because, as
everyone knows, that midterm election shellacking on Nov. 2 had nothing to
do with his health care bill, over-spending or other policies, and
everything to do with Obama's not adequately explaining himself to his
countrymen and women!
And with only 673 days remaining in Obama's never ending presidential
campaign, the incumbent's travel pace will not likely slacken.
At an Air Force-estimated cost of $181,757 per flight HOUR (not to mention
the additional travel costs of Marine One, Secret Service, logistics and
local police overtime), that's a lot of frequent flier dollars going into
Obama's carbon footprint.
We are privy to some of these numbers thanks to CBS' Mark Knoller, a bearded
national treasure trove of presidential stats. According to Knoller's
copious notes, during the last year, Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104
days, and six trips to eight countries over 22 days. Not counting six
vacation trips over 32 days.
He took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation and squeezed
in 29 rounds of left-handed golf.
Obama last year gave 491 speeches, remarks or statements. That's more
talking than goes on in some entire families, at least from fatherly mouths.
In fact, even including the 24 days of 2010 that we never saw Obama in
public, his speaking works out to about one official utterance every 11
waking hours. Aides indicate the "Real Good Talker" believes we need more.
Related: Obama spends nearly half his presidency outside Washington, plans
to travel more Related: Vacationer-in-Chief Spends $1.75 Million to Visit Hawaiian Chums.
Obama has spent over $100 million taxpayer dollars flying around in Air
Force One, and probably another $100 million on his entourage. Obama is just
another tin-pot dictator living lavishly at the expense of his subjects.
And we seniors have to "tighten our belts" because we aren't getting a COLA
"D" Day--Is It Just a Far Away Memory?
Today is June 6, 2011, the 67th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy by British and American troops.
There was little, if any, mention made in the media this morning about this historical and bloody event.
At the time of the invasion, allied troops had little knowledge that the end of the war was to come within the next year.
Here are the particulars from Wikipedia:
Jodl and Keitel surrender all German armed forces unconditionally: thirty minutes after the fall of "Fortress Breslau" (Festung Breslau), General Alfred Jodl arrived in Reims and, following Dönitz's instructions, offered to surrender all forces fighting the Western Allies. This was exactly the same negotiating position that von Friedeburg had initially made to Montgomery, and like Montgomery the Supreme Allied Commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, threatened to break off all negotiations unless the Germans agreed to a complete unconditional surrender.[8] Eisenhower explicitly told Jodl that he would order western lines closed to German soldiers, thus forcing them to surrender to the Soviets.[8] Jodl sent a signal to Dönitz, who was in Flensburg, informing him of Eisenhower's position. Shortly after midnight, Dönitz, accepting the inevitable, sent a signal to Jodl authorizing the complete and total surrender of all German forces.[5][8]
At 02:41 on the morning of May 7, at the SHAEF headquarters in Reims, France, the Chief-of-Staff of the German Armed Forces High Command, General Alfred Jodl, signed the unconditional surrender documents for all German forces to the Allies.
And so ended the bloodiest war the world had seen, not with a bang--
The bang was reserved for the end of war in Japan.
It took two Atomic bombs, one on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki that convinced the Japanese they should end the war.
President Harry S. Truman proclaimed September 2 as V-J Day (Victory over Japan). Three years, eight months, and 22 days after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, World War II ended when Japan signed the surrender documents on the battleship Missouri, in Tokyo harbor.
Since that time, America has been engaged in several other conflicts. In 1950, it was the "UN Police Action" in South Korea. Then in the late 50's, we were involved in Vietnam. Since then we have been involved in several other conflicts.
Regardless of how many conflicts we become engaged in, it does not help us keep alive the history of this magnificent country if we refuse to remember, or honor, those who have fallen in previous conflicts.
Today I take note, if no one else will.
There was little, if any, mention made in the media this morning about this historical and bloody event.
At the time of the invasion, allied troops had little knowledge that the end of the war was to come within the next year.
Here are the particulars from Wikipedia:
Jodl and Keitel surrender all German armed forces unconditionally: thirty minutes after the fall of "Fortress Breslau" (Festung Breslau), General Alfred Jodl arrived in Reims and, following Dönitz's instructions, offered to surrender all forces fighting the Western Allies. This was exactly the same negotiating position that von Friedeburg had initially made to Montgomery, and like Montgomery the Supreme Allied Commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, threatened to break off all negotiations unless the Germans agreed to a complete unconditional surrender.[8] Eisenhower explicitly told Jodl that he would order western lines closed to German soldiers, thus forcing them to surrender to the Soviets.[8] Jodl sent a signal to Dönitz, who was in Flensburg, informing him of Eisenhower's position. Shortly after midnight, Dönitz, accepting the inevitable, sent a signal to Jodl authorizing the complete and total surrender of all German forces.[5][8]
At 02:41 on the morning of May 7, at the SHAEF headquarters in Reims, France, the Chief-of-Staff of the German Armed Forces High Command, General Alfred Jodl, signed the unconditional surrender documents for all German forces to the Allies.
And so ended the bloodiest war the world had seen, not with a bang--
The bang was reserved for the end of war in Japan.
It took two Atomic bombs, one on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki that convinced the Japanese they should end the war.
President Harry S. Truman proclaimed September 2 as V-J Day (Victory over Japan). Three years, eight months, and 22 days after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, World War II ended when Japan signed the surrender documents on the battleship Missouri, in Tokyo harbor.
Since that time, America has been engaged in several other conflicts. In 1950, it was the "UN Police Action" in South Korea. Then in the late 50's, we were involved in Vietnam. Since then we have been involved in several other conflicts.
Regardless of how many conflicts we become engaged in, it does not help us keep alive the history of this magnificent country if we refuse to remember, or honor, those who have fallen in previous conflicts.
Today I take note, if no one else will.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Memorial Day is Every Day
We've just celebrated another Memorial Day and it should be celebrated every day.
It should have reminded us of several things:
-That World War II began for us at Pearl Harbor, 70 years ago.
-that the Korean War started June 25, 1950 and ended in Panmunjom on July 27 1953 It was the first war which we did not win. June 25th, 1950--July 27th, 1953
-That the Vietnam war started in 1954, with American military involvement in 1955, and ended in 1975, that start being 57 years ago.
-That the war on Irag began with the invasion of Iraq on March 20th, 2003. It was a byproduct of the war on Afghanistan, which started a month after the tragic hijacking incidents of September 11th, 2001.
It's now been 10 long years of war.
Think back on all of that. We've been at war in one form or another for the past 70 years.
I agree with that old saying that, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." (Thomas Jefferso), but aren't we approaching the ridiculous? Must we always shed our patriot's blood over every dictator in the world? Isn't it about time we brought our troops home?
At present, we have involved ourselves with the NATO bombing of Libya--the excuse being that Qadaffi is being "cruel" to his people, who are rising up against him.
Correct me if I"m wrong, but doesn't that make that a civil war? And if it does, why are we meddling in it? And don't anybody try to tell me Qadaffi was a threat to us. In fact, the reverse was true. He committed one crime against us, for which President Reagan punished him severely. Ever sine then, he's been the model of compliance, even turning over his atomic research to us to prove his peaceful intentions.
Seventy years of one war after another. Seventy years of one president after another sending our patriots out to die for imagined insults, or acts.
When are we going to allow a full generation to grow up without being asked to shed their blood for the politicos?
The only threat to the United States at present is from the leftists who are now in control of our government and that is the greatest threat of all. Our freedoms--those our patriots have fought so hard to protect--are slowly being eroded by the socialist laws being passed by our own government.
Memorial Day may soon become an afterthought in the pages of history.
At the present rate of our loss of freedoms which we are witnessing, it may not be long before the blood of our patriots are again required to refresh our tree of liberty.
It should have reminded us of several things:
-That World War II began for us at Pearl Harbor, 70 years ago.
-that the Korean War started June 25, 1950 and ended in Panmunjom on July 27 1953 It was the first war which we did not win. June 25th, 1950--July 27th, 1953
-That the Vietnam war started in 1954, with American military involvement in 1955, and ended in 1975, that start being 57 years ago.
-That the war on Irag began with the invasion of Iraq on March 20th, 2003. It was a byproduct of the war on Afghanistan, which started a month after the tragic hijacking incidents of September 11th, 2001.
It's now been 10 long years of war.
Think back on all of that. We've been at war in one form or another for the past 70 years.
I agree with that old saying that, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." (Thomas Jefferso), but aren't we approaching the ridiculous? Must we always shed our patriot's blood over every dictator in the world? Isn't it about time we brought our troops home?
At present, we have involved ourselves with the NATO bombing of Libya--the excuse being that Qadaffi is being "cruel" to his people, who are rising up against him.
Correct me if I"m wrong, but doesn't that make that a civil war? And if it does, why are we meddling in it? And don't anybody try to tell me Qadaffi was a threat to us. In fact, the reverse was true. He committed one crime against us, for which President Reagan punished him severely. Ever sine then, he's been the model of compliance, even turning over his atomic research to us to prove his peaceful intentions.
Seventy years of one war after another. Seventy years of one president after another sending our patriots out to die for imagined insults, or acts.
When are we going to allow a full generation to grow up without being asked to shed their blood for the politicos?
The only threat to the United States at present is from the leftists who are now in control of our government and that is the greatest threat of all. Our freedoms--those our patriots have fought so hard to protect--are slowly being eroded by the socialist laws being passed by our own government.
Memorial Day may soon become an afterthought in the pages of history.
At the present rate of our loss of freedoms which we are witnessing, it may not be long before the blood of our patriots are again required to refresh our tree of liberty.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Not again!
Boy! Am I ever stupid!
Here I just had a problem finding my blog and it bit me again! Lost it almost immediately.
Well, it's back to stay, now! I'm gonna' have the address/pword tattooed on my butt.
At my age, no one will ever see it anyway!
Here I just had a problem finding my blog and it bit me again! Lost it almost immediately.
Well, it's back to stay, now! I'm gonna' have the address/pword tattooed on my butt.
At my age, no one will ever see it anyway!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I've Finally Found It!
Well, I've finally done it. I re-discovered by own blog!
There is no sensation like losing your blog. It's like losing and old companionable dog you've had around for years. You stumble around not quit sure of where you are. You're aware that something has somehow been misplaced--but you're not sure what it is.
It almost leaves you feeling homeless--no place to go. You're a leaf blowing in the wind, fluttering hither and yon and still just not connecting.
So when you finally hit the right keys and come face to face with what you've been missing, your first reaction is, "Well, it's about damn time!"
I've been looking for this stupid thing for about two months. I swear the darned thing kept moving just to annoy me! If it had a head, I'd slap it!
But, since I've finally found it, it's all warm and comfortable again--so I guess I'll let it live a little longer!
But I'm warning you! NEXT time---
There is no sensation like losing your blog. It's like losing and old companionable dog you've had around for years. You stumble around not quit sure of where you are. You're aware that something has somehow been misplaced--but you're not sure what it is.
It almost leaves you feeling homeless--no place to go. You're a leaf blowing in the wind, fluttering hither and yon and still just not connecting.
So when you finally hit the right keys and come face to face with what you've been missing, your first reaction is, "Well, it's about damn time!"
I've been looking for this stupid thing for about two months. I swear the darned thing kept moving just to annoy me! If it had a head, I'd slap it!
But, since I've finally found it, it's all warm and comfortable again--so I guess I'll let it live a little longer!
But I'm warning you! NEXT time---
Monday, April 04, 2011
My Blog
Hey! I lost my blog! I've been staggering around like a blind man trying to find my way home! How about replying, so I can pick up the address? Thanks, buddy! Old coot |
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuscan Aftermath
Well the Tuscon shooting got a lot of people stirred up, didn't it?
It's unfortunate that the dems chose to politicize it.
It was OK for Obama to present an emotional (for the audience--not for him) speech that stirred the hearts of the worshipp-, er, members of his audience. They thought his speech was the best he ever gave.
He DID use all the right words, didn't he? Words like, "respect", and even, "prayers"--which he's never used in a speech before.
It's unfortunate that he presented this speech in his usual, dictatorial way, head turning first left, then right, chin raised. Reminded me of Benito Mussolini at his finest.
Obama never looked anyone in the eye--as usual. He almost seemed to avoid it like the plague. After all, he doesn't want his dictator image tarnished.
And, of course, immediately following Obama's speech, Sarah Palin's speech was soundly denounced as political, while her "map" was displayed as somehow causing the shooter to go even nuttier than he already was.
Doesn't that infuriate everyone--just a glimpse of a map with targets on it sets me off--brings out a wild desire to run around shooting everybody--doesn't it do that for you? Come on, be honest about it!
What utter nonsense!
Well, what can you expect from commie thinkers? Their thinking is done for them and tweeted to all, I guess. All they have to do is follow the leader!
Personally, I think it's time for us to demand border security and enforcement of the age-old laws against communist sympathizers!
Oh, and one other thing---demand Obama resign!
It's unfortunate that the dems chose to politicize it.
It was OK for Obama to present an emotional (for the audience--not for him) speech that stirred the hearts of the worshipp-, er, members of his audience. They thought his speech was the best he ever gave.
He DID use all the right words, didn't he? Words like, "respect", and even, "prayers"--which he's never used in a speech before.
It's unfortunate that he presented this speech in his usual, dictatorial way, head turning first left, then right, chin raised. Reminded me of Benito Mussolini at his finest.
Obama never looked anyone in the eye--as usual. He almost seemed to avoid it like the plague. After all, he doesn't want his dictator image tarnished.
And, of course, immediately following Obama's speech, Sarah Palin's speech was soundly denounced as political, while her "map" was displayed as somehow causing the shooter to go even nuttier than he already was.
Doesn't that infuriate everyone--just a glimpse of a map with targets on it sets me off--brings out a wild desire to run around shooting everybody--doesn't it do that for you? Come on, be honest about it!
What utter nonsense!
Well, what can you expect from commie thinkers? Their thinking is done for them and tweeted to all, I guess. All they have to do is follow the leader!
Personally, I think it's time for us to demand border security and enforcement of the age-old laws against communist sympathizers!
Oh, and one other thing---demand Obama resign!
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