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Monday, March 01, 2010

Obama's Plan for Absolute Control

Well, after weeks and weeks of discussion, arguments and closed door SECRET sessions, the democrats feel ready to jam health care down our throats!
"I'M the BOSS", was "der Schwarze Fuhrer's" message to the repubs at their recent sit down gab fest--where the dems did all of the talking.
When the repubs spoke, they were immediately belittled either by Obammer, or Pelousy!
So the dems feel confident at going forward with the plans for passage of a bill that will, basically and for the first time, establish a dictatorship in this country. Our omnipresent government will have absolute control over the most important parts of our economy.

At the present, Pelousy doesn't have the votes to pass the health care bill. She's going to have to browbeat some blue dogs into line, first. That will take time. Time should be on our side.
I'm also sure the repubs plan a filibuster to slow the process even more.

On the other hand, I no longer trust anything "der Schwarze Fuhrer" says, or does; neither do I trust Pelousy, or Reid.
I am equally convinced Obammer is determined to become a dictator and to that end will do whatever is required to achieve it. IF he can do it peacefully, so be it, but at the first sign of open rebellion, he will clamp down.

The American people were warned during the campaign that, despite his hidden records, there was enough information available to show his communist/socialist leanings. After all, everyone admitted he was the most left leaning Senator in the Senate!

The American people, through their own ignorance, chose to ignore those signs and voted this monster into office!
We are now going to pay the price for this major mistake. And I'm not sure open rebellion is any longer an option, since it requires organization, supplies, etc. A few patriots carrying their .30-30's to DC would shortly be vulture feed!

As has been said, ""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." --- Thomas Jefferson.
At this late date, it may, indeed, be very, very bloody!