Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sooner or Later, theTruth Will Come Out!

Hawaii State Registrar Alvin Onaka Has Publicly Certified To AZ SOS Ken Bennett : Barack Obamas HI Birth Certificate Is Legally Non-Valid And The White House Image Is A Forgery.

Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:11
BREAKING NEWS – Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery.(TOH).
As reported to AL HENDERSHOT, Editor of The Obama Hustle.
Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery. He also confirmed to KS SOS Kris Kobach that the information contained in the White House image isNOT “identical to” that in the official record.
Many of you have replied to concerned constituents that the matter is settled by the public statements of Hawaii officials, the HDOH birth index list, the newspaper birth announcements, and Obama’s posted short-form and long-form birth certificates. Onaka’s disclosure – the only one made by a HI official under oath –negates all that and fits the vast legal and forensic evidence collected so far, some of which is in my affidavit (privately posted at for NE criminal case #B2-119. 
Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Commander, Mike Zullo (both of whom initially disbelieved the skeptics) have both signed affidavits saying there is legal-quality FORENSIC evidence that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and draft registration are forged.
Onaka has now revealed the REASON for the forgery: to hide the non-validity of the birth record. Evidence in my affidavit proves (among other things) that the 1960-64 birth index includes non-valid records.
Onaka’s disclosure is proof of results-altering election fraud in every state in this country, since fraudulent filing documents were used to place Obama on every state’s ballot. Absent a non-Hawaii birth record, Obama doesn’t even have a legally-determined birth date, place, or parents so nobody can lawfully say he meets the age or citizenship requirements to be President – and yet every Certification of Nomination falsely swears that he is eligible. 
EVERY electoral vote for Obama is thus now LEGALLY KNOWN to be fraudulently-obtained and must not be certified as lawful on Jan 8th. As with the Sandusky case, those with knowledge have legal responsibility to act, and that is now you.
Our President has committed perjury 6 times by swearing (in AZ, NC, and WV) that he is eligible, knowing that he has no valid HI birth certificate (and claiming a Kenyan birth in his bio until 2007), and let his spokesmen pass off two forgeries as genuine on his behalf. He knowingly allowed a decorated military surgeon to lose his life’s savings and retirement and spend 6 months in prison for simply wanting to know if his combat orders were lawful, or whether they Constitutionally had to come from Joe Biden instead – who OPPOSED the “surge”.
It appears that many felonies have been committed. An impeachment must precede a criminal investigation and trial, so failure to impeach is obstruction of equal protection & the rule of law – without which, none of your life’s work even matters because the laws you make will only be enforced when politically expedient to the powerful. A banana republic.Read the full story here.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

REcession, or DEpression?

Never have I seen so many discouraging signs in our country.

We have just gone through a "recession", according to our "great leaders" in Washington.  And they fear if we fall off the "fiscal cliff", we will drop into another recession.

Is that the truth?

It used to be we could trust our government to generally provide us with mostly truths, accounting for occasional lapses in judgement.
Today, the government is secretive and can be counted on to provide nothing but lies.  As the old timers used to say, "I wouldn't trust him on a stack of bibles!"
The problem is, today you can't find the bibles!

So the fact we have "just gone through a recession" is immaterial.  More importantly, we have gone through a life-changing experience--one Americans won't like, because they've lost their freedoms.

We no long have freedom of speech.  Obama's minions are nation wide and attack at the drop of a hat.
I had an article on Obama's eligibility that I posted here a while back.  It drew several attacks by people who had a pre-planned answer to every charge I made.  The fact that most of their attacks were intended to change my opinion by stating facts I would be unable to prove, didn't help any.
Why couldn't I prove them?  Because Obama hasn't released them.

So this goes back to the information generally provided by our government.  An excellent example would be Benghazi.  Four men died there and someone should pay for that, but all the administration has done of backwater and throw up roadblocks.  They don't want any discovery of the truth in this case.
That fact alone is enough to convict them.  They are guilty of some wrongdoing and we know it.  The problem is, without cooperation, we'll never get the truth.  Hillary Clinton will supposedly testify before congress--after a prolonged illness--during which time, she was brought up to date on the current government stories, which she will obligingly pass on to Congress.

Will it be the truth?  Hell no!

So brace yourselves for the "fiscal cliff", over which we are bound to tumble.  Then watch the government explain it's "only a recession", when everything you see and hear--and buy--tells you we are deeply mired in a full-blown depression.
Right where Obama wants us!

Anybody want'a bet what comes next?

For more on this depressing situation, read this @http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-latest-from-dhs-insider-gun-control.html

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

On Sandy Hook--

After hearing the remarks and reading several articles, I find it's difficult to blame the mothers, as many would do.  They obviously are handicapped in what they can do with these children.  In most cases the mother is the stronger of the two--for now.  Obviously, he/she will some day be much stronger than mother.

The "flare ups" from these children is not normally caused by something the mother has done.  It's an automatic reaction to something internal.
Everybody wants to find something to blame when there is no stimulant, no action, no "video game", nor gory scene that sets them off.  They are capable of creating their own "gory" scenes straight from their own minds.
I believe it's an internal trigger--one we can't see--and it's mostly unavoidable.

I suppose you can sit on the kid to hold him down--until he gets big enough to sit on you!

What's truly needed are mental hospitals and insurance programs to pay for the care and treatment they need.  Some of these violent kids will never return to a normal life.  Which is, I believe, why so many end up in our jails--many for life--for the crimes they commit.

It's a pretty sad state of affairs, when our society can't help these people. 

I think we need to commission studies to determine the cause of these outbursts and look for cures in one more frontier in which little is known--the frontier of the mind.

And idiots like Obama, who use a crises like this to further their political aims, should be one of the first people sent to one of these hospitals (when available) for study and possible treatment.

Being the grandparent of a "special" child, for which there will be no adulthood, I feel for all these mothers who must undergo the terrible feelings of watching there child slowly become more and more estranged from their surroundings.

I pray daily that with more understanding in this world and more application of energy in studies of these diseases, we will eventually conquer our twisted "little child" and allow them to become normal adults.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Sure!  Buy American!  Save the UAW union members jobs!

Just saw an article showing the CEO of GM, speaking to a group of executives, about the future of GM.  He says the future is secure "for years to come".

Well, they should be!  The American taxpayer saved his butt!

As it turns out, 11 manufacturing plants for autos and 8 plants building drive trains for GM products are already established in China.  GM has recently moved their Research and Development division to China from Detroit, leaving behind hundreds of blacks who relocated from the south to work in GM plants in Michigan.  Now their work is gone and Detroit is a ruined city.

So again the taxpayer takes it on the chin, with government bailing GM and Chrysler out with a ton of our money.  Oh, wait!  The GM executives just gave themselves huge year end raises before they left for China.
I guess China is an "equal pay" country, so they took their raises before they moved there.

Good luck, GM.  I will never buy another GM product, nor will I buy Chinese products.  From now on I'll buy AMERICAN cars, built in AMERICA---even though they have Japanese names on them.

Turns out the Japanese cars are better made than GM products, anyway.
Ever see the repair sheet on a Cadillac?

Heh, heh, heh!

Obama is Quick to Take Advantage of a Crisis

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the political leeches who continually use tragedies
to further their agendas.
The liberal left's determination to overturn our rights has been rampant for the past 4 years, and Obama was quickly upon the scene, taking advantage of the many dead children's bodies to serve notice we're in for 4 more years of the same.

The pundits, with their long faces, cancel the world while they put the news of the slaughter on our screens for days at a time. They're filled with wondering questions about how this could have happened. Some agree with the president that it's the fault of the evil citizens who own weapons. After all, where did this nutcase get his weapons? The last I heard, he got them from his mother---just before he shot her.
I guess we'd better blame mom. She really deserves it, doesn't she?

The attitude of the country, after the four years of Obama's destructive behavior, is one of depression. I've never met so many people who feel the country is not only down, but out, with no hope of recovery, especially now that Obama has been reelected.
These people are selling their properties and leaving the democrat controlled states, for states friendlier to repubs. California has lost several million over the past 8 years, because they became tired of the taxes and the regulations imposed by the democrats. It has particularly rankled them, because none of the democrats seem to want to take into account anything republicans have to say.
The attitude was best expressed by Obama: "I won!"

Unfortunately, mentally unbalanced people can only take just so much aggravation and it's my belief that what we're seeing in Connecticut is the result of the fiscal and moral problems brought upon us by the communists and socialists that have invaded our very homes, with their Godless schemes.

The first instances of retribution have arrived in Connecticut. As our morals decline further, retribution will follow apace.

I only regret, and sorrow, for the children, who must bear the brunt of the evil that has invaded our country, while those directly responsible for this awful crime spout their hypocrisy from our television screens in an attempt, once again, to blame inanimate objects for the evil in the country.

O rotten politicians, while you play your vocal games with the citizenry, please believe I will do all in my power to expose you for the devil's aides that you are.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Democracy--the Worst Form of Government

Borrowed from a Rockwell post:

Democracy, the Worst Form of Government Ever Tried

by Bevin Chu
by Bevin Chu
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
~ Winston Churchill
"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried."
~ Winston Churchill
Executive Summary: As the preceding quotes suggest, Winston Churchill was deeply ambivalent about democracy. On the one hand, he was not about to regurgitate the civics class twaddle we all ingested about Democracy with a capital D. On the other hand, he could see no better alternative. Alas, Churchill's political education was incomplete. The great statesman, for all his far-ranging political knowledge, was wrong. Democracy is not "the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried." Democracy is the worst form of government ever tried, period. Democracy ranks among the gravest threats to individual rights and individual liberty in human history. Democracy is, in certain respects, even worse than absolute monarchy. Ignorant and arrogant modern day "champions of democracy" need to get a clue. Assuming they are sincere when they sound off about valuing the sovereign individual above the omnipotent state, then the people they most need to educate about democracy are not the leaders of the PRC in Beijing, but themselves.
Modern Ignorance, Modern Arrogance
Modern day "champions of democracy" consider democracy, or liberal democracy, (or is it Liberal Democracy?) their secular religion, and "free and fair elections" their holiest of sacraments. Let's hear what some of them have to say about their religious faith.
According to the right wing, global interventionist Freedom House, which purports to employ "rigorous analytic standards" in its annual reports on the state of freedom in the world:
"Democracies... are political systems whose leaders are elected in competitive multi-party and multi-candidate processes in which opposition parties have a legitimate chance of attaining power or participating in power. Freedom House is a clear voice for democracy and freedom around the world. Founded... by... Americans concerned with the mounting threats to peace and democracy, Freedom House has been a vigorous proponent of democratic values and a steadfast opponent of dictatorships of the far left and the far right... Freedom House is a leading advocate of the world's young democracies, which are coping with the debilitating legacy of statism, dictatorship, and political repression. It... promote[s] human rights, democracy, free market economics, the rule of law, independent media, and U.S. engagement in international affairs."
According to the federal Leviathan's compulsory, involuntary, decidedly unfree, taxpayer-funded National Endowment for Democracy, whose motto is "Supporting freedom around the world":
"The Endowment is guided by the belief that freedom is a universal human aspiration that can be realized through the development of democratic institutions, procedures, and values... the NED makes hundreds of grants each year to support prodemocracy groups in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East."
According to exiled mainland Chinese champion of democracy Wang Dan, of Tienanmen notoriety:
"We make no attempt to conceal the aim of the current student movement, which is to exert pressure on the government to promote the progress of democracy. People's yearning for democracy, science, human rights, freedom, reason, and equality, which lack a fundamental basis in China, have once again been aroused."
According to exiled mainland Chinese champion of democracy Wei Jingsheng, author of "The Fifth Modernization":
"People need prosperity... to pursue their first goal of happiness, namely freedom. Democracy means the maximum attainable freedom so far known by human beings. It is quite obvious that democracy has become the goal in contemporary human struggles."
What can one say in response to these "champions of democracy," except that they are wrong, wrong, wrong? Freedom House is wrong. The National Endowment for Democracy is wrong. Wang Dan is wrong. Wei Jingsheng is wrong.
Freedom House for example, purports to employ "rigorous analytical standards" in its self-congratulatory annual ritual of passing judgment on the nations of the world.
One can only wonder what "rigorous analytical standards" Freedom House employed when it classified Bush II's post-911 "Secure Homeland" as "Free" and awarded it a rating of 1 for Political Rights and 1 for Civil Liberties; while awarding mainland China, which takes from "Unfree" Chinese less than a third of what the US federal government takes from "Free" Americans in taxes, a rating of 7 for Political Rights and 6 for Civil Liberties.
One can only wonder what "rigorous analytical standards" Freedom House employed when it classified Taiwan, with its unelected US puppet squatting in the ROC Presidential Palace since May 20, 2004, as "Free" and awarded it a rating of 2 for Political Rights and 1 for Civil Liberties; while classifying transparent, uncorrupt Singapore as "Partly Free" and awarding it a rating of 5 for Political Rights and 4 for Civil Liberties.
The "rigorous analytical standards" Freedom House employed were apparently double standards.
It's bad enough that flagrantly biased judgment calls such as these cast doubt on Freedom House's integrity. What's worse is they cast doubt on Freedom House's grasp of political science, of cause and effect, of the catastrophic consequences of imposing defective political systems such as democracy upon hapless human populations.
Freedom House, the National Endowment for Democracy, Wang Dan, and Wei Jingsheng are united in their ignorant conflation of liberal democracy with political liberty, and their arrogant demand that China adopt their failed and discredited system of government.
Free market economist Thomas Sowell had some choice words for this kind of facile thinking: "To include freedom in the... definition of democracy is to define a process not by its actual characteristics... but by its hoped for results."
Ancient Wisdom, Ancient Humility
Modern champions of democracy, who fancy themselves courageous defenders of the American political ideal, have either totally forgotten or never learned what America's Founding Fathers knew two centuries ago – – democracy is the worst form of government ever tried.
Don't believe me? Consider the following quotes:
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
~ Benjamin Franklin, leader of the American Revolution
"We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy... It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity."
~ Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury to George Washington, author of the Federalist Papers
"Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
~ John Adams, 2nd President of the United States
"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."
~ Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States
"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death.
~ James Madison, 4th President of the United States, Father of the Constitution
"The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived."
~ John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States
"Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos."
~ John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1801-1835
Surprised? You shouldn't be, not if you know your political history.
America's Founding Fathers were visionary political philosophers confronted with the most daunting task imaginable. Their task was not merely to found a new nation, but to invent a new system of government. They diligently researched history to learn what to do. History rewarded them. It taught them not only what to do, but even more importantly, what not to do. The most important thing they learned not to do, was to adopt democracy, the worst form of government ever tried.
Given the Founding Fathers' fully warranted fear and loathing of democracy, we should not be surprised that the Constitution of the United States does not contain a single solitary reference to the word "democracy," but instead stipulates that "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government."
The distinction between a democracy and a republic is hardly trivial. That the distinction between a democracy and a republic could inspire the Founding Fathers to such passions speaks volumes. The Founding Fathers considered the distinction between a democracy and a republic to be the distinction between freedom and slavery, between civilization and barbarism, between prosperity and poverty.
Not so Ancient Wisdom, Not so Ancient Humility
The following are excerpts from a 156 page citizenship manual issued by the US War Department, November 30,1928, explaining the difference between a democracy and a republic.
The Franklin Delano Roosevelt White House later ordered all copies of this manual withdrawn from the Government Printing Office and all US Army posts and destroyed without explanation:
Prepared under the direction of the Chief of Staff.
This manual supersedes Manual of Citizenship Training The use of the publication The Constitution of the United States, by Harry Atwood, is by permission and courtesy of the author.
A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of "direct" expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic – negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether is be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demogogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy.
Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress. Is the "standard form" of government throughout the world. A republic is a form of government under a constitution which provides for the election of
(1) an executive and (2) a legislative body, who working together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, all power of legislation, all power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures, and are required to create (3) a judiciary to pass upon the justice and legality of their government acts and to recognize (4) certain inherent individual rights.
Take away any one or more of those four elements and you are drifting into autocracy. Add one or more to those four elements and you are drifting into democracy.
Autocracy declares the divine right of kings; its authority can not be questioned; its powers are arbitrarily or unjustly administered. Democracy is the direct rule of the people and has been repeatedly tried without success. Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the strength and weakness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed principles definitely in mind, defined a representative republican form of government. They made a very marked distinction between a republic and a democracy and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had founded a republic.
By order of the Secretary of War: C.P. Summerall, Major General, Chief of Staff. Official: Lutz Wahl, Major General, The Adjutant General.
That was 1928. By 1952 however, the new Army Field Manual read:
"Meaning of democracy. Because the United States is a democracy, the majority of the people decide how our government will be organized and run – and that includes the Army, Navy, and Air Force. The people do this by electing representatives, and these men and women then carry out the wishes of the people.
~ The Soldiers Guide, Department of the Army Field Manual, issued June 1952
As we can see, after being subjected to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's fascistic New Deal, the once free American people forgot their constitutional republican roots, and allowed themselves to be led down the populist democratic path toward slavery.
Heaven Protect China from Democracy
That modern day "champions of democracy" are so woefully ignorant about something that America's Founding Fathers knew backwards and forwards, makes one want to weep with despair. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Mankind was supposed to become more sophisticated with the passage of time, not more simple-minded. Mankind was supposed to profit from precious wisdom acquired at immense cost in human lives, not blank it from memory within a few short generations.
That modern Chinese intellectuals would wind up reflexively parroting pro-democracy slogans is deeply discouraging, but is at least understandable. Democracy after all, is a western innovation. Chinese intellectuals eager to be perceived as progressive and forward thinking can be forgiven for conflating western progress in general with western democracy in particular.
But what excuse do American intellectuals have? The wisdom of America's Founding Fathers is not foreign history. The wisdom of America's Founding Fathers is not Chinese history. The wisdom of America's Founding Fathers is the vital core of America's proud history.
Demands from Chinese citizens on the mainland for the PRC government to adhere to the Rule of Law are entirely legitimate. In fact, they are absolutely essential. Idealistic PRC leaders at the central government level are pressing for such reforms themselves.
Demands from Chinese citizens on Taiwan for the PRC government to adhere to the Rule of Law are also entirely legitimate. Ironically, the current ROC government on Taiwan is far less committed to the Rule of Law than the current PRC government on the Chinese mainland.  Demands from Chinese citizens on Taiwan for the PRC government to adopt democracy before they are willing to see the two sides reunited however, are myopic folly, especially coming from Pan Blue political leaders.
Demands from foreign governments for the PRC government to adopt democracy are the most despicable of all. Demands from foreign governments that China be saddled with the worst form of government ever tried, can rightly be construed as overtly hostile gestures and looked upon askance.
Heaven protect China from Democracy!
The Best Form of Government Ever Tried
Democracy, as we have seen, is the worst form of government ever tried. But what is the best form of government ever tried?
The best form of government ever tried, sadly, has largely been lost to mankind's collective memory. The best form of government ever tried flourished on Iceland between 930 and 1262.
It is time the modern world reclaimed the best form of government ever tried and gave it another chance. But that is the subject for another essay altogether.
America and China, Republics not Democracies
n. pl. de•moc•ra•cies
1: Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives 2: A political or social unit that has such a government 3: The common people, considered as the primary source of political power 4: Majority rule 5: The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community
~ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
1: the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives 2: a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them [syn: republic, commonwealth] [ant: autocracy] 3: the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group [syn: majority rule]
~ WordNet 2.0, 2003 Princeton University
Progressive Era
The Progressive Era ... began in ... the 1890s and lasted through the 1920s ... Many reforms dotted this era, including Prohibition with the 18th Amendment ... the Income Tax with the 16th Amendment and direct election of Senators with the 17th Amendment. Muckrakers ... reaction-producing writers ... were among ... the best examples of progressive reformers ... Initiative, Referendum and Recall, all parts of the ... fully democratic state, were ... pioneered during the movement.
~ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China, like America, was never intended to be a democracy. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the Founding Father of modern China, like Benjamin Franklin, intended that the nation he bequeathed to posterity would be "A republic, if you can keep it!" This much is beyond dispute. The name of the nation Sun founded, after all, is "The Republic of China." This would hardly be worth mentioning were it not for the fact that so many people have forgotten it.
Yes, Sun made frequent and abundant use of the term "min zhu," i.e., "people rule," i.e., "democracy." But Sun was using "democracy" in the greatly expanded, grossly inaccurate 20th Century sense of the word, as if it were a synonym for republic and an antonym for autocracy. When Sun used the word democracy, he meant republic. No one who knows anything about Sun's "San Min Zhu Yi" (Three People's Principles) can have the slightest doubt about this.
Sun, like America's Founding Fathers, was a firm believer in republican government, not democracy. Sun, like America's Founding Fathers, was a firm believer in indirect as opposed to direct government. Sun, like America's Founding Fathers, was a firm believer in structural constraints as obstacles to "democracy," aka "mobocracy."
All this should be abundantly clear from the structural constraints Sun incorporated into the Chinese constitution, which closely mirror the structural constraints the Founding Fathers incorporated into the American constitution. The National Assembly is a good example. The National Assembly was Sun Yat-sen's answer to the Electoral College. The National Assembly, like the Electoral College, is a proudly, unabashedly "undemocratic" feature of the Chinese constitution. The Control Yuan is another. The Control Yuan represents Sun's attempt not only to emulate the American constitution's checks and balances, but to enhance them.
What is the difference between a republic and a democracy?
A republic is a nation ruled by law. The highest law in a republic is its constitution. In a republic everyone obeys the constitution.
A democracy, on the other hand, is a nation ruled by men. The highest law in a democracy is the "Will of the People." In a democracy, everyone obeys a man who represents the Will of the People. A man who represents the Will of the People is better known as a dictator.
It is no accident that Pan Green Taiwan independence fascists spearheaded the elimination of both the National Assembly and the Control Yuan. The aptly named Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) understands only too well that democratic political institutions such as Initiative, Referendum, and Recall, are highly compatible with fascism, whereas republican political institutions such as Constitutionalism, Original Intent, and the Rule of Law are insurmountable obstacles to fascism that must first be eliminated before the Pan Green camp can implement their fascist agenda.
It is no accident that Pan Blue "Da Zhong Guo" (Greater China) reunificationists spearheaded the successful boycott of Chen Shui-bian's illegal and unconstitutional "Defensive Referendum." Pan Blue reunificationists, after all, are true blue champions of the Republic of China Constitution and the Rule of Law.
George Orwell, in "Politics and the English Language," observed that "The slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts... to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration... the fight against bad English is not frivolous and is not the exclusive concern of professional writers."
Truer words were never written. What language could be more slovenly than modern political language? What thought could be more foolish than modern political thought?
Terms such as "liberal" and "democracy" once had exact meanings.
The term "liberal" originally meant "an advocate of laissez-faire capitalism." A liberal was a disciple of Adam Smith and John Locke.
Today "liberal" means "an advocate of redistributionist welfare statism." Today a liberal is a disciple of John Maynard Keynes and John Kenneth Galbraith. Today, the term "liberal" means the diametric opposite of what it meant during the Enlightenment. Today bona fide liberals have no choice but to refer to themselves as "classical liberals" or "libertarians."
The term "democracy" originally meant "people rule," or more idiomatically, "rule by the people." A democracy was a form of government that stressed universal suffrage, multiparty elections, and majority rule. Nothing more. The term did not contain any unwarranted positive connotations. It did not imply superiority over other forms of government. It did not imply, à la Neoconservative polemicist Francis Fukuyama, that mankind had arrived at "The End of History" and that democracy was the final stage of political evolution.
Today democracy is defined as the only legitimate form of government. Rejecting democracy is not an option. "Non-democratic" is equated with "undemocratic." "Undemocratic" is equated with "autocratic."
Today "democracy" is no longer a scientific definition. It is a religious catechism, to be invoked in the same breath as motherhood and apple pie. It is a catch-all phrase for "good government," for "enlightened government," for "progressive government," for "social equality and respect for the individual within a community."
Today, two centuries after the American Revolution, one century after the fascistic, populist Progressive Era, the critical distinction between a republic and a democracy has been thoroughly obliterated. Today "democracy" is considered a synonym for "republic" and an antonym for "autocracy."
This sort of equivocation, enormously useful for enforcing pro-democracy Political Correctness, has made our political language as worthless as fiat currency following runaway inflation.
Alexander Hamilton warned that the essential nature of democracy is tyranny. Thomas Jefferson warned that democracy is nothing more than mob rule. James Madison warned that democracies are spectacles of turbulence and contention, incompatible with personal security or the rights of property.
In today's America, the solemn warnings of these far-sighted champions of republican government and opponents of democracy are treated as "er bian feng" (wind whistling past the ears), and the proud republic established by America's Founding Fathers has been perverted into the very system they feared and loathed the most – – democracy.
The Republic of China under the Two Chiangs was a republic – – a flawed, imperfect republic, but a republic nonetheless.
The Republic of China under Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shiu-bian is a "democracy." Not a democracy in today's ambiguous, equivocal sense of the word, but a democracy in the Founding Fathers' semantically precise sense of the word, i.e., an elective dictatorship.
What Taiwan needs today is not a Pan Green "deepening of democracy," but a Pan Blue rebirth of republican government.
August 31, 2005
Bevin Chu [send him mail] is an American architect of Chinese descent registered to practice in Texas. Currently living and working in Taiwan, Chu is the son of a retired high-ranking diplomat with the ROC (Taiwan) government. His column, "The Strait Scoop" is published on his website, The China Desk.
Copyright © 2005 LewRockwell.com

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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Wednesday's Rant

It's raining this morning, and it's gloomy as hell, which matches the outlook for the country over the next year.
The only people who see rainbows and happy days are, in order, gays and those idiots who voted for Obama.

I hate the be the bearer of bad news--but as long as it involves dumb democrats, I'll suffer with it. 
Obama is going to let the country slide down the coal chute.  He's letting us walk right off the cliff, while he smilingly watches us splat on the bottom!

Now, if I were a democrat, I'd have to ask myself, "why is he doing this?  Why is he letting the country go to hell, when he should be trying to make things easier for our citizens?"

Whatta' ya' wanna' bet it's because he's not a democrat?

Ask yourself how this guy, who was raised a communist, could be a democrat.  Of course, anybody who can read knows the answer.  He admits it in his book.
He was also raised by a Muslim.  We already know that and he admits that in his book, also.

So what do you suppose causes his contorted outlook on politics and life in general?
Well, we know he loves money, power and vacations--in that order.  Oh yeah, and also golf!  Whee!

He admitted, many moons ago, that if it comes to a crisis, he will side with the Muslims.  What that means is, all you generals, and arm chair quarterbacks can stop wondering why Obama has ignored the troubles in Libya, Syria and, now, Egypt.  It also explains why he's not clamped down on Iran, who seems to be mostly behind the troubles in the Middle East!

When it comes to the Muslim brotherhood, he stands solidly behind them.  And when their new "constitution" is released, how many of the Egyptian people's rights will be guaranteed?
Can you say, "Back to the past for Egypt---again!"

Yep, right back to the old, persecute women for daring to show their faces in public--or anything else, for that matter.

So the answer to the question as to why Obama is letting us hit bottom is simple.  He's Muslim.  He doesn't give a rat's behind about our citizens.  And he's learned how to "crash" a country from Marx and company.  And that's been his aim all along. 
Talk about secrets!  This guy can't give you the time, without lying about it!

Worse yet the democrats will keep right on idolizing this guy, until he grabs their nuts and slaps them in the face with them.  Even then, they'll just say it's birth control!

America is gone.  The America I grew up with has been destroyed by politically correct, and corrupted politicians, union leaders and various and sundry dumb movie people who can't speak their own names unless a writer tells them how to do it.

The country is gone and it isn't going to be back, any time soon.  I fully expect to see many people, such as myself, arrested because they spoke against Obama.  It will start slowly, but by the end of 2014, I suspect it will be in full swing!

Obama didn't build those "FEMA camps"  for nothing.  Nope, THEY aren't going to waste!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Secession? Constitutional, or not?

You've probably noticed several states submitting notices to the federal government notifying them of their declaration of Sovereignty.  This is done, because they are a little leery of openly declaring they are seceding from the union.  That, along with thousands of petitions--one, startlingly enough, from California--declaring citizens desire to separate from the Union at the earliest, are then done in by an included request for "permission"!

WHAT?  You declare you're sovereign and wish to be left alone and then request agreement from the federal government??
I can't believe you said that!

Worse yet, you claim you have a right to do all of this, but give yourself away by asking for the fed's acquiescence!
Obama is sitting back and getting a gigantic belly laugh, every time he receives one of these.

In the first place--and contrary to popular opinion--there is nothing in the constitution that gives the federal government the power to stop states from seceding.  No matter what President Lincoln said, or did, he did not have to authority to stop states from taking the actions they did, back in 1861. 
What he DID do, is to use federal troops to bully those states back into line.  His authority was the big stick!

A much better explanation of a state's right to secede is presented here by a better authority:

So what would Obama do?  The same damned thing--and he'd call himself Lincoln II, while doing it!

Whether he was right or wrong would then be decided by the military.  Seceding states would be wise to seek agreements from the military, not for physical aid, but for neutrality.  If the military decided to remain neutral, the State's National Guard would serve as the military arm of the NEW United States.

Once they have seceded, the seceding states would have to "borrow" the constitution, declaring it their own.  They would have to notify the Obama government that they were now considered illegally in possession of government buildings and ask them to evacuate immediately.  If any person in the Obama administration wanted to join the new government, they should be allowed to leave their offices peacefully.  Any government officials who chose to stay, would be arrested and removed.

The only thing left to do to accomplish this, is to find several states with the nerves to band together and openly oppose the present government. 

--or, putting it to music, let's "Begin the Beguine"!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Today is the First Day of the Rest of the Life of America!

Yep, I know that usually applies only to people, but in this case it applies to ALL of the people that make up America.
Getting out the vote has been an important job.  Unfortunately, in California, there appears to be a few people who, once thought dead, have apparently resurrected themselves for one final vote!  Why this is necessary in California, when this state is 70% democrat and 29.8% republican, is beyond me.
But who am I to disparage the state I live in?

Mmmm, I think I will anyway!

California will elect the amateur Obama, once again.  Since Brown didn't run against him, they can't see any reason why they shouldn't elect him---again!  If nothing else, the democrats being the creatures of habit that they are, simply take the party line and follow it directly to the voting booth!  If a democrat ever had an original thought, it would sound something like, "I wonder if the government will buy me a new car when this one  quits?"  And, of course, the man would either be black, or brown!
Now, don't bother calling me a racist, because I admit I have become one.  I went along, year after year, believing in equality and freedom for all.  I believed all the high falutin' phrases that came down to us through our founding fathers until I discovered--as many others have--they didn't push to abolish slavery, either!
And the blacks actually liked their lives then.  "Massa" took care of them, providing free medical care, a house, clothing and all the chitlins they could eat!
And right down to this day, many of them still long for the same things---as evidenced by the black woman in 2008 who said, loudly and clearly, "Obama gon' buy me a HOUSE!"  And as if that wasn't enough, this year another Black woman discovered and said, to her great joy, "Obama gib us FREE phones!"
In fact, Obama "gib" many of them more than one, as it turns out!  Please don't ask what they use them for---danged it I know!  Maybe they'll call their ancestors in Africa to boast about the $1.2 billion Obama gave them as reparations!  For what, I also don't know!  None of them have ever been slaves and danged few can point to ancestors who were slaves.

So what has Obama done to alleviate this "racist" attitude on the part of the whites?  Why, he's encouraged the blacks to become even MORE racist--until the social pages are now filled with comments from Blacks like, "I gon start a riot an' kiw me some WHITE M***er F**kers!"
Ah, yes!  There's nothing like a good education, is there?  Of course, they threatened this if Obama should LOSE!  They'll probably riot even if he WINS---just for the "hellahbit"!

Soooo, WHY am I a racist?  (I ask myself that question, because noone else will ask!)
It's hard to believe I'm a racist because I actually believe in equality for all!  I believe the Black man has every right to advance himself, the same as the white man.  He has a right to run for office, just as the white man does.
He's entitled to be represented on television in the various stories, sitcoms, etc. as white men.
The way they are represented now, is UNequal and in their favor.
You see, the total population of the U.S. is well over 300 million souls.  Of those, 12% are blacks;14% are hispanic and the rest are mostly white, with some asians thrown in.
So to be fair, blacks, wanting "equality", should be represented at a rate of no more than one in probably 3.4 of "all other" races, which would include Asian, Hispanic and White.
But, for some strange reason, they believe they deserve MORE, because, after all, they were so poorly treated for so many years!
 Can you feel my sympathy?

One thing in all of this I am certain of---Obama has damaged the image of the Black man so badly, they will be very lucky to ever see another Black president---especially from the Communist/socialist/democrat party!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Obama, the Con Man, Has Failed to Fool Us--Again!

Yep!  Obama keeps trying to fool us, but we've gotten to know him too well!
Lie after lie---Dodge after dodge--He keeps trying to convince us he didn't know anything about the attack on the consulate at Benghazi.

Now, of course, we've seen enough facts to know he not only lied in his first press appearance, but has lied ever since.  He even allowed Hillary to take the responsibility, then grandly proclaimed, "Well, you know, the president is ultimately responsible!"

Well, if you know that's true, WHY DON'T YOU RESIGN, you lying little creep!

Oh yeah, I know!  You're supposed to show respect to the President.  But as far as I'm concerned, he's never shown respect for the American people.  Instead, we've had to overcome the conspiracy of the media, along with the lies of the "president" and find the truth ourselves--no thanks to the democrat, or communist party!

As a result of all of this, Romney will walk off with this election by a landslide.  Obama will be buried under millions of votes!  What he should have as a reward is a jail term.

Never have we seen a president so secretive about his past; never have we seen a president who has lied so often and regularly to his constituents!

Obama will go down in history as the first "fake black man" who conned his way into the presidency and ultimately brought world shame upon this great country.

We've had presidents who disliked the military and hated our world image, but never one who disliked the military and our image so much he did everything within his power to dismantle it--and ultimately was personally responsible for the deaths of our representatives.

If he had a conscience, he'd resign, but we know he has no conscience, therefore we should "resign" him ourselves. 
Congress, let the impeachment begin!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

What Hath Obama Wrought?

"Mighty Obama has struck out!"

I almost felt sorry for Big "O" last night. The looks on his face as Romney ripped him a new exit hole, was pretty pathetic. It was obvious from the look Obama didn't like being contradicted!
Well, what can you say? The poor guy, after 4 years (and 57 states) never did get his facts right. He tried 3 different times to convince America that Romney was planning to stick the middle class with 5 trillion more in debt--despite the fact Romney denied it to his face---a face that grew increasingly more PO'd every time Romney contradicted him!

It's beginning to look like even the mainstream media with all their lies of omission can't save Obama's hide this time. These debates have put Romney squarely in front of 50 million people and, I believe, most of them can tell a liar when they see one---and I guarantee it's not Uncle Mitt!

At one point Obama was so disoriented by his anger he wander clear off his point and had to be hauled back to reality by the moderator, who let him know he was running clear over time.

What will the 2nd debate show us? Probably more of the same. I don't look for Obama to change his demeanor. He's not capable of looking pleasant when someone calls him on one of his lies.

I'll give him a lot of credit, though, for one thing: He wasn't a bit abashed by emitting his lies on public television and doing so in his most convincing manner.

Yep! I'll bet he could con his 48% into buying a pot load of snake oil!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

If We Lose the Battle, This Will be the Reason.

OK, enough is enough!

I've read copious amounts of democrat propaganda as presented by the Mainstream media(MSM). It's always the same--tell only the news that glorifies the socialist, or communist cause. Always glorify Obama--even though he commits another gaffe--by ignoring the gaffe and inventing another "truth"!

I've also read an equal amount of conservative, or Republican news, whether on various internet boards, or thin little papers.
Listening to the speeches of the conservative candidates makes us feel good, but it seems, with everything we've heard, or read, there is an undercurrent that makes us uncomfortable. We can't quite put our finger on it--but still we know our candidate will be better than Obama.

We felt the same way about President Bush--until he signed on to the first bail out!

Somewhere along the line, the American people have been sold down the river. We've been handed a bill of goods that's too expensive for our tastes. Both parties have contributed to our descension into socialist hell. The degree of declension is judged by the amount of degradation.

We have allowed our lives to be degraded by the acceptance of immoral values publicized on all sides by those whose long term desire is, ultimately, to enslave us with laws and regulations from which there is no escape.

We border now on inescapable slavery, from which, only a civil war will free us.

Unless we give up the notion we can fight these enemies with political kindness, abjuring the use of name calling, or publicizing the antics and criminal behavior of the enemy, we will lose every time. Remember, calling a person who majors in Communism a Communist, is nothing more than the truth.
The people pay the most attention to the loudest noises.
It means the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Instead, every weapon at our command should be used in the fight against these adversaries. We should remember the thousands of American lives lost in the fight against Communism across the world and, as a result, should feel no remorse for hitting these enemies with everything we possess.
How long will we listen to their tomes of respect for those dead and wounded heroes, but ignore what we know are their true feelings?

In the end, it is better to be victorious, than to gnash our teeth because of our weak efforts to avoid the appearance of ungentlemanly actions or words. What will it gain us to say, "We fought a valiant and clean battle, but lost to the more vulgar enemy?"

Instead of a pea shooter, bring a tank killer to any battle against tanks.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Is this what's in store for America?

Are we going to allow a religion, totally opposed to the Constitution, to make the laws of the land?

It appears America is now under a two pronged attack. One by communism (and socialism) and the other by Muslim and Sharia law, with Communism using Muslims for their own ends--and vice versa.

NEITHER of these two ideologies are supported by the Constitution--in fact, are directly opposed to it.
So why do we allow ourselves to be disrespected by these ideologues?
Simple. Because we are afraid of being politically incorrect.
That's right, political correctness is a disease we caught from liberals and it continues to grow like weeds in a garden.

And then there are the Muslims, themselves, whose teachings include forgiveness for lying to Christians when it is deemed to further their cause. So, when they insist they are "peaceful people", how are we to believe them?
I'd like to believe them! But, under the present circumstances, about the only way to believe them is if they renounce the Muslim ideology.

So we are left with only one way to cure this disease--eradication. Weed the garden. In our case pass laws forbidding any party, or ideology that supports the overthrow of the Constitution and the federal government.
Under the same law, demand Muslims either renounce their ideology, or leave the country.

If we do not take such action, we will be overwhelmed by both and, being used to sitting by while others take action, will be privy to a front row seat as we watch the communists, having taken over our government, go on a binge of eradicating Muslims by any means at their disposal.

What a mess to leave our children!



Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Wedding ring is in for repair

Now I ask you, since when does a plain wedding band need repairs, along with your watch, and it takes a whole month to accomplish?
Another piece falls into place. In a press conference last week Obama was not wearing his wedding ring nor was he wearing his watch.
When noticed, his staff said his ring was out for repairs. No reason was given for the missing watch.
So it's just a coincidence that Muslims are forbidden from wearing jewelry during the month of Ramadan.
Can't possibly be that, because although he hasn't gone to a Christian church service since entering the White House, we know he's a committed Christian "cause he said so during his campaign!"
...And I've got a bridge to nowhere to sell you also.

This is the same president that spent the Christmas holidays in Hawaii to avoid religious obligations as POTUS at the White House.
His children do not receive Christmas presents.

Let's just face the facts and quit trying to distort the truth, we have a (secret) Muslim for president in the White House and he, daily, displays his ignorance of American history.

When all of the facts of this man's presidency are made public, there are going to be a lot of embarrassed voters in this country!
Of course there will still be the red voters who are simply angry they lost the chance to turn the country into a Communist slave state!

Monday, August 06, 2012

Syria--an Old Enemy Loses an Old Enemy-

--and the only thing I can say is, we have no right to be involved!

According to several news reports, Obama and company have sent money in materiels to the rebels who are attempting to overthrow Hafez Assad's regime.
So Syria, an old enemy of the U.S. has lost it's old enemy, the U.S. to the new rebels.

But what's the benefit to the U.S. of joining with the rebels?

Well, they're run by the Muslim Brotherhood, so no real benefit there, although Obama sort of thinks there is.
Worse yet, the Brotherhood is suspected of having ties to Al Qaeda--another enemy of the U.S.

So what does Obama want from all of this?
Remember, he's the one who complained, four years ago, about the U.S. involvement in other country's business.

What? You mean he's changed his mind? Well, it's obvious he's trying to give the appearance of hanging tough for his radical liberal left, all the while he takes nasty swipes at Romney!

The fact is, the U.S. has no business being involved in Syrian troubles. What they are engaged in is civil war, so if the UN wants to act like their doing something, let them stick their necks into the noose--as they usually do. The effect will be the same--nothing gets done.

And, finally, after all the candidates talk the first time about bringing the troops home, Obama still hasn't done a thing towards that end. In fact, it will be up to the new president to accomplish that.

--And, there will be a new president.

Friday, August 03, 2012

"When"?? --Or Should We Say, "How Come?"

Received some email recently designed to make you think about he past four years and the strange events which have been generally "overlooked" by the main stream media. You remember those paper thingees and news stations that always said thing like, "FIRST IN NEWS WITH THE SCOOPS!", or something similar.
We've long since learned better, however!

The email contained a long list of "whens", which I have edited simply because I don't want to repeat the whole email here.
Some of the "whens", make you stop and think, that's for sure!

Looking back thru the past 4 years, many "Whens" pop up. Read them all to
better understand where we are going as a country:

WHEN - he received endorsements from people like Louis Farrakhan, Muramar
Kaddafi and Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.

WHEN - it was pointed out that he was a total newcomer and had absolutely no
experience at anything except community organizing, people said it didn't
WHEN - he chose friends and acquaintances such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine
Dohrn who were revolutionary radicals, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - his voting record in the Illinois Senate and in the U.S. Senate came
into question, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he refused to wear a flag lapel pin and did so only after a public
outcry, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he surrounded himself in the White House with advisers who were
pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and wanting to
curtail freedom of speech to silence the opposition, people said it didn't
WHEN - he said he favors sex education in kindergarten, including homosexual
indoctrination, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - his personal background was either scrubbed or hidden and nothing
could be found about him, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - the place of his birth was called into question, and he refused to
produce a birth certificate, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he had an association in Chicago with Tony Rezco - a man of
questionable character and who is now in prison and had helped Obama to a
sweet deal on the purchase of his home - people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he started appointing White House Czars that were radicals,
revolutionaries, and even avowed Marxist /Communists, people said it didn't
WHEN - he stood before the Nation and told us that his intentions were to
"fundamentally transform this Nation" into something else, people said it
didn't matter.
WHEN - it became known that he had trained ACORN workers in Chicago and
served as an attorney for ACORN, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed cabinet members and several advisers who were tax cheats
and socialists, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed a Science Czar, John Holdren, who believes in forced
abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers, people
said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed Cass Sunstein as Regulatory Czar who believes in
"Explicit Consent," harvesting human organs without family consent and
allowing animals to be represented in court, while banning all hunting,
people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed Mark Lloyd as Diversity Czar who believes in curtailing
free speech, taking from one and giving to another to spread the wealth, who
supports Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - Valerie Jarrett, an avowed Socialist, was selected as Obama's Senior
White House Advisor, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director, said Mao Tse Tung
was her favorite philosopher and the person she turned to most for
inspiration, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed Carol Browner, a well known socialist as Global Warming
Czar working on Cap and Trade as the nation's largest tax, people said it
didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed Van Jones, an ex-con and avowed Communist as Green
Energy Czar, who since had to resign when this was made known, people said
it didn't matter.
WHEN - as President of the United States , he bowed to the King of Saudi
Arabia, people said it didn't matter..
WHEN - he traveled around the world criticizing America and never once
talking of her greatness, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - his actions concerning the Middle East seemed to support the
Palestinians over Israel, our long time ally, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he took American tax dollars to resettle thousands of Palestinians
from Gaza to the United States, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he played politics in Afghanistan by not sending troops early-on when
the Field Commanders said they were necessary to win, people said it didn't
WHEN - he started spending us into a debt that was so big we could not pay
it off, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he took a huge spending bill under the guise of stimulus and used it
to pay off organizations, unions, and individuals that got him elected,
people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he took away student loans from the banks and put it through the
government, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he designed plans to take over the health care system and put it
under government control, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he claimed he was a Christian during the election and tapes were
later made public that showed Obama speaking to a Muslim group and 'stating'
that he was raised a Muslim, was educated as a Muslim, and is still a
Muslim, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he set into motion a plan to take over the control of all energy in
the United States through Cap and Trade, people said it didn't matter.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

It's STILL About His Eligibility, Stupid!

I can't believe this problem still exists and is ongoing!

There is no longer any question as to where Obama comes from--His home town is Mombasa, Kenya.

There is so much discrepancy in his background, I'm amazed he's not in jail already!
Even Sheriff Joe has declared the certificate Obama showed the public to be a forgery--which we already knew!

So why are people still voting for this clown? He's lied to us, and lied about his background--what little he has exposed. While at Occidental, he admits he was using weed--and probably cocaine, since we know it was in high fashion at the time. (Still is, I think!)
He admits that in his book! So why wasn't he busted for it?

Remember the big stink over whether or not Big Bubba Clinton had used weed, or not?
It was nothing to what Obama admits too. We even know some of his buddies were criminals. Bill Ayers and his wife. They believed bombing buildings was a good method of protesting. And Obama was "best buddies" will Billy-baby!

What's that old saying about, "birds of a feather--"??

The problems in our country have gotten out of hand, due mainly to this usurper!
I'm beginning to believe it will take a full scale revolution to return the country to its previous stature, but I sure hope I'm wrong, because a revolution like that will make the civil war look like a disagreement in an ice cream parlor!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

We Near Our Answer to America's Future

Yes, days and months fly by. I can't believe my last post was in April! I'm growing lax in my old age, I guess!

I believe the Who and What of Obama are now clear for all to see. His ridiculous comment about "you didn't build that---" proved his ineptitude when it comes to business acumen.
The White House(WH) refusal to admit Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, shows the Muslim bent of our commander-in-chief!
Incidentally, he'll not admit he's a Muslim until after he's reelected!

The desperation of our Muslim-in-chief are apparent when he offers comments such as the one in which he stated the economy was recovering.
I wondered what kind of weed he was puffing?

Or could it be the American people are too busily "cracking" cocaine, or puffing their own weed and are, therefore, too busy to see the kind of person they've voted into office.
An idiot can understand Obama is the hands-down, absolute champion failure of any prior president.

He hasn't succeeded at one thing! Well, with the exception of speeches which he has convinced his followers are "brilliant", but in actuality are filled with lies and half-truths! He must hold the record for lies and that takes some doing, because there have been a lot of politicians who made an art out of lying!

Unfortunately, Obama's lies are too obvious and, therefore, not to be considered as art---just clumsy attempts at propaganda!

As for what's the matter with congress?

The point that most of us missed is, the dems nearly ALWAYS vote for the commie/socialists.
The repubs are voting too often with the socialists.
The result is, we will have a dictator following the next election, unless we change our outlook.

The problem Americans have is, they refuse to see the problems coming down the road. The repubs in congress believe they are showing how willing they are to be "fair".
They're not--they're stupid! The dems are calling them suckers and laughing at them.

Wake up America! Stop worrying about details and understand that, just as we were in Korea and Vietnam, we are engaged in a WAR against communism in our own country.
And we are surrounded--and voting for--some traitors!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Perhaps We Blame the Wrong Entity

For years, Americans have been complaining about "do-nothing" congresses. Demands for action on nearly any subject you can name, whether it's immigration, free trade, gun control, or subsidies, appears to fall on deaf ears in congress. Nothing gets done because of party differences.

But, perhaps it's not the fault of congress. Perhaps the average American doesn't fully understand what has happened to the American dream, which has now become a nightmare! The result of this ignorance of facts, is the election of a president steeped in communism, a president who has no use for the constitution, who openly mocks those who still refer to it. To a communist, the constitution is a document that has outlived it's purpose and we constantly hear references to "ignoring" it.

Many of us are familiar with socialism and the governments in the past who have been controlled by socialist philosophies. Many of our friends and other Americans have died on foreign fields defending not only our freedoms, but those of our allies. To what avail? The average American has had his patriotism incised from his brain and his intellect replaced by cynicism and the total ignorance of American values and histories. What they are faced with and can no longer contend with is a complete take over by communists and their allies, the socialists. What they are faced with now, as is congress, the disparity between two philosophies--Communism and a democratic republic. The two are totally incompatible. The result is a congress where the conservative patriot demands "results" from their representatives--those representatives being crippled by the total opposition of the democrats, who should no longer be called by such a misleading name. They are, in fact, communists.

As long as this condition exists, there will be no resolutions in, or by, congress and Obama is correct in saying he will rule by Executive order, because congress is mired in it's differences. Americans must realize this difference is unacceptable to a democratic republic. They must vote this president out of office, either by impeachment for his differences and opposition to the constitution, or by the vote of the people. We must also declare communism as outlawed because of it's penchant for overthrowing the government. We must never allow this snake to raise it's evil head again. These actions must be taken immediately. If they are not, the situation, like poured cement, will harden and will only then be removed by explosive force.

Until this is accomplished, we can not blame congress for what we, the people, have imposed upon ourselves. It is up to each and every one of us to do all in our power, nay, to exceed our full powers to bring back the America we loved for so many years, for if we do not--as surely as the sun will rise again tomorrow, a revolution is coming that will once again turn families, one against the other.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Obama Buys an Election--The Next One!

Frankly, I don't know how much more we can take!
Obama has been at it again. Ever since the birth control fiasco, when Obumbles tried dictating to the Catholic church what they must do as employers, we've now come full circle from BC edicts, to "instructing" the Supreme Court on the passage of Health Care, to--election fixing!
Yep! He's got the elections squarely in his sights!

He's determined to become dictator. I suspect he's been talking to that Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, who managed to get something like 98% of the vote to install him as "permanent president", an alliterative phrase meaning, "dictator".
Obumbles, I'll bet, likes alliteration.

Yes, ladies and germs, I said election fixing. Remember the comments Obumbles made about how he was going to be reelected? Got any idea why he was so confident?
Well, it's because he sold the rights to vote counting to a European company, owned by a person who contributed the maximum amount of money to Obumbles campaign!

Sounds like Obumbles may just get the 98% he's looking for, doesn't it?

Ladies and gents, we can be proud of ourselves. We now have the most corrupt government on the planet!
I'm quite sure they've decided if congress won't authorize more money, Obumbles will just have the treasury print him up another couple of billion. Seems he always has money to bribe people with.

Well, I always wanted to live under a dictator(--NOT!) Just imagine--you never have to worry about what you're going to do with your life. Obumbles will tell you.

Obumbles has promised health care for all. Well, all but the elderly. It costs too much to take care of them, so he's willing to just let 'em die.
Should be easy. Just like abortion.
Of course, next may come the Jews, the Italians, or whomever else annoys Obumbles.
Perhaps dissidents like myself, who write blogs. Who knows? It might even be you!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Obama and the Executive Order.

One of the things he overlooks is that two can play at that game. Wait until we have a republican POTUS!
With all the talk about Obumbles initiating "Emergency war powers" to thwart the election process, there is one definite action that any decent Republican President should take as soon as he is sworn in.
1. Declare a National Emergency.
2. Invoke the war powers act.

3. Immediately instruct the military to bring the troops home from Afghanistan.
4. Assign those troops to our southern border.
5. Send our diplomat(s) to Mexico and inform them we are blockading the southern border--nobody in, or out!
6. Post notices in English and Spanish, "American Troops will shoot on sight anyone caught crossing this border, until further notice."
1. Request congress immediately declare all communist and socialist sympathizers as "enemies of the state".
2. If congress blocks such a law, issue an Executive order declaring the same, under the war powers act.
3. Demand the Justice department initiate investigations to determine which persons, wherever they are located, are active communist, or socialist sympathizers.
4. Prosecute the active members as "enemies of the state".
5. Issue an executive order declaring the socialist and communist parties to be illegal.
1. Withdraw all funding from the UN and declare ourselves independent of same.
2. Demand immediate withdrawal of all parties from the UN buildings.
3. Initiate a NEW United DEMOCRATIC Nations consisting of those countries which are either republics, or democracies. Refuse membership to communist, or socialist nations.
4. Publish a list of basic allies--those who will receive our commitment to defend with our lives. Include only those South American countries who demonstrate our values.

-And this is only the beginning. There should also be a part four on trade with partners and the use of our natural resources. A cessation of trade with those countries whose only intent is to bring us down and a beginning of more drilling along the coast and the interior shale deposits.
Why should we do all of this? Because socialists and communists are antithesis to the constitution. They are truly enemies of the state and should be charged as such. They do NOT have the best interests of the nation at heart and they never will.
We need to call a traitor a FREAKING TRAITOR for a change, instead of allowing them to claim they're "only expressing a different opinion"--and "free speech", etc.
We can no longer afford this weakness. These people intend to rule us and to destroy this country.
The same can be said for most Muslims in this country. A new president must immediately instruct the justice department that Sharia law is to be given no consideration in any decision in our courts.

We need strong measures to turn our nation around. The only people who deserve freedom, are those who will fight for it.

Unfortunately, I'm too old any more, or I'd be back in uniform fighting this administration with everything I had!
Wakey, wakey, America! You've got several commies in the various rat holes we used to call the Executive and Judicial branch of our government.

Monday, March 05, 2012

What's Happened to our Newspapers and TV News Programs?

Long title, huh?
Well, how else do you begin a discussion on the sad state of affairs the main stream media is in?
Remember the old term, "yellow journalism"? It was a term used to describe a paper, or news broadcast, who sensationalized the news to get readers/listeners. It also stood for an organization that "made up" news for the same purpose.

I can remember when I was a little twerp, reading about the antics of various news reporters who were idolized for their outstanding principles and their strict attention to the truth of the article.
Karl Mauldin was one such hero. He covered WW 2 from Europe to the Pacific theatre. There was never any challenge to the truth of his articles. He had a reputation for explaining the GI in combat--and the GI's loved him for it!
There were many other reporters nearly as well known, right along with the ones who were known for "cheating" on their articles.
But that's another story.

When I was in college, I majored in Journalism. We were taught some very high standards in being truthful. As a sports writer, at the time, I entered the news room to find the entire football team standing around my desk, waiting for me!
And those were some B-I-G dudes, let me tell you!
"What's up guys," I asked. A big finger poked under my nose and a bigger voice said, "Did you write this article", holding it up.
"Um, yas! See? My name is under the headline!"
"How come you're trying to make us look bad?"
"Sorry, I don't have to do that--you're doing a good enough job yourself."
"Listen, we need these stories to help us get scholarships to the bigger schools. Why can't you give us a break?"
"Did you guys win the game?"
"Well, no--but we had some good plays you could have talked about."
"Didn't you fumble the ball on your own 3 yard line, causing your team to lose the game?"
"Everybody fumbles once in a while!"
"Not if they want a good write up, they don't."

The moral of the story is, of course, I could have found "nice" things to say about the team if I had wanted to give the players a false sense of how well they were doing. The result was, there were no more fumbles the rest of the season, even though they lost several more games.

So this is what I learned in college. Tell the truth, even if you don't like it.

Why aren't the MSM doing that now?
And, since they aren't doing that, why aren't they ashamed of themselves?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our 1st Amendment Rights are in Obama's Gun Sights

I knew if we waited long enough, Obama would get around to killing the 1st amendment. In fact, he's attacked it on two fronts--one, through taking on the churches and, two, accepting a Muslim conference which proposes world law that outlaws dissent of any kind with Muslim religion, or it's "holy book"!
I've been saying for some time that Obama is actually a Muslim in disguise and he's now actively proving it.

Think about it. He won't attack Iran and he told Israel he wouldn't support an attack by them on Iran. Now he's planning to allow Sharia law into America, even though he has to go through the back door of the UN to do it.
Next you can bet it's going to be guns that will be the target.

He's also canoodling with the democrat governors to get their support to bypass congress next year. Do you understand what that means?
He wants to be dictator and he expects the democrat governors to back his play!

Let me tell you, folks, things are getting deadly serious! Any more serious and I may move to Europe, where the socialists are more sensible!

Actually, seeing these news stories saddens me. To think this beautiful country has come to this state of affairs--that we would allow, and vote in, a dictator.

Anybody remember how Adolf Hitler came to power? The same way. Lied to the people; told them what they wanted to hear and they blindly voted him into office. The rest, as they say, is history.

Here's a link where you can check out this story. It's becoming fairly widely known!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Where Did Our Freedom Go?

We no longer live in the land of the free and home of the brave. There's no more freedom and the brave are rapidly leaving the service. Why die for the principles of socialism, or communism? Weren't we just fighting against those philosophies not long ago?
How quickly people forget!

Obumbles has dictated churches will provide birth control pills to their employees. Any American should be able to tell him, his edict is unconstitutional. It is a violation of the 1st amendment and the right of religious organizations to exist without government hindrance. That means NO interference from government which, it seems, has always annoyed the socialist democrats.

The churches are within their rights to refuse to comply with such orders, even if it means incarceration for a short time--until patriots win back their freedom.
For Obumbles to continue in this vein will simply mean he may be the direct cause of another revolution.
The first president since Abe Lincoln, to do so.

Remember how they called Bill Clinton the first "black president"?
It's going to be a major blow to the black population in this country who will lose credibility for any further attempts at running another black democrat for president.

And they will have earned that distinction by electing the first Communist President in America!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Why am I Reminded of Obama, Every Time I See Europe on a Map?

Well, chum, maybe it's because he's doing his damnedest to change America into another Europe.
If he thought he'd could move this continent alongside Europe, he would. He wants to be within walking distance, I guess.

I've got a better plan. Let's find a small, 20 foot sailboat and set him adrift. If he can learn to sail, maybe he could make it to Europe, because as far as I'm concerned, Obama is not a natural born citizen and is ineligible to be president. And as far as I'm concerned, he's no longer welcome in this country.

And if that wasn't enough, the list of infringements he's shoved down the throats of the American people should convince anybody that this guy hated America when he was running for office and still does.

This country has had it's share of great presidents. It's unfortunate that our students, from grade school through college, can't name 4 of the founding fathers.
The reason? Teachers are too busy teaching "social studies" and socialist mores.
And then we stupidly wonder why they don't know anything! Well, anything American, at least.

I listened to a speech from a foreigner. I was absolutely shocked to find he not only knew the constitution, but was more passionately patriotic than any American I've met in years. It was a beautiful speech. It's one every American should be made to listen to, because the speech, given at CPAC was 27 minutes long and I'm well aware the any speech that long, will lose at least half of it's American audience, because the only thing they'll listen to longer is the news of Whitney Houston's death!
Yep, that was such a mountainous and calamitous event that every news channel can do nothing but sob over her demise. And so far, they have no idea what was the cause of death--and we hear that over and over, as though it's the fault of the police who haven't told us.
I don't really want to hear it. Houston, at one time, had a good voice and she made a ton of money from it. Then the drugs she was using destroyed her voice so she quit singing. That's the long and short of it. And finally, at the age of 48, she gets found in a bathtub, deader'n a doornail.
Now, she either overdosed on drugs, or drowned. Or overdosed on drugs and drowned herself. I don't much care which. She wasn't my role model.

So, returning to the condition of our country (which Houston appeared to be one aspect of) I'm going to list the link to the speech, because it's so good I'd like to preserve it.

Obama has decided his motto for this next campaign is, "Winning The Future"!
Now THAT'S a real HOOT!
WTF, Obama?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Death of our 1st Amendment Rights

It's now a "done deal"! You've sat on your hands long enough so that Obama and his crowd have stepped in and scammed you out of your 1st amendment rights.

"And just how did they do that", you might ask.
I'll tell you. They offered churches an "accommodation" on their 1st amendment rights.
"Oh, HO!", you shout. "You don't know what you're talking about! That accommodation was only for dispensing birth control (BC) pills and had nothing to do with the 1st amendment."
But, you see, it had everything to do with the 1st amendment. The churches claimed they had the 1st amendment right to practice religion as they pleased. The government, by demanding they supply women with BC options, was trying to force them to abandon their beliefs against abortion and go with the national flow on BC.
The churches said, "No way, Jose!", so Obama thought and thought (at least he wants us to THINK he thought!) and finally came up with a compromise. He'd let the insurance companies directly supply the ladies with what they desired!
Unfortunately those insurers plans are paid for by the churches--SO, Obumbles was once again forcing the churches to pay for the "free" BC pills for the ladies.

Are you beginning to see the problem with this? That's correct--there was no compromise. It was either Obumbles way, or the highway, and the churches are still fighting with him over that.

IF OBAMA WINS--he will have destroyed the 1st amendment rights for ALL CITIZENS!

"What?", you bellow. (I heard you--you bellowed!)
It's simple. By issuing a "compromise", or "adjustment" for the churches, Obama has just announced he (the government) controls your 1st amendment rights--OTHERWISE HE COULDN'T ISSUE ADJUSTMENTS, OR COMPROMISES!

NOW do you get it? Obama, according to the 1st amendment, DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to force Women's need for free BC pills/gadgets on the churches!
No! Women just need to be free to buy their own--just as men do!

Actually, that's a smoke screen! The problem here is a matter of control and overriding the 1st amendment.
This is really an attack on all of our rights! If they can show the government can allow "accommodations" to groups--then what they are saying is, government controls our 1st amendment rights!
For these idiots to say the contraceptive policies will stand, is letting us know THEY have the final say on our rights. This has been the aim of Obama all along and everybody is playing into his hands by concentrating on BC and abortion!

Your 1st amendment rights are on the door sill of democracy, headed out!

Can you say we're being outmaneuvered by DICTATOR OBAMA??? ANY OF OUR 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS,---therefore, he CAN'T LEGALLY OFFER AN ADJUSTMENT!

Be warned! If the churches accept this "compromise", we will ALL be in very deep doo-doo. And it will be very difficult to take back our stolen rights which most of you citizens out there have sat on your keesters waiting for George to take care of the problem.
"Well," you whine (I HEARD you "whine"!) "I have to work and I'm tired when I get home from work."

Wait until the government puts you to work at slave wages and THEN tell me how tired you are.
Wait until you read this column, six months from now, and are arrested for "subversive" documents on your computer, to see how tired you get in overcrowded jails.

Whatever you can do NOW, you MUST do! We can not let Obama bamboozle us again!
Write your representatives and Senators and express your displeasure over this whole scam.

If you don't want to do that, enjoy the following years in a socialist society where you have no more rights!
You've earned it!