Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

PPD, or What's an Old Feller Ta' Do?

Been struggling the last few days!
Dangdest thing!

Every morning I get up about the same time--5:30 to 6 a.m.--regular as clockwork! (Well, it IS a clock, isn't it?)
Every morning while the wife sleeps, I wander into the bathroom for my morning constitutional and watch a thin little stream drizzle into the toilet bowl.

The little woman always reminds me to "make sure you don't miss!"
Now I ask you, how can a dinky little stream like that MISS? It's physically impossible!

And I guess I shouldn't call it a "stream", exactly, when it looks more like a drizzle!
It drizzles for a while and then shuts off. Then, just when I think I'm done--it drizzles a little more!
It does that four or five times in a row--sometimes six!

Damn that's irritating!
I'd like to grab it by it's scrawny little neck and choke it to death, but it'd probably enjoy it too much!

I suppose the correct acronym for it is, "PPD"!

What's PPD, you might ask?
It's "Pee-Pee Dysfunction"--a word I invented on my own while staring down at a tiny drizzle streaming into a bowl!
I do some of my best thinking--and cursing--while waiting for a drizzle to end!
"Dod-blast the dadburned drips", I usually say, or something that sounds much like that.

What's even more disturbing are the gassy noises that accompany the drizzles.
Well, the drizzles don't make gassy noises, but I do, and they're not the silent type, either .
They sound sort of like "BRAPPPP!", or "FFFFRAAAAPP!", ending with a "fffiiiiisssss!"

What are you supposed to do if, right in the middle of a drizzle and a BRAP, you discover a large and annoying event is arriving?
You have to drop your drawers, turn around and sit quickly. Unfortunately, you can't always do this when in the middle of a drizzle--or even a BRAP!
--And I don't have to explain what happens if you wait TOO long! Yup-- BRAPPFFFFisssss, OOPS!
Too late!

So I'm now dreading going to bed, simply because I know I'm going to have to get up the next morning and go through the same ordeal!
Each morning I stand and think about the problem. There must be SOMETHING I can do about it, short of tying a string around it's puny little neck and strangling it to death!

I asked the doctor--once--and he scared me to death!

He said, "We can cure that easily---we'll just "roto-rooter" it!"

Never brought it up again!

Come to think about it, it's never raised IT'S puny little head since then, either!